J.J. Navarro 1, T. Mardones 2, A. Ivanova 2 & L. Zamorano 2 1 Universidad Autónoma de Chile (CHILE) y Universidad de Sevilla (ESPAÑA) 2 Universidad Autónoma de Chile (CHILE) ASSESSMENT OF PERSONAL-SOCIAL ADJUSTMENT IN READING: IMPLEMENTATION OF THE APSL SCALE IN A SAMPLE OF STUDENTS IN SOCIOCULTURAL SITUATION OF DISADVANTAGE EDULEARN 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Barcelona - 7th - 9th of July 2014
Presentation outline 1.Introduction: the assessment of personal-social adjustment in reading 2.Some research objectives and hypothesis 3.Method i.Participants and procedure ii.Instruments 4.Results 5.Some conclusions of the research
Research on written language has gradually integrated new models and conceptualizations of the process of reading comprehension. Research on written language has gradually integrated new models and conceptualizations of the process of reading comprehension. These models emphasize the dynamic interaction of processes and elements involved in reading, emphasizing the constructive and metacognitive reader activity. In recent decades there have been many studies addressing the influence of these processes when learning to read, trying to determine what factors are involved and what role each plays. Effect of mutual reinforcement between low expectations and negative perception of teachers about the academic performance of students with learning difficulties and negative self-perception of the students. The new conceptualizations of reading highlight the relevance of certain non-linguistic processes, such as processes related to personal-social adjustment, learning context and aspects of motivation, self-efficacy, expectations or causal attributions. P-S Adjustment and Reading 1. The assessment of Personal-Social adjustment in reading 1. The assessment of Personal-Social adjustment in reading
The present study is part of a larger research project, which aims to identify and analyze patterns of mediation related with improvements observed in reading achievement and personal-social adjustment of students in the situation of socio-cultural disadvantages. As part of that study, the use of a test to assess aspects of motivation, attitudes, own expectations, self-concept or self-efficacy, is considered crucial. 1. The assessment of Personal-Social adjustment in reading
2. Research objectives 2. Research objectives Analyze the psychometric properties of APSL scale (personal-social adjustment in reading) Explore the relationships between the different dimensions of personal-social adjustment, and the strategic meta-knowledge about reading. For both elementary and secondary educational stage, students who obtain significantly lower scores on personal-social adjustment, also obtained significantly lower scores in strategic meta-knowledge about reading. Hypothesis Hypothesis
3. Methodology 3. Methodology Participants and procedure The sample is composed by 412 students from a subsidized school in the Metropolitan Region (Santiago de Chile, Chile). 152 students enrolled in 3rd and 4th Grade (95 boys and 57 girls), aged between 8-9 years 260 enrolled in 1st and 2nd Secondary Education (120 boys and 140 girls) aged between years. The implementation of the APSL scale was realized in group, using a 45-minute session per course. For the study, informed consent was requested from the families.
3. Methodology 3. Methodology Instruments The APSL scale it intends operationalize socio-emotional variable in relation to reading process and the learning difficulties. 80 items presented to students in a structure of short sentences Maximum score is 80 points 4 options: Strongly Disagree (TD); Disagree (D); Agree (A); Strongly Agree (TA). 9 dimensions related with personal-social adjustment and metacognition ExampleTDDATA I need a lot of help to understand the wording of math problems.
D1 Knowledge of one’s own current cognitive limitations, potential, and possibility of learning, difficulties, and ways to solve them. D2 Knowledge of one’s expectations, academic self-concept, and attributional style. D3 Knowledge of one’s attitude toward reading: emotions, feelings of rejection versus satisfaction and enjoyment of reading, frustration tolerance, persistence in the face of difficulty, autonomy versus dependence. D4 Knowledge of one’s own interests and motivations. D5 Perception of support provided by the school and family settings, and of the conditions in which this occurs. D6 Perception of the relevance of the topic: reading, what it is good for, its importance. D7 Knowledge of one’s own relational strategies with others in reading tasks. D8 Knowledge of one’s own strategies of control and conscious regulation of the reading process (planning, supervision, self-assessment). D9 Awareness of the capacity to generalize this knowledge or strategies. Dimensions contemplated in the APSL scale 3. Methodology 3. Methodology
For the analysis of psychometric properties of the APSL scale: * Descriptive statistics * 'Kolmogorov-Smirnov ' Normality test * Difficulty index and Homogeneity index for each one of the items of the scale * Cronbach's alpha to assess the reliability of the scale To analyze the relationship between P-S adjustment and strategic metaknowledge * Correlations matrix between the different dimensions contemplated in the APSL scale * Contrast with the t test for independent samples for the dimensions of personal-social adjustment (Dim 1-7) and strategic metaknowledge (Dim 8-9) depending on the educational stage. * Finally, a K-means cluster analysis is performed for analyzing response patterns. 4. Results 4. Results Data analysis
Statistical indicators Elementary School Secondary School TOTAL Sample (class groups, students in SSD) Implementation (courses)3nd/4th1st/2ndElementary/Secondary Ítems 80 Average rating of the items Mean Homogeneity Index Mean Standard Deviation «Kolmogorov-Smirnov» normality test.087 (p <.007).046 (p <.200*).041 (p<.101*) Reliability test coefficient (Cronbach´s Alpha) Descriptive statistics and analysis of the psychometric properties * The distribution is adjusted to normal; SDD = Socio-cultural Situation of Disadvantage. 4. Results 4. Results
D1D2D3D4D5D6D7D8D9D8y 9 D1 D2.57 ** D3.54 **.61 ** D4.50 **.36 **.52 ** D5.45 **.59 **.52 **.49 ** D6.34 **.65 **.57 **.38 **.56 ** D7.19 **.18 **.32 **.39 **.31 **.29 ** D8.48 **.57 **.50 **.44 **.31 ** D9.27 **.33 **.48 **.37 **.38 **.47 **.39 **.40 ** D8& 9.49 **.50 **.62 **.54 **.49 **.51 **.38 **.96 **.65 ** APSL.72 **.75 **.83 **.76 **.77 **.70 **.45 **.72 **.55 **.77 ** Correlations matrix between the different dimensions contemplated in the APSL scale ** p <.01; * p <.05 (bilateral) 4. Results 4. Results
N Average value P-S adjustment Average value Strategic Metaknowledge Cluster Cluster Results 4. Results K-means clusters analysis The contrast of means for the dimensions of personal-social adjustment between these clusters, made with the t test for independent samples is significant (t = 30.14, p <.000) and also for the scores on strategic metaknowledge (t = 13.42, p <.000) and total score in the APSL scale (t = 29.06, p <.000).
5. Some conclusions of the research Our results show an acceptable behavior of the APSL scale regarding its psychometric properties. The results contribute to increase information about the psychometric properties of the scale, while allowing us to consider its use in future studies with Chilean population. Indicators obtained about homogeneity and correlation between the elements of the scale, show values that are among the commonly accepted as valid by the scientific community. Similarly, the reliability index shows a more than acceptable value. The data confirm our hypothesis, showing that the students who obtained low scores on the dimensions of personal-social adjustment, obtained also significantly lower scores in strategic metaknowledge. These results have been produced in the whole sample and also in each of the stages considered.
Thanks for your attention Juan José Navarro, PhD Dra. © Tricia Mardones Anna Ivanova, PhD Dr. © Leandro Zamorano Faculty of Education Autonomous University of Chile Laboratorio de Diversidad, Cognición y Lenguaje University of Seville