May 10, 2006IVOA-GGF Astro-RG WS1 Welcome and Workshop Goal Masatoshi Ohishi / NAOJ & Sokendai Chairman, IVOA 大石雅寿 / 国立天文台 & 総合研究大学院大学
May 10, 2006IVOA-GGF Astro-RG WS 2 VO Projects in the world 17 countries and a region International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) Standards to interoperate VOs
May 10, 2006IVOA-GGF Astro-RG WS 3 IVOA Interoperability WS in Kyoto 2005 May 90+ people About 20 countries including China, Korea and Taiwan Supported by JSPS
May 10, 2006IVOA-GGF Astro-RG WS 4 Standardization in IVOA Query Language to Federated DBs (VOQL) Access resource meta-data based on the OAI-PMH Access Images, Spectra, Catalogues, etc : SkyNode, SIAP, SSAP, STC, etc. Unified Attribute Names : UCD (Unified Contents Descriptions) Output format : VOTable (XML) and so on
May 10, 2006IVOA-GGF Astro-RG WS 5
May 10, 2006IVOA-GGF Astro-RG WS 6 Schematic diagram of VOs JVO Portal Server User Controller ・ parser ・ scheduler ・ Service caller Resource Meta-data Web Services Input Queries and Analysis Parameters User Interface ・ Query Editor ・ VOTable viewer ・ DB queries ・ Plotter ・ etc US/CAN Europe SIAP/SSAP/SkyNode
May 10, 2006IVOA-GGF Astro-RG WS 7 Exchange of Meta Data:OAI-PMH Searchable Registry Publishing Registry Data Service Analysis Service Virtual Observatory Client Query Services Access to various services
May 10, 2006IVOA-GGF Astro-RG WS 8 Interconnected VOs in the World Canada VO
May 10, 2006IVOA-GGF Astro-RG WS 9 Discovery of a Brown Dwarf : SDSS/2MASS discoveries like this much easier if databases jointly queryable
May 10, 2006IVOA-GGF Astro-RG WS 10 Detection of MANY Type II Quasars
May 10, 2006IVOA-GGF Astro-RG WS 11 The ACA System Twelve (12) 7-meter diameter antennas (18 stations) Four (4) 12-meter diameter antennas (4 stations) ACA Correlator in AOS building ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array) production rate ~ a few PBytes per year
May 10, 2006IVOA-GGF Astro-RG WS 12 WS Goals R&D Operational Systems –Data management for Huge data –Global Workflow mechanism –need global authentication/authorization Share Current Status of VO as a GOOD example of Data Grid Apps. Strengthen relationship between VOers and Grid experts toward secure VO systems