Physics 12 Mr. Cooper March 3, 2014
The Project: A Rube Goldberg machine is your final project for physics 12. It’s due date for this class is April 28 th, This project will have a value of 10% towards your final grade.
Rube Goldberg Examples: Here are a few professionally designed RGB projects. – Y8w (This too shall pass) Y8w – TA (Crème that egg) TA – wvg (Honda Commercial) wvg
Real life RGB: 45 seconds of constant motion No cuts to video. No “time wasters”… Must have at least 6 different changes. The more the better. Examples are :1st class levers, 2nd class levers, 3rd class levers, inclined plane, pulley, mechanical wave, sound, light source, elastic collision with transfer of momentum, machine –You’ll know what I mean.
Digital World RGB: You can use any program to create a digital world ranging from “Phun”, “Algodoo”, Halo, Little Big planet, Linerider, Portal, etc…. Constant motion must continue for 2 minutes if you choose the digital format. –No cuts to video. –No “time wasters”… –Must be creative
Rube Goldberg:
Rube Goldberg Peer Assessment See the website
RGB - Project More details: About the groups –groups no larger than 4 students.
RGB - Project More details: Planning time –Three classes of planning will be given. Today is one of them. – 14/sum-up-how-to-do-a-rube-goldberg- project-and-not-lose-your-mind/ Site to help you out. 14/sum-up-how-to-do-a-rube-goldberg- project-and-not-lose-your-mind/
Suggested schedule: By mid-March have all of the machines and layout planned By late-March test these different machines individually to make sure they function like you expect. By early April have a weekend in mind to put everything together. By mid April have the video and project complete