German Outreach Report Michael Kobel Bonn University OPAL, ATLAS, D0 European Particle Physics Outreach Group Meeting, Pisa, Particle Physics School Material Web Page Progress Report on Future of Particle Physics in Germany Internet Portal „World of Physics“ Physics on Stage: Science Days Europark Rust
70% of students drop physics earliest possible conveniance Not enough scientific literacy in public Not enough physics students at university Problems: Mainly physics of 18. u. 19. century Presented in gory details Everyday life contexts are rare Global and modern physics picture is missing completely (apart from abrupt transition to nuclear physics at end of the 10th grade) Why could particle physics help? Refers to most basic questions Origin of the universe Structure of matter Structure of forces Connection to everyday life Relation Forces Types of radioactive decays Application in Medicine Situation of physics in school
1) Particle Physics for 15- and 16-year olds Why 10th form ? Last time mandatory physics 70% of students (85% of female) drop physics at this earliest opportunity Current Topics for 9th and 10th form: Force, Pressure; Energy, Work, Power Oscillations, Waves, Acustics Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy Concept: Embed the latter in larger particle physics unit 2 student teacher theses with Teacher-material Student-material Supporting Html Web-Pages withHtml Web-Pages Teaching an d Learning-material Interactive „Quiz“-Pages Animations Simulations (e.g. from CERN) Simulations
Concept for 20(?) hours 1.Introduction and motivation: Contexts: Big Bang, radiationIntroduction and motivation 2.Small structuresSmall structures 3.Building blocks: molecules atoms fundamental particles (1.gener.)Building blocks 4.Interactions via exchanged particlesInteractions 5.Radioactivity ( , Nuclear physicsRadioactivity 6.Nuclear power stations 7.Mass energy (E=mc²), antimatterMass energy 8.Medical applications, radiation protectionMedical applications 9.The Standard Model (and its open questions)The Standard Model 10.Exercise: Identification of particles and interactionsIdentification of particles and interactions 11.Cosmology (optional)Cosmology 12.Historical background and final discussionHistorical background
New in recent months (1: tests) Particle Physics material tested 3 times in 12 hours course in two high-schools (Cologne, Siegburg) Summaries available as 2 teacher‘s 2 nd theses Result: Successful use is possible, after some training Has to be done slow and thoroughly (lots of information) More experiments would help Increase in physics interest is not significant (yet) Material and experience: subject of teacher training 11/02 Process leads to concrete proposal of curriculum amendment Authorities are very open and interested
New in recent months (2: contexts) Second thesis about ContextsSecond thesis about Contexts (again paper + web pages) Medicine via Interactions of Particles in Matter Cosmology via Relation Temperature Energy Like first one available under Schulmaterialien Opens opportunity for optional detailed context discussion Not yet tested in school
Experiences and Future students very interested in topic supporting use of PC positive still many basic problems in detail Future: support from education authorities already existing second iteration of material after test in 2002 inclusion in next round of curriculum in North Rhine Westfalia --> 14 more Bundesländer to do...
2.) German Outreach Web Pages (One of) German Particle Physics Info-Center(s) for: HEP Physicists (e.g. Material for talks, open days, etc) High School Students (e.g.„master classes“) Students (e.g. teaching systems, lectures) Teachers (e.g. training) Journalists (e.g. news) Public (e.g. material, links) Update 2002: Enables announcements of events or news remotely by all HEP groups in Germany Forum to discuss experiences with particle physics in school Examples (talks for schools, material, etc)Examples
3) Report on Future of HEP in Germany Complete Review of current state and future Suggested and funded by reasearch ministry (BMBF) Written by physicists (+1 science writer): 120 pages For: scientists (non-physicists) colleagues physics students scientific educated public funding agencies and advisory panels Graphics by DESY (HH/Zeuthen) + graphics bureau very nice graphics for outreach! chapter1, chapter2chapter1chapter2 To be presented in a symposium on in Bonn Part. Phys. Kommitee (KET) homepage „Denkschrift“
4) New Web Portal „Welt der Physik“ Outreach project of research ministry (!) and German Phys Society Aim: show fascination of physics research to the (educated?) public source of material and info e.g. for teachers... Professional design Particle Physics part: Mostly selection of articles Currently a bit DESY focussed (people based in HH) Need input (articles) from CERN, FNAL, SLAC... !! Authors: mostly science writers (My role: check physics correctness of particle physics part)
Physics on Stage, Status Germany National Continuation of Physics on Stage: Political work: Symposium Munich 2001 Report Available Discussion with Politics, Education aministration, Didactics,... Material Collection: German PoS 1&2 CD available summaries of contributions, abstracts, videos, symp reports,... Workshop continuations (September 26-28, Europark Rust): - Multiple intelligence workshop (summary to appear) - European School Net CoPhyLab (will be linked via German PoS)European School Net CoPhyLab Start of Campaign for PoS 3 Flyer available Material (Report, CD, Flyer) distributed at - MNU science teachers association meetings Sept/Oct Science Days RustScience Days Rust See