Getting Staff Involved in Assessment at the University of Connecticut Libraries Brinley Franklin 18 January 2010
Campus Context September, New UConn President takes office October, Academic Plan for 2009–2014 approved by Board of Trustees October, 2008 – UConn Provost asks each academic unit to update their strategic plan to support the Academic Plan by January, 2009
The Academic Plan The Academic Plan identifies three focused areas of excellence: The Environment; Health and Human Behavior; and Arts, Culture, and Society The Academic Plan also calls for advancing UConn’s standing in five interrelated areas: Undergraduate Education; Graduate and Professional Education; Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity; Diversity; and Public Engagement
MetricBaseline2014 Goal National ranking among public research universities 2620 ACADEMIC PLAN METRICS GOALS AND ASPIRATION: The University of Connecticut seeks to constantly improve its performance in teaching, research, and outreach and to emerge as one of the top-20 public research universities in the nation.
MetricBaseline2014 Goal *Freshman average SAT (Math & Verbal) % Students in top-10% of high school class40%45% *6-year graduation rate74%78% First-year retention rate93%95% # Annual Guaranteed Admissions Program transfer students030 % International students comprising entering class5.5%7% Study-abroad participation rate18%30% *Student-Faculty Ratio17:115:1 *Undergraduate credit hours per faculty % Classes with less than 20 students44%47% # Students entering the honors program annually # Students participating in internships annually2,0002,300 % First-year students participating in living & learning communities 17%25% GOAL 1:UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION Engage our undergraduates in an intellectually challenging and diverse learning environment that combines excellent opportunities in the liberal arts and sciences with strong pre-professional education, co-curricular activities, and research collaborations with members of the faculty.
MetricBaseline2014 Goal # Graduate and professional programs ranked in top-25 among public institutions 914 # Entering students holding national fellowships/scholarships615 #Federally funded training programs at the university26 Median time to degree - Masters3.0 yrs.2.0 yrs. Median time to degree – PhD (assumes no Masters)6.0 yrs.5.5 yrs. % Doctoral students receiving full-time (20-hour/week) assistantships funded through extramural grants, contracts 5.8%10.0% Pass rates on national licensure exams85%-100%95%-100% *Doctoral degrees awarded per 100 faculty1923 *Graduate & professional credit hours per faculty8090 GOAL 2:GRADUATE AND PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Sustain and develop select graduate and professional programs of national and international distinction.
MetricBaseline2014 Goal Recruit 145 net additional faculty0145 *External research expenditures ($) per faculty$90k$100k Extramural research awards ($)$186M$220M *Post-doctoral appointees per 100 faculty1418 # Fellows in national/international learned societies/academies # Articles in refereed journals2,1542,400 # Books published # Juried shows and curated exhibits2635 # Artistic and creative products # Annual patent applications2330 # Annual commercial development agreements (options, licenses) 915 GOAL 3:RESEARCH, SCHOLARSHIP, AND CREATIVE ACTIVITY Enhance the benefits to the state, nation and world from faculty, staff, and student research, scholarship, and creative activity by increasing productivity, building on our existing strengths and focused areas of excellence, developing a stronger extramural funding portfolio, and expanding the infrastructure that supports research and strengthens our ability to translate new discoveries into practical applications, including our capacity in the area of technology transfer.
MetricBaseline2014 Goal % Tenured/tenure-track faculty from underrepresented groups8%13% % Executive/managerial from underrepresented groups17%20% % Female tenured/tenure-track faculty34%40% % Executive/managerial/ staff who are female36%40% % Undergraduate students from minority groups18%22% First-year retention rate among minority undergraduates91%95% *Six-year graduation rate among minority undergraduates69%78% % Graduate and professional students from minority groups14%18% % International graduate and professional students17%22% GOAL 4:DIVERSITY Ensure an enriched learning and work environment by creating a more inclusive community that recognizes and celebrates individual differences.
MetricBaseline2014 Goal # On campus fine and performing arts events # Off-campus fine and performing arts events # Expert consultancies to private and public sector organizations9411,100 # Students participating in service-learning and volunteer programs # Campus visitors (Lodewick Visitor Center; excl. performances, athletic events) 43,00050,000 # Formal outreach programs for schools or businesses # Clinical/Extension System contacts30,53135,000 GOAL 5:PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT Enhance contributions of UConn faculty, staff, and students to the state, nation, and world through appropriate collaboration with partners in both the public and private sectors.
MetricCompletion Target Complete re-organization related to decanal reporting lines in Medicine, Dental Medicine, and Vice President for Research 2009 Complete re-organization in the Office of the Provost related to leadership of institutional research, community outreach, regional campuses, international programs, and diversity Develop integrated plan for enhanced diversity programming across all UConn campuses 2009 Implement Sunset Policy & Selective Investment Principles for re- allocation from low priorities/unsuccessful programs to high priority programs (see Appendix II) 2009 Conduct annual assessment of alignment between UCONN 2000/21 st Century UCONN and Academic Plan progress Ongoing - Annual Review base budgets and develop reallocation plans to support the goals of the Academic Plan. Ongoing - Annual Establish space allocation policy within every college and school2010 Review information technology infrastructure and systems.2010 Review committees, task forces, and advisory/governance bodies and eliminate those that are obsolete/redundant Review by-laws of colleges/schools to ensure consistency with University by-laws (create by-laws in units where they are non- existent) 2010 MetricBaseline2014 Goal *Endowment assets market value$316M$505M *Alumni giving rate21%25% Annual level of private support in new gifts and commitments$55M$85M G OAL 6:A DMINISTRATIVE O RGANIZATION, C APITAL I NFRASTRUCTURE, AND B UDGET P ROCESSES Establish efficient administrative, infrastructural, and budget systems designed to efficiently realize the goals of the Academic Plan.
User Survey Results
Encouraging Library Staff to “Own” the Results Shared the user survey data that demonstrated user satisfaction increased between 1996 – 2001, then leveled off Cross-tabulated LibQUAL results for each respondent affiliation (i.e., School of Education, School of Pharmacy, Psychology Department) Engaged ARL consultants to familiarize library staff with LibQUAL data, radar charts, and bar graphs Required each undergraduate education librarian and subject specialist librarian to submit metrics to the Libraries Strategic Planning Team to improve their individual area of responsibility
UConn Libraries Strategic Plan Goal 1: Actively support our undergraduates with intellectually challenging and diverse resources MetricBaseline2014 Goal Increase number of technology-enhanced group study rooms/spaces for small group collaboration, student meetings, and tutoring. 410 Annual number of Libraries-sponsored events aimed at undergraduates1 per year3 per year Number of library-wide undergraduate-focused qualitative assessments of information literacy01 Number of faculty initiatives (forums, colloquia, etc) on infusing information literacy into the curriculum and assessing student skill development 1 per year3 per year Increase perceived level of service quality in ranking of “modern equipment that lets me easily access needed information” [relates to LibQUAL+ question IC-5] Increase perceived level of service quality in ranking of library Web site “enabling me to locate information on my own” [relates to LibQUAL+ question IC-2] Increase perceived level of service quality in ranking of “quiet space for individual activities” [relates to LibQUAL+ question LP-2]
Graduate and Professional Education Goal 2: Enhance strategic graduate and professional programs through active library liaison engagement and resource support. MetricBaseline2014 Goal Increase dedicated study and practice space for grad students by 10%5830 ft ft 2 Increase number of masters theses in repository Increase User Survey overall satisfaction with individual study space by 5% Increase in perceived level of service quality in ranking of “quiet space for individual activities”. [relates to LibQUAL+ question LP-2] Increase perceived level of service quality in ranking of library Web site “enabling me to locate information on my own” [relates to LibQUAL+ question IC-2] Increase perceived level of service quality in ranking of “easy to use access tools” [relates to LibQUAL+ question IC-6] Increase perceived level of service quality in ranking of “e-resources accessible from home or office. [relates to LibQUAL+ question IC-1] Increase percent of subject pages updated to new format to 100%0100% Increase perceived level of service quality in ranking of “community space for group learning and group study.” [relates to LibQUAL+ question LP-5] Increase User Survey overall satisfaction with group study space Establish a program to provide UConn library materials to users at no cost through Document Delivery/InterLibrary Loan (DD/ILL) 02500
MetricBaseline2014 Goal Deposits of items in Number of project partnerships between library and other campus, government or private entities 1014 Increase number of e-journals accessible to users by 4%17,30018,000 Increase number of objects digitized by 5% per year65,80069,100 Increase usage statistics for digitized objects by 10% per year573,167630,480 Increase student and faculty awareness of liaison program in User Survey50%75% Increase percentage of budget spent on digital format resources80%90% Increase annual number of research consultations by academic liaisons and curators Increase perceived level of service quality in ranking of “print or electronic journal collections needed.” [relates to LibQUAL+ question- IC8] Increase in perceived level of service quality in ranking of “electronic information resources needed.” [relates to LibQUAL+ question IC-4] Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Goal 3: Actively support faculty, student and staff research, scholarship and creative endeavors through quality instruction, liaison collaboration, collections, and information access.
Diversity Goal 4: Ensure an enriched learning and work environment by creating a more inclusive community that recognizes and celebrates individual differences. Metric Baseline2014 Goal % Professional library staff from underrepresented groups10%14% Retention rate among professional library staff from underrepresented groups (remain at UCL for over 5 years) 50%60% Number of primary resource collections documenting underrepresented groups4450 Number of public programs per year related to diversity46 Number of exhibits per year related to diversity35
Public Engagement Goal 5: Enhance the contributions of UConn Libraries staff to the state, nation, and world through public programming and appropriate collaboration with partners in the public and private sectors. MetricBaseline2014 Goal Number of registered fee-based and exempt Community Borrowers Number of library facilities public uses/rentals1020 On-site public uses of the Dodd Research Center collections and services by outside organizations 1020 Number of oral histories of Connecticut leaders Number of public engagement-related digital collections27 Number of annual consultancies to public sector organizations510
Library Administrative Organization Goal 6: Adopt a new library organizational structure that aligns with and supports the University’s Academic Plan. MetricCompletion Target Complete library staff and associated budgetary restructuring to correspond to the Academic Plan goals of Undergraduate Education, Graduate and Professional Education (including research, scholarship, and creative activirty), Diversity, and Public Engagemnent June 30, 2009 MetricBaseline2014 Goal # of Library Staff on Undergraduate Education Team 1215 # of Library Staff with Academic Liaison roles 2328 Increase the percentage of externally funded library expenses through private giving, grants, contracts, and income generating activities 3%5%
Getting Staff Involved in Assessment at the University of Connecticut Libraries Stressing the Importance of Library Assessment on a metrics-oriented campus that’s striving to improve its national ranking With ARL’s help, getting the Library staff to understand, interact with, and own the LibQual+ and User Survey Results, with the ultimate goal of continuous improvement Using a portfolio of instruments, measurements, and techniques to demonstrate how the library is working to improve the areas that the University has targeted as strategic Questions?