Why Go Roving? - You Don’t Have to Live at a Good QTH!!! - No TVI/RFI Worries - There is an Unlimited Supply of Good Sites - You Can Work Guys Multiple Times - You Can Become Rare-DX - You Can Travel Close to Activity Centers - You Will Really Help Out Other Stations Score - Most Equipment Runs on +13.8VDC - VHF, UHF, & Microwave Antennas are Small - Coastal Ducting, Mountaintop DX - Activity Levels are Good…Lots of Action - It’s LOADS of FUN!!
Rover Challenges - Going Mobile with: - Good Rigs with Good Juice - Good Antennas - Ample DC Power - Requirement for fast setup/take down - Covering Lots of Grids - Finding Good Operating Sites - Handling Pileups Efficiently - Log Keeping - Finding all the Microwave Stations - Sleep Depravation
Rover Hardware - Basic Rover Configuration - FT100/IC706 6m, 2m, 432 MHz - Halo Antennas for 6/2, Desirable Upgrades: - More TX Power (esp 2m!) - Beams for 2m, Rotator with AC Inverter - Battery Bank, Charging System - More Bands! (222, 1296, 903, 2.3G, 10G, 3.4G, 5.7G) - More Antennas/Rotators/Amplifiers/Cables - GPS, Laptop, Map Software, Compass - Dual Operator Radio Capability
W3IY/R in FM19ha
Roving Strategies - What Does it Take to Win? - 10/12 Grids per Contest - 90 minutes per grid (activity dependent) - Operate While Mobile on 4 Lower Bands - Pick Good Operating Sites in Rare Grids - Microwaves, Microwaves, Microwaves - Good Antenna Aiming Skills - Knowledge of Other Active Stations/Bands - Good Battery System - More Power! (400W 6/2m; 225W 222; 185W 432) - Bigger Antennas (12-17ft Yagis are Doable) - Good Rover Partner (Irreplaceable!)
More Roving Strategies - CW Skills are Essential on the Microwaves - Take Advantage of Grid Corners - The “6-meter” Effect - Short Es Openings Provide Many Grids - Rovers are Usually Weak on 6m - Low Point Values - It’s Hard to Crack Pileups as a Rover - Publicize Your Operating Schedule - Use a Prearranged Frequency for 2 meters - Don’t Call CQ Excessively… - Rovers Usually Have to S&P lots - Take Advantage of Dual Operator Techniques
Scoring Example 2004 ARRL September VHF QSO Party W3IY/R Band QSOs QSO pts. Mults TOTALS = 153 Claimed score = 384,489