Good Eating Habits. At Breakfast, you need to eat cereals with milk, you need to drink a fruit juice and you need to eat biscuits or slices of bread with jam and butter.
For Lunch, you need to eat proteins, like in meat, or roast or turkey. You also need slow-release sugar such as potatoes or pasta. You shouldn’t eat mayonnaise or ketchup because it’s unhealthy! There’s too much fat and sugar in it! And don’t eat too much bread: it’s unhealthy too. For dessert, you could eat cheese and then eat a yogurt.
At dinner, you don’t have to eat so much: just some soup or fish with green vegetables is enough!, You can’t go to bed with a belly full, which creates agitated sleep! Don’t forget to eat cheese, fruit and yogurt. That’s full of calcium good for the bones and vitamins good for cold aggression to avoid flu and catching a cold! Follow my diet! I am never ill and I am always in good shape!
This is to be in good health because people who eat junk food are likely to have heart disease and it’s very, very risky. Take care, Naomie