Health Jeopardy . Wellness Concepts Going Mental Drug Mania By the Numbers Picture Perfect 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy
Wellness Concepts.-100 ANSWER: Health is defined as a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of this. QUESTION: What is disease or illness?
Wellness Concepts - 200 ANSWER: “I am your constant companion. I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden…WHO AM I?” QUESTION: What is habit(s)?
Wellness Concepts - 300 ANSWER: “Nature” vs. “Nurture” best characterizes the debate over which of the two determinants as having more influence over an individual’s health and behavior? BONUS: 100 POINTS for correctly identifying all of the other determinants of health. QUESTION: What is Environment and Heredity? Bonus (Technology, Attitude, Behavior, Culture, Media)
Wellness Concepts - 400 ANSWER: Describe the Path of Least Resistance and provide at least two examples. QUESTION: What is the easiest way out? Answers may vary…
Wellness Concepts - 500 ANSWER: Provide an example of tertiary prevention. BONUS: 100 POINTS for an example of primary and BONUS: 100 points for an additional example of secondary. QUESTION: Examples will vary?
Going Mental -100 ANSWER: Our body’s normal balanced state when our mind is at ease OR our body’s harmonious internal environment. BONUS: 100 POINTS for correctly identifying at least two ways our body maintains this state. QUESTION: What is Homeostasis? Bonus (Answers will vary)
Going Mental -200 ANSWER: This type of depression is when you are depressed about a specific event or incident in your life and is completely natural. BONUS: 100 POINTS for the difference between depressed moods and serious depression. QUESTION:What is reactive depression? Bonus: What is Length of symptoms.
Going Mental -300 ANSWER: The three stages of stress in order are: (Circle the one in which the F or F response occurs). BONUS: 100 POINTS for correctly identifying 3 changes that take place during the F or F response. QUESTION: What is Alarm, Resistance, Exhaustion? Bonus: Adrenaline, ^HR, ^BP, Endorphins…
Going Mental -400 ANSWER: Physical disorders that result from stress are called this. BONUS: 100 POINTS for correctly identifying at least two examples of this. QUESTION: What are psychosomatic illnesses? Bonus: Hypertension, asthma attacks, ulcers, acid reflux, general lowered immunity
Going Mental -500 ANSWER: Why do some people not reach self-actualization according to Maslow. BONUS: 100 POINTS for correctly identifying what % of the population Maslow thought reach self-actualization. QUESTION: Answers will vary but include not meeting some need (ie. Self-esteem). Bonus: 2%
Drug Mania -100 ANSWER: These 3 classes of drugs are also called by their name describing the effect on the CNS. (List both) QUESTION: What is: Stimulants or Uppers Depressants or Downers Hallucinogens or All-arounders?
Drug Mania -200 ANSWER: The term describing the damage to the liver (scarring and fatty deposits) that takes place as a result of abuse of alcohol. QUESTION: What is Cirrhosis?
Drug Mania -300 ANSWER: This is the main difference between bronchitis and emphysema. QUESTION: What is inflammation of the bronchial tubes (bronchitis) versus damage to the alveoli (emphysema)?
Drug Mania -400 ANSWER: ____________ is the psychoactive chemical in ____________: BONUS: 100 POINTS for each additional correct answer. QUESTION: What is THC to marijuana, Ethanol to Alchol, Nicotine to cigarettes, etc.
Drug Mania -500 ANSWER: Describe Down-Regulation BONUS 100 Points for listing two neurotransmitters in your answer. QUESTION: Process in which an individual does not experience pleasure or reward ‘normally’ due to the use of drugs of abuse that lesson the brain’s natural ability to release neurotransmitters such as Dopamine or Serotonin.
By the Numbers -100 ANSWER: The number one cause of mental retardation in the U.S. is this, which is 100% preventable. QUESTION: What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?
By the Numbers -200 ANSWER: “We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have…I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you. We are in charge of this: QUESTION: What is our Attitude (s)?
By the Numbers -300 ANSWER: Provide 3 of the 5 characteristics of a mentally healthy person. BONUS: 100 POINTS for all five. What is + Self-Esteem, + Outlook, Autonomy, Sense of Belonging, Sense of Purpose?
By the Numbers -400 ANSWER: Provide Two of the Three sobering myths. BONUS: 100 POINTS for all three. QUESTION: What is: Showering, Drinking Coffee, Exercising will NOT sober an individual?
By the Numbers -500 ANSWER: If a ‘typical’ person were to drink 5 drinks over the course of three hours their B.A.C. would be: BONUS: 100 POINTS if you can identify 4 of the 5 factors that influence alcohol absorption. QUESTION: What is .04? Bonus: Amount/Size of Drinks, Food, Gender, Body Size, Drug Interaction.
Picture Perfect -100 ANSWER: This picture best represents which personality trait related to stress. QUESTION: What is Type A?
Picture Perfect -200 ANSWER: The picture below summarized what class concept related to stress. QUESTION: What is perception?
Picture Perfect -300 ANSWER: The cigarette pack below is from this country. QUESTION: What is Canada?
Picture Perfect -400 ANSWER: The concept related to stress represented by the picture. QUESTION: What is…humans have only been living the way we have currently for a comparably short time span, stress today plays a much different role than was intended.
Picture Perfect -500 ANSWER: Your picture will label Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. QUESTION:
FINAL JEOPARDY CATEGORY: Drugs ANSWER: Describe harm reduction citing examples of the practice. QUESTION: Harm reduction is a philosophy that states individuals are going to engage in risky or unhealthy behaviors and that the goal is to lesson the consequences associated with the behavior. (ex. Needle exchange programs, designated drivers, condoms in schools).