Worldview and Decisions
Differing Views In our society different political beliefs have their origins in different cultural traditions These are based on some of the major worldviews European View: ◦linear – one dimension ◦Secular – concerned with life and worldly matters ◦Analyical System ◦Values competition ◦Based on patriarchy ( father is the supreme authority in the family) ◦The rights of the individual are the most important. ◦Decision making is centralized
Aboriginal Worldview Aboriginal View: The idea that everything is interrelated is central to this worldview This idea is known as the “sacred circle” The culture believed in equality and harmony Decision making is decentralized Individual rights and group welfare were highly valued
Conflict Resolution In decision making there will not always be an agreement. We need to think about Conflict Resolution. These worldviews lead to different methods of resolving conflict and ultimately making decisions.
Conflict Resolution In a traditional patriarchal society decision power is granted to a small group ◦A ruling class Traditional aboriginal societies decentralize power so that no one person (or small group) has power over the entire group.
Conflict Resolution In all of the liberal democracies of the world several groups compete for power and the mandate to make decisions What are some examples of each of these decision making processes ? ◦Traditional patriarchal society ◦Traditional aboriginal societies
Research Assignment In groups of two research the decision making of the Iroquois Confederacy. Will be out of 14 marks