Tide Navigator Tutorial
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Opening Tide Navigator Click on either the Employee or Faculty Tab. In the Banner Self-Service channel, click on the Tide Navigator (Degree Audit) link. Tide Navigator will open in a new window and you will be signed on. There is no need for a user name and password as you are being signed in based on your myBama credentials.
Loading A Student Enter the student’s CWID in the Student ID box. Click Load to pull the student’s academic information into the degree audit system.
The Student Profile Once loaded, the student’s name and CWID should appear in the My Account box on the left side of the page. Also in the My Account box, you will find two links. The My Course link will take you to a screen showing all of the courses the student has taken and all courses they are currently enrolled in. The Notes link will take you to a screen that will show any notes that have been left for a student by faculty/advisors. We’ll take a more in depth look at these features later in the tutorial.
The Student Profile The My Program of Study box contains all of the programs in which a student is currently enrolled. A program is defined as a major or minor. Therefore, if a student has one major and one minor, the first statement in this box will read that the student is enrolled in 2 programs. To be able to run an audit on a student’s combined program which consists of the major and all applicable minors, you will have to first click on the links that states the total number of programs in which the student is enrolled. Initially, the individual programs will be hidden, however, by clicking on the +/-, you can expand or retract the detail in this box.
The Student’s Programs At the top of the page, you will see each program that the student is currently enrolled in along with the corresponding catalog version. Below the list of separate programs is a link that combines all of the student’s current programs. Clicking on this link will allow you to run an audit that checks against all major and minor requirements rather than auditing each program individually. Below the combined program, you will see links that will take you to all of the shared requirements associated with this student’s programs. To proceed with the audit, let’s go back and click on the combined program link.
Program Description You will now see the combined program description for the current student. This program description will include all general education, major, minor, and ancillary course requirements along with any conditions associated with this student’s programs. This view does not offer any insight into what this specific student has or has not completed. It is simply the list of all associated requirements and conditions.
Program Description By clicking on the arrow to the left of the Run Report button, you open up a drop down box of available audit reports. When the drop down box appears, you will see that there are five different audit reports that can be run. Click on the report that you want to run and then click the Run Report Button. Now we’ll take a look at the difference between the available reports.
Full Report The Full Report is by far the most comprehensive of all of the audit reports. Under the program, you will see how many credits this student has completed out of the total number required for this degree program. Tide Navigator assumes that all classes a student is currently enrolled in will be completed for credit. Therefore, all current classes are include in this total. Moving to the right, you will see how many of the degree requirements the student has completed out of the total number of requirements associated with this degree. Moving down the report, you will see the legend for this audit. This explains the different symbols that will be used to illustrate this report. A checkmark signifies a completed course while a green circle indicates a course that the student is currently enrolled in or has registered to take in a later term. At the top of this report, you will find the student’s name, CWID, and the program or combined program against which this audit is being run.
Full Report (continued) As you scroll down the audit report, you will come to the first requirement labeled V1. Each requirement will be titled with V and a number in sequential order. Under the title, you will see the total number of credits needed to fulfill this requirement along with the number of credits that have already been completed by this student. Once again, this total includes classes in which the student is currently enrolled. As you start to look at the requirements themselves, you will notice the checkmarks beside all of the classes that this student has completed. Underneath the sets of requirements, you will see any notes associated with this requirement. These notes are meant only to advise students and have no actual bearing on whether or not the audit is shown as complete or incomplete.
Full Report (continued) As you scroll further down the audit report, you will see the conditions that are associated with each requirement. Contrary to the notes, conditions do have a actual bearing on whether or not the audit is complete. For instance, if a condition specifies that a student must achieve a minimum grade of C- for any Math course, Math courses completed with a D+ or below will not be used in the audit. Underneath the conditions, all courses (both completed and current) that have been used to fulfill the current requirement are listed. Next to the course subject and number, you will notice information contained within parenthesis. This information includes the number of credit hours associated with the class, the semester the class was taken in, the grade received in the class, and any special codes associated with this class (these codes will be defined later in this tutorial).
Full Report (continued) After scrolling down past all of the requirements, you will come to all of the conditions associated with this student’s programs. These are the same conditions that were displayed below the individual requirements except that here they are expanded into more detail. There are several different types of conditions that may be associated with course requirements. These conditions include but are not limited to minimum and maximum course restrictions, grade requirements and GPA requirements. Pay close attention to the wording of each individual condition. If a condition applies only to a certain requirement, it will be stated in that condition. Likewise, if the condition applies to any requirement, that will also be stated.
Full Report (continued) At the very bottom of the report, you will find a list of courses being used for this program. This list contains all of the courses that have been used to fulfill a requirement or condition for this degree program. Depending on the student being audited, you may also see a list that contains courses not used in the student’s programs (usually failed courses) and a list that contains courses that do not apply to the student’s programs. Now, let’s take a look at the Short Report
Short Report The short report is an abbreviated version of the full report. The information at the top of this report is identical to the information found at the top of the full report. You will only be able to see the name of each requirement, whether or not it is complete, the courses that have been applied to that requirement, and (if applicable) how many more credits are needed to complete the requirement. You will notice that either a check mark or a red X will appear to the left of each requirement. The check mark denotes a completed requirement while the X denotes a requirement that has yet to be fulfilled. Now, let’s take a look at the Program of Studies Report.
Program of Studies Report Once again, the information at the top of the report is identical to the first two reports at which we have looked. As you scroll down this report, you will see abbreviated requirement and condition sections. This report does list all of the courses that have been applied to each requirement/condition, however, it does not visually depict how the course has been applied. The major difference in this report is that it features a Condition Requirement Summary. This graphic summarizes all of the conditions associated with this student’s degree programs. This report can be especially helpful when looking to see if certain GPA requirements have been met. Now, let’s take a look at the Incomplete Requirements Report.
Incomplete Requirements Report The information at the top of the report is identical to the first three reports at which we have looked. As with the Program of Studies report, you do not get to see how the courses are being applied to the individual requirements and conditions. The only information you get is the requirement description, what courses have been applied to the requirement, and how many credits are needed to fulfill the requirement. Scrolling down to the requirements section, you will notice that this report lists only those requirements that have not yet been completed. In this example, the student has completed requirements V2 and V3, therefore requirement V4 is listed directly after V1. Now, let’s take a look at the Exceptions Report.
Exemption Report The exception report details any exceptions that have been made to the student’s degree programs. Because exceptions have to be made against majors or minors separately, you cannot run an exception report on a student’s combined program. You must run the report on the individual major or minor on which the exception was made. This report will list any requirements to which an exception has been made. Each requirement containing an exception will be listed twice: once showing the default requirement and once showing the substituted requirement. You can do this by clicking on the major or minor on the left hand side of the page. Then you would proceed as normal by selecting the exception report from the drop down box. Finally, there will be a summary that details the differences in the requirements.
Back To The Student Profile Now let’s take a look at some of the other features offered by Tide Navigator. Please note that after loading a student’s profile, the taskbar on the left side of the page will always be viewable. Let’s click on the My Course List link to take a look at all of this students past and present courses.
My Course List The My Course List is simply a list of all classes taken by the student, sorted by semester with the most recent coursework listed first. The course itself is listed in the next column. The term in which the classes were taken is listed in the far left hand column. The grade received in the course is listed in the next column. The number of credits received for the course is listed in the next column (note that variable hour classes the student is currently enrolled in will be listed with the lowest number of hours possible until the class is completed). The final column contains any special codes associated with the classes. Now let’s take a look at all of the special codes.
Special Codes CComputerFAFine Arts FCFreshman CompositionFLForeign Language HIHistoryHU/HHumanities LLiteratureMA/MMathematics NS/NNatural ScienceSBSocial & Behavioral Sciences SSSocial SciencesWWriting UHUniversity HonorsCAUA Campus TRTransfer Credit
Back To The Student Profile Now let’s take a look at the Notes feature. The Notes link is found directly below the My Course List link. Click this link now.
Notes This screen allows faculty/advisors to create new notes and view existing notes that are attached to the students academic profile within Tide Navigator only. These notes have no link to the Banner system. You also have the ability to choose whether or not this note is made visible to the student. Notes that are not made visible to the student are visible to users with faculty/advisor privileges only. Click Save Note when you finish composing the note. After clicking the Add Note button, a new window opens. This window allows you to add a note that includes both a title and a body. As you can see, this student currently has no stored notes. If you wish to add a note, simply click the Add Note button.
Notes (continued) This is what the initial note screen looks like when the student has a stored note. The next column shows the body of the note. The second column shows the title of the note. The first column shows the date that the note was created or last edited. The final column shows whether or not the note is made visible to the student. This column will contain a check mark if the note is made visible to the student and it will appear blank if the note is not made visible to the student. At the far right side of the page, you have two options related to altering the note. You can click the Edit button to change the content of the note or you can click the Delete button to completely remove the note from the student’s audit.
Back To The Student Profile Going back to the student profile view, let’s take a look at the toolbar available on the top of the screen. This toolbar is always visible and accessible no matter what you are looking at in the main audit window. Clicking the Logout link will log you completely out of the audit system. Clicking the Home link will return you to this student profile view at any time.
Back To The Student Profile Now let’s take a look at the search feature. When you hold your cursor over Search on the toolbar, a drop down menu will appear. By clicking on Programs of Study, we can take a look at how you will search for degree programs and perform what-if scenarios for students considering changes of majors.
Programs of Study Search Type in the degree program you want to find in the search field and then click the search button. To select the program, simply click the appropriate link and you will be taken to the program requirements for that degree. Any programs and variations of those programs containing the words you searched for will appear in the results.
Programs of Study Search The first screen you come to will be the description of the degree program that contains all requirements, conditions, and notes associated with the degree. While you have a student already pulled into the audit system, search for the major the student is considering switching to just as we have done here. Now, all that is left for you to do is run whichever type of audit you would like to see by following the procedure that was outlined earlier in the tutorial. You can use this search tool to simply view these program requirements, or you can perform a what-if scenario for a student thinking about changing majors. Also note that you can change the catalog of the prospective major by using the drop down box next to the version of the current program.
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