Art & Architecture: Pyramids are similar to the Egyptians pyramids because both demonstrate the ability of the society to organize a large labor force.
The Popol Vuh; collection of stories describing creation myth. Man created from maize.
Writing system of hieroglyphics. Technology:
Number system, using 20 as their base. Invent a concept of the zero.
Solar calendar based on a 365- day cycle. And scared calendar (Long Count) listing the beginning of the Maya world (3114 B.C.E.) and the end (Dec. 24, 2012 C.E.)
Believed the sun, planets, and stars were divine forces.
Knew of the wheel; but was not used. No large animals to pull carts. Used people to transport materials.
Tumpline; a person could carry 125 pounds on back.
No iron ore. Made tools out of jadeite. Harder than steel and iron.
Obsidian weapons (volcanic glass) holds a razor-sharp edge.
Built roads.
Agricultural based economy. Corn, beans and squash.
Peasants gave part of crop as taxes. A labor tax was required each year for building projects.
“Slash and burn” farming. Not efficient technique.
Trade network. Prized gold, turquoise, and obsidian.
Cacao beans, used as money.
Social stratification. Nobles rulers, government officials, military leaders, high priests, and trade expedition leads Commoners farmers, laborers, and servants Serfs worked lands that belonged to the ruler or local town leader Slaves form of punishment, failing to pay back their debts, or prisoners of war not sacrificed
Nobles; only ones literate.
Commoners; farmed. Upward mobility only by service in the military.
Slavery; Children of slaves were not slaves. Slaves sacrificed when their owners died. Marry a slave you become a slave.
Warfare was religious (Flower Wars). Wars provided slaves and human sacrifices.