Elijah Rosas University of California, Davis Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department ENGR 10 Intro to Engineering March 26 th, 2014
About Me Chabot College Transferring University of California, Davis Senior Design Project Engineering Experience Advice OUTLINE
Grew up in Oakland, CA Graduated Arroyo High School in 2003 Decided To Pursue Engineering in 2006 Employment: 99 Cent Store, Insurance Co., Payphone Co. Transferred from Chabot to UC Davis in 2009 Graduated in 2011 with B.S. in Mechanical Engineering ABOUT ME
●I got Mail. ●Mechanical, Civil, Electrical? ●Taking THIS, ENGR10 course sparked my interest ●The thought of enriching peoples lives WHAT GOT ME INTERESTED?
ENGR 10,22,25,36,43,45 PHYSICS 4 (A,B,C) MATH 1,2,3,4,6 Toughest class is ENGR 25 Worked at Pacific Telemanagement Services (Payphones) CHABOT COLLEGE
Lived at an apartment, through student housing Biked to school everyday Friendly Environment Great Campus TRANSFER EXPERIENCE
●Same Intense Engineering Courses ●UC Davis has TA’s ●Huge Campus ●FOOD!!! CHABOT VS. UC DAVIS
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Lower Division Manufacturing Processes Upper Division Dynamics Thermodynamics Fluid-Mechanics Professional Responsibilities Mechanics of Materials Control Systems Thermo-Fluid Mechanics Experimental Methods Heat Transfer Mechanical Design Sim and Des of Mech. Systems Electronic Systems (Electrical, Computer, Agricultural, Civil, Mechanical, BioMedical, BioSystems) UC DAVIS
●Spanish Art(Burgos, Spain) ●Learn about the buildings and paintings ●Lots to see (Madrid, Salamanca, San Sebastian) ●Great Experience!!! STUDY ABROAD IN SPAIN
Purpose Our team was to come up with a pill dispensing prototype for the elderly that may not cohere to their complicated medication schedule. Specifications 6 different medications Child-safe One week supply Sized for counter top User Programmable Powered from standard outlet Audio and Visual Alarm SENIOR DESIGN PROJECT
●Learning programming and software (in weeks) ●Learning about different mechanisms ●Solving unforeseen problems CHALLENGES
●DNA Sequencing Instruments ●Optical Alignment (LED, Lasers, Optics, Cameras) Illumina, Inc.
●Design a test stand to measure temperature uniformity on a wafer ●Next Generation Wafer Tool Process LAM Research
●Design a test stand to measure temperature uniformity on a wafer ●Next Generation Wafer Tool Process LAM Research
●Material handling robot ●Determine material and size ●Count the number of material ●Very time consuming ●Fun, Nonetheless ●Data Acquisition Project ●Video: GRADUATE COURSE PROJECT
●Get involved ●Try New Things (Take Classes) ●Learn to apply theory to real applications ●Ask Questions ●Develop relationships with professors ●Network with students ●Exercise ●ANY QUESTIONS??? ADVICE