How to organize an EmComm exercise Case Finland GAREC-2010 Dr. Seppo Sisättö OH1VR
What we need: 1) Idea = objectives of the exercise 2) Organizing Committee 3) Money - sponsors 4) People who want to participate 5) Technical experts 6) Software experts (possibly) 7) A lot of small and big things
The idea e.g. to build up an EmComm network and show how it works e.g. to build up an EmComm network and show how it works training training learning througt practising learning througt practisingetc.
The Organizing Committee o Active members o Representatives of the Authorities o Experts of different areas o Regular meetings – at least once a month o People with good connections
Money Own funds Own funds Government money Government money Sponsor Sponsor Other sources? Other sources?
Participants o All who are interested in o Just members of the special EmComm groups o ’Outsiders’ as observers?
Technics o Technical WG o KISS –technics or complicated digital modes o ’What you do not have it can not be broken’ o Car batteries, generators
Safety 2003/2008 exercise Objectives: 1) to build a nationwide (covering all 446 municipalities) two-way communications municipalities) two-way communications network, separate from the national grid network, separate from the national grid 2) to enhance the preparedness of radio amateurs for assisting society in emergencies by improving, among other things, the message haldling skills of amateurs, and 3) to create a basis for more regular cooperation with the authorities with the aim of establishing radio amateurs as a distinct cooperating partner among partners listed by the authorities in their preparedness plans
Safety 2003 in practise About 1000 radio amateurs participated About 1000 radio amateurs participated = every fifth OH –amateur = volunteers = every fifth OH –amateur = volunteers Three preliminary exercises before June 7th Three preliminary exercises before June 7th The aim of the exercise, the building and operation of a nationwide communications network, was deliberately exaggerated The aim of the exercise, the building and operation of a nationwide communications network, was deliberately exaggerated
Minister of Interior and Safety 2003
Vests for the participants of Safety 2003
Training courses before the exercise
Regional HQ station OI9KBB in action
OH6VV in action
Cell HQ at Helsinki Energy ARC (under one cell HQ operated 5-8 stations)
Finnair Club activated Utsjoki county, the northern county of Finland
Conclusions 1 1) The exercise demonstrated that radio amateurs can build a nationwide communications network which is cabable of operating independently, separate from the country’s national grid and telecommunications networks 2) The message handling skills of radio amateurs are sufficient, in spite of some shortcomings, for running traffic on such a network
Conclusions 2 3) The equipment of radio amateurs is suitable, thanks to equipment diversity, for use on an emergency communications network. Fixed antennas and equipment located at the Command Centers of the authorities would speed up construction of the network in the event that the authorities decide to seek recourse to radio amateurs for their assistance
Conclusions 3 4) Given its extent and scope, Safety 2003/2008, have been unique exercises. Feedback received from the participants has been entusiastic.
Conclusions 4 5) Safety exercises gave proof of the way in which the know-how and equipment of radio amateurs can be used for public service. 6) Safety exercises have demonstrated the readiness of the authorities to discuss the idea of deepening cooperation with radio amateurs
Thank you!