Physics I Honors Welcome to Physics I Honors It Doesn’t Take Magic, It Takes Practice
Physics I Honors Honors Physics Mr. Allen Gandell P.E.
Physics I Honors Gandell’s Postulate “ The only trouble with common sense is that it is not very common.”
Physics I Honors Can you think??? On a balance beam, we place the exact same mass of ice on both sides such that they balance evenly. One side is allowed to melt while the other stays frozen by magic. Which way will the scale tilt and why?? Which way will it tilt if the ice (at 0ºC) and water volumes are equal instead of the mass??
Physics I Honors General Course Information Course Format What to Expect Curriculum Overview Grading Policy Labs Supplies Teacher Information Your information
Physics I Honors Course Format There is no difference between Honors Physics classes. IB students are only tracked together. All classes have the same requirements and expectations. Classes meet as A/B day classes,(90 min.), or every day,(45 min.), for one credit, all year! The object of this course is to prepare y’all for success in life, (Impossible without some tech knowledge) and some for college level physics here at Stanton in AP or at any University
Physics I Honors What to Expect
Physics I Honors A Lot of very bad jokes !!!!!
Physics I Honors How the Course is Organized 12 Units of Instruction Unit Plans 3 Units per Quarter 1 or 2 Labs per Unit 1 or 2 Quizzes per Unit 1 Test per Unit 3 Cumulative Quarter Exams,the Final Exam 1 Project due Jan.12, 2010.
Physics I Honors First Quarter Overview 1.Mechanics I - Velocity 2.Mechanics II - Acceleration 3.Mechanics III – Dynamics 4.Intro vectors
Physics I Honors Second Quarter Overview 4. Mechanics IV – 2d motion +Vectors 5. Mechanics V – Special Cases 6. Mechanics VI – Momentum
Physics I Honors Third Quarter Overview 7.Work Power+ Energy 8. Waves and Energy Transfer I - Sound 9. Waves and Energy Transfer II - Light
Physics I Honors Fourth Quarter Overview 10. Electricity I – Statics,Fields 11. Electricity II- Current and Circuits 12. Magnetism and Electromotive Force 13. Modern physics/nuclear
Physics I Honors Unit Plans - Receive one each unit (12 in total) - Standards (study guide) is provided for each unit.
Physics I Honors Grading (stcwn) Tests Labs - Formal Lab Reports Quizzes Homework You must earn your grade. I do not round up, even if your grade is , unless you have done your part. In other words, all of your work has been completed in a timely manner.
Physics I Honors Homework/Labs/Help the purpose of homework and labs is to prepare you for tests and quizzes homework is graded based on completion, you will only receive credit for an assignment if you complete it and correct it! labs are graded for accuracy, everyone should receive a perfect grade on labs because you have the opportunity to get help prior to submision. quizzes are naturally graded for accuracy
Physics I Honors Homework & Make-Up Policy Labs are due when collected in class or they are LATE!! Homework (on Unit Plan) is due on day of test, unless otherwise specified. Random HW checks may occur throughout the unit. Quizzes, classwork, and labs are made up before school unless otherwise arranged. Tests are made up in class the day you return from an absence. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what work you missed and make it up.
Physics I Honors Laboratory Requirements Must get both lab safety sheets signed and returned. No signature = no lab = ZERO! Follow instructions Do not copy
Physics I Honors A Tour of the Lab
Physics I Honors Goggle Cabinet
Physics I Honors Safety Shower
Physics I Honors Eye Wash
Physics I Honors In Case of Fire
Physics I Honors Required Supplies 1.2-inch three-ring binder 2.5 tabbed dividers 3.Red pens 4.Scientific Calculator (non-graphing) 5.Paper, #2 pencils w/ erasers, blue or black pens
Physics I Honors Suggested Supplies 1.Stapler 2.3-hole punch (the ones that fit in a binder are great) 3.High-lighter/s
Physics I Honors Portfolio You will maintain a neat portfolio of all work in a format as suggested below; Homework Class notes Labs Tests
Physics I Honors Teacher Information Room 141 Voice Mail #174 Tutoring, 7:15AM Planning:TBA
Physics I Honors For Our Next Meeting Get curriculum guide & safety sheets signed by our next meeting. –No signed sheets, no lab, earn a zero Read chapter 1 and begin the assigned homework. P14,section 1.2- p24, 39, 40, 50,54,61,74,84. Page 29,1 to 7. Key words-learn to define :accuracy, precision, significant digits, density, slope
Physics I Honors Intangibles Why you will be challenged Why you may have trouble Why you might fail How you will succeed The Three step plan
Physics I Honors Grade Recovery ( because some never listen to good advice ) Qualifying; 1.Class attitude 2.Homework 3.Help sessions
Physics I Honors Helpful Web Sites The physics classroom You tube: Julius Sumner and Bill Nye How stuff works