Lorena Jr. High School Girls Athletics Athletic Seasons If you fall down 7 times stand up 8!
Last Year’s Great Success!!!! We want more this year!! 8 th Grade Volleyball Co- district champs (district champs 4 years in a row) 8 th Grade Basketball Co-district champs (3 years district champs 2 nd place 2009) 8 th Grade Track District Champs 7 th Grade Basketball District Champs (district champs 4 years in a row) 7 th Grade Track District Champs 7 th and 8 th Grade Cross country Champs ( district champs 4 years in a row) Champs ( district champs 4 years in a row) Track has won a district championship in one grade or another for the past 4 years This year we had both teams district champs for the first time in school history.
Volleyball Cross Country BasketballTrack Sports Offered:
Girls Athletic Policy Must have physical!! –B–B–B–By Tuesday for Lorena students –B–B–B–By next Monday for new students –N–N–N–No physical by due date- student is out of athletics!! –A–A–A–All hand book rules signed –M–M–M–Must have booklet signed –M–M–M–Must complete the mile 7th – 9:30 8th 9:00
Work- out schedule In- season Practice time: -Morning 6:40- 7:50 am (Be here by 6:35) There will not be anyone here before 6:30!!!! -Afternoon 3:30 – 5pm Pick them 5pm!! Pick them 5pm!! Call for all missed practice or !! School has answering machine Tuesday/ Friday- weights Wednesday/Thursday- speed and agility w/ skill Once a week endurance Game Day- Monday or Thursday Cross country work out -Wed.
Off- Season Monday and Thursday- weights, agility or core circuits Tuesday- speed and agility Wednesday- endurance Friday- circuit training (Plyo’s, agility, free- weights, core, and speed) Testing- once a six weeks Bench, incline, squat, vertical, 40 yd, mile, dots, shuttle, and agility run. Modifications of work outs based on results
Discipline issues: Demerit system- 4 Late for practice or class Disrespect to any staff or faculty Lockers Lost or forgotten athletic clothes (must be paid for) ISS Discipline committee Teacher D-hall Lunch room behavior Locker room clean No calling for missed practice Missing the bus Away game behavior No uniform or work-out clothes
Discipline Quads - within 1 minute -No more than 4 a day. Dirty Hundreds-No more than 3 a day Leopards- No more than 3 a day. Mile Run- No more than 2 a day.
Make up work If you missed class in math you have make-up work If you miss practice or athletic class you have make-up work With coaches permission you go to another practice or do the make-up work out If sick you have 7 days to make it up. For other reasons you will need to go to the next available practice. Warn us ahead of time School events are excused with no make-up Please try to avoid doctors appointments during this time.
Team Try-outs Ten Members per team. Judged on skill level, hustle, attitude, and ability to progress We will have A and B teams That travel C- teams will play at home games only vs each other at 3:45
15 minute recovery time- CRUCIAL! Power aid Sugar – juice ProteinMilk Please pack a snack!!
We have a TRAINER!! Our Trainers name is Ashley Brown She will come down and see the girl if needed. We will contact them after you notify us of the injury. She has a treatment plan injuries. She can get you back in the game.
Feeding the Hungry We take orders for Subway!! Healthy and Filling!! Athlete pays $5.00 Exactly ( No Change) Order and money in By Friday for Monday games and Tuesday for Thursday Games! Need cash! Help wanted with Pick-up or no can do!!! Make check out to subway!!
Incentive – Trips For Fall Sports Cross country at least 5 meets District Champs Undefeated Volleyball District Champs Trip!!!! Six Flags Holiday in the Park $20 ticket and $15 gas fee
Incentive trip For the Spring Basketball District champs Track District Champs All 8 th graders who have been in athletics for two years and participated in at least one full season. Seaworld !!!!! Our goal is to raise enough money to get a Charter bus!!!
We need parent help!! Fundraisers Chaperon for incentive trips Pictures of teams Support Let’s work as a team- we can help them get it together!! Pick up subway
Problems Chain of Command Daughter and Coach meet Parent, Daughter, and Coach meet Parent, Daughter, Coach and M.S. Coord. Parent, Daughter, Coach and H.S. Coord. Parent, Daughter, and Coach Biles Parent, Daughter, and Mr. Grimm Parent, Daughter, and Mrs. Talbert Done in this order only!!!!!!! Most can be solved between Coach and athlete!! Most can be solved between Coach and athlete!!
Coach Meetings Coaches will not meet over playing time or strategy! There are a million ways to do things, but they only get done well, when we all do it one way! OUR WAY!! We prepare them for High School!
No regrets! No excuses! Be legendary! The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will. Vince Lombardi