R. Stern (LMSAL), X-ray Workshop, TMU, Japan June 22, 2006 Progress in TES Detector Development for Solar and Astrophysical Research at LMSAL Robert Stern,,, *Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory LM Advanced Technology Center Progress in TES Detector Development for Solar and Astrophysical Research at LMSAL Robert Stern, Steve Deiker, Dennis Martínez-Galarce, Adam Rausch, Lawrence Shing (LMSAL*) + NIST, Stanford, Santa Clara U. & LM ATC *Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory LM Advanced Technology Center
R. Stern (LMSAL), X-ray Workshop, TMU, Japan June 22, 2006 Outline Some science motivation: why are microcalorimeters useful in solar physics ? Characteristics of a solar physics X-ray mission concept using TES’s Laboratory work at LMSAL on TES’s, ADRs Applicability to astrophysical X-ray instruments Summary
R. Stern (LMSAL), X-ray Workshop, TMU, Japan June 22, 2006 Exploring Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Corona New instruments needed to investigate dynamics of faint (EM 10 7 K) material produced by reconnection in microflares and early stages of solar flares –previous flare instruments were mostly based on Bragg Xtal spectrometers with limited (SMM BCS) or no (Yohkoh BCS) imaging capability and very low effective area ( cm 2 ) RHESSI (RMC + cooled HP Ge detector) is seeing many such microflaring events, but has limited spectral resolution at low energies ( ~1 keV at 3-10 keV) High spectral ( R > 1000), spatial, and time resolution of hot (>10MK) plasma (e.g Fe XXV) is required (same Fe K-shell lines as seen in astrophysical sources)
R. Stern (LMSAL), X-ray Workshop, TMU, Japan June 22, 2006 RHESSI Fe Line Results SMEX Launched (finally) in February 2002 HP Ge (cf. HEAO-3) photon counter with RMC (cf. Minoru Oda, HINOTORI) designed for hard (> 10keV) X-ray and gamma ray imaging and spectroscopy, but has ~15 cm 2 at Fe XXV (6.7 keV) with ~ 1 keV FWHM, ~5 " (Liu et al. 2004)
R. Stern (LMSAL), X-ray Workshop, TMU, Japan June 22, 2006 Hannah et al. (2004) SOHO Workshop
R. Stern (LMSAL), X-ray Workshop, TMU, Japan June 22, 2006 Explorer Class Mission Concept Science driven: reconnection physics throughout cycle 3-8 keV bandpass, < 4 eV energy resolution (R~1700 at Fe XXV 6.7 keV complex) –Combination allows LOS velocity determination to 200 km s -1 and better with centroiding + velocities perpendicular to LOS – 3D velocity field Grazing Incidence Telescope - Focal Length ~2 m FOV ~ 2.5 – 3 arc-min with ~few arcsec resolution Count rate > 10 3 c/s for event studied (accumulate 10Kct spectrum in 10 sec); time stamping of photon events to sec accuracy
R. Stern (LMSAL), X-ray Workshop, TMU, Japan June 22, 2006 Simulated TES Solar Explorer Spectrum from FeXXV Complex (20 MK) using CHIANTI “RHESSI”-like microflare / 4 eV FWHM SMM BCS (~1.25 mA thermal width)
R. Stern (LMSAL), X-ray Workshop, TMU, Japan June 22, 2006 Key Technology Developments Needed Up till now, most technology for X-ray TES driven by, e.g., Constellation-X, NeXT and XEUS (10-50 m focal lengths) Small solar payload with F.L ~ 2 m needs effective pixels of m or so Smaller effective pixels also help larger missions such as RAM (Reconnection And Microscale Mission) Solar payloads need large number of spatial resolution elements to cover active region with high angular resolution –will likely require “tiled” or modular focal plane High countrate ( kcts/sec) in microflare/flare region to accumulate spectrum quickly Low mass cryocooler + Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator (ADR) with long life
R. Stern (LMSAL), X-ray Workshop, TMU, Japan June 22, 2006 Current Program of TES Research at LMSAL Operate NIST-supplied devices (single pixel on NIST array) –Fe 55 X-ray spectrum from 1 st gen setup; 2 nd gen in progress Recent SR&T awards (Solar & Heliospheric) from NASA –Position Sensitive X-ray Strip Detectors (with NIST, SU) –Al:Mn Magnetically Insensitive TES (with Santa Clara, SU) Solar TES Rocket (lower energies ~ 1 keV) – with SU, LLNL New initiative: rocket ADR adapted for TES/SQUID readout (with LMATC Thermal Group, U. Wisconsin) Pending: collaboration with MIT (Tali Figueroa), GSFC, U. Wisc on X-ray imaging TES rocket payload Current goals: solar X-ray TES Explorer; Reconnection and Microscale Mission (long term)
R. Stern (LMSAL), X-ray Workshop, TMU, Japan June 22, 2006 Key Collaborators in TES Instrumentation NIST (TES’s, SQUIDs, Strip Detectors) –Kent Irwin, Gene Hilton, Joel Ullom, Randy Doriese Stanford (TES principles, Al:Mn, Lab ADR experience) –Blas Cabrera, Paul Brink, Steve Leman, T.J. Bay Santa Clara University (Al:Mn devices) –Betty Young University of Wisconsin (Rocket ADR) –Dan McCammon Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center Thermal Sciences Department (cryogenic technology, rocket ADR project) –Ted Nast, Dean Read
R. Stern (LMSAL), X-ray Workshop, TMU, Japan June 22, 2006 Fe 55 Spectrum With 1 st Generation Base Stage Mn K-α and K-β. Measured resolution is 15.5 eV FWHM (late 2005) Single pixel achieved 2.4 eV FWHM (at NIST) LMSAL Lab Base Stage Need improved LMSAL base stage/noise reduction to separate Kα1, Kα2
R. Stern (LMSAL), X-ray Workshop, TMU, Japan June 22, nd Generation Base Stage Nb shield 1 st stage SQUID slots (4) TES Slot Improvements: Full Nb shield, Axis of field-canceling coil perpendicular to axis of SQuID coils Accomodates thermometry near TES, Easier bonder access Decreased size / weight. (under construction)
R. Stern (LMSAL), X-ray Workshop, TMU, Japan June 22, 2006 NIST/LMSAL Strip Detector Concept 32 parallel 10 m wide strips each 320 m long with ~ 10 m position resolution (32 x 32 at 2m FL) MUXed at each end Prototype Array
R. Stern (LMSAL), X-ray Workshop, TMU, Japan June 22, 2006 Strip Detector Test Wafer (LMSAL/NIST Grant(s) from NASA) with Pd layer (6/06)
R. Stern (LMSAL), X-ray Workshop, TMU, Japan June 22, 2006 Simplicity of fabrication. Low noise comparable to bi-layers Design flexibility (not limited in thickness). Apparent insensitivity to magnetic fields. Manganese-doped Aluminum TES (NASA Grant with SU and SCU) Alternative to bi-layers:
R. Stern (LMSAL), X-ray Workshop, TMU, Japan June 22, 2006 Lockheed Martin Rocket ADR re-design (collab with U. Wisc.) Modify Design and Construct 3-D Solid Model Original U. of Wisc.design McCammon et al 2002 Low magnetic field required for TES operation
R. Stern (LMSAL), X-ray Workshop, TMU, Japan June 22, 2006 Magnetic Field Modeling Status: 2 nd iteration of design; FEM dynamics analysis to be re-run Order and test magnet/shield in CY 2006 Modify with additional shielding/bucking coil if required Full 8.5 A => 4 T in core Operating ~ 150 mA => 700 G in core Detector plate Passive Shields: Van. Perm. or Cryoperm ≤ 3 G at detector plane B-field at detector ≤ 0.05 G
R. Stern (LMSAL), X-ray Workshop, TMU, Japan June 22, 2006 Astrophysics Applicability Strip detectors –Short focal length telescopes –Multiplex capability results in fewer wires/resolution element Al:Mn –detector thickness constraint removed –potential to significantly reduce magnetic shield requirements Prototype (Rocket) ADR –new design will provide flight test of TES/SQUID operation
R. Stern (LMSAL), X-ray Workshop, TMU, Japan June 22, 2006 Summary LMSAL (with considerable help from NIST/SU/ Wisc./SCU) is pursuing a vigorous program of TES-related research focused on solar physics (with potential applicability to astrophysics) Laboratory work (begun ~ 2 ½ yrs ago) is close to achieving noise goals for single-pixel devices Position-sensitive strip detectors have been fabricated and are about to begin testing at NIST and LMSAL. Al:Mn detector work with SCU/SU has begun ADR Prototype design for TES solar rocket is nearly complete; magnet/shielding tests to begin this year