UNEP POPs GEF Project - Workshop on Persistent Organic Pesticides, Geneva, February 22-26, 1999 OECD Project on POPs Risk assessment associated with long term low dose exposure to persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic pesticides Suzanne Fortin APPENDIX 5
UNEP POPs GEF Project - Workshop on Persistent Organic Pesticides, Geneva, February 22-26, 1999 Overview of presentation Link to UNEP GEF project Persistent organic pesticides Why propose the project? Goals and overview of OECD project Summary closing
UNEP POPs GEF Project - Workshop on Persistent Organic Pesticides, Geneva, February 22-26, 1999 Link to UNEP GEF project Substances targeted –POPs include PBT pesticides –same fundamental characteristics POP threat, for the future
UNEP POPs GEF Project - Workshop on Persistent Organic Pesticides, Geneva, February 22-26, 1999 Persistent organic pesticides POPs already identified –e.g. UNEP, UNECE POPs may exist among pesticides already in use POPs may occur among new pesticides that are proposed for use
UNEP POPs GEF Project - Workshop on Persistent Organic Pesticides, Geneva, February 22-26, 1999 Why propose the project? Increased focus on POPs/PBTs (TSMP) Questions about RA of PBT substances –especially borderline substances International commitments related to new POPs/PBTs Other countries may have similar questions Harmonization of elements of the RA
UNEP POPs GEF Project - Workshop on Persistent Organic Pesticides, Geneva, February 22-26, 1999 Goals of the OECD project Clarify information available and how it is used Guidance/consistent approach to assist in preventing the continued development and use of new POP/PBT pesticides Identify new data requirements and need for developing test guidelines
UNEP POPs GEF Project - Workshop on Persistent Organic Pesticides, Geneva, February 22-26, 1999 Parameters Build on relevant activities –selecting POPs; predicting LRT potential; using models and monitoring in RA Focus on ecotoxicity and environmental fate
UNEP POPs GEF Project - Workshop on Persistent Organic Pesticides, Geneva, February 22-26, 1999 Outcome Knowledge of available information New data requirements (UNEP? SETAC?) New test guidelines Harmonization of approaches (throughout and next steps)
UNEP POPs GEF Project - Workshop on Persistent Organic Pesticides, Geneva, February 22-26, 1999 Stages Questionnaire to collect RA info Exercise Monitor related activities (ongoing) Review information and draw conclusions
UNEP POPs GEF Project - Workshop on Persistent Organic Pesticides, Geneva, February 22-26, 1999 Questionnaire focus Information available/data required Test guidelines followed Monitoring data and models, what and how Data interpretation RA principles/policies
UNEP POPs GEF Project - Workshop on Persistent Organic Pesticides, Geneva, February 22-26, 1999 Specific results anticipated Id. areas of agreement Id. important differences Harmonization (current and subsequent) Consistency with related activities Id. new data requirements and necessary test guidelines
UNEP POPs GEF Project - Workshop on Persistent Organic Pesticides, Geneva, February 22-26, 1999 Summary closing Relationship to GEF - substances/threat Focus is on long-term low-dose exposure to new POP/PBT pesticides Improve RA capacity with a consistent international approach/harmonization. Prevent the release of new POP/PBT pesticides and related threats.