SPD Mechanics and Cooling Status of the activity in Padova Rosario Turrisi Contents: News about mechanics components Report on first test of cooling plant
November 16, CFSS 16 components produced. One CFSS has been geometrically qualified. Parilene evaporation done. CFSS holders Tooling completed Four samples machined HS springs Design completed Tooling production started Half Cylinder Tooling completed Prototype ready for Dec ‘04 Half Cone Design in progress Mechanics: components production
November 16, Status of cooling components Received from Medelec: Phynox tubes CuNi capillaries Processing started: Squeezing Ni+Cu layer on tubes ends Fittings procurement
November 16, Recent actions Realization with M. Pimenta dos Santos (TS-CV-DC CERN) accomplished First test performed in October Foreseen installation (temporary) in bld. 23 for qualification
November 16, First test of cooling plant Two-days hands-on course c/o TS-CV-DC Manual setting of parameters (no automatization) Use of a two-sectors-like setup A few sets of parameters have been exploited different power dissipations variation of liquid/vapor pressure A first contact: some impressions, extensive test in order…
November 16, Test setup Final compontens of freon circuitry Dummy staves: resistors mounted on kapton Mount on carbon fiber Thermal contact is the main issue
November 16, Cooling plant Control panel Control software includes some emergency procedures
November 16, Cooling circuit scheme compressor (in final setup)
November 16, W/stave – T vs. flow 1 Flow (l/min) 0.81 P inp(bar) 3.8 Flow (l/min) 0.6 P inp(bar) 3.1 Flow (l/min) 0.58 P inp(bar) 3.0 Flow (l/min) 0.54 P inp(bar) 2.9 Flow (l/min) 0.51 P inp(bar) 2.7 Flow (l/min) 0.65 P inp(bar) 3.2
November 16, W/stave – T vs. flow 2 Flow (l/min) 0.81 P inp(bar) 3.8 Flow (l/min) 0.6 P inp(bar) 3.1 Flow (l/min) 0.58 P inp(bar) 3.0 Flow (l/min) 0.54 P inp(bar) 2.9 Flow (l/min) 0.51 P inp(bar) 2.7 Flow (l/min) 0.65 P inp(bar) 3.2
November 16, and 50 W IR shots
November 16, Summary plots 40 W Flow variation w/ input pressure Temperature (measured with IR camera) vs. power Good sensitivity, wider range of pressure/flow feasible: ready for extensive test! 20 W (nominal)
November 16, Integration A mock-up of half detector has been installed in Padova It is being upgraded as needed First tests: near-detector cables integration beam pipe support positioning both on RB26 side
November 16, Cables layout MCM- and bus-extenders have to go around input (output) capillars being twisted ~90 o Protection of capillars under study
November 16, Beam pipe support
November 16, Summary and plans Cooling plant up and working First test has been encouraging: ease of startup seamless power absorption (in test setup) wide range of parameters tuning emergency procedures implemented Mock-up of SPD implemented Effective for debugging of integration issues RB26 side started NEXT Planning of extensive test of cooling plant for tuning on real conditions Mock-up upgrade up to first patch panels and RB24 side