End of Grade Test What you need to know.
Reading – Key Features of the EOG The Grades 3-5 EOG Test • Assesses NCSCOS (Goals 1-3 reading objectives) • Emphasizes comprehension • Uses the North Carolina Thinking Skills • Requires students to read selections from a variety of text types • Assesses vocabulary through application and understanding of terms in context • Engages students in complex, comprehensive reading and thinking • Involves critical analysis and evaluation
Reading Number of items: 58 Test Time: 140 minutes maximum 240 minutes Types / Genres of selections: Fiction Non-fiction Poetry Content Consumer Number of items: 58 Test Time: 140 minutes maximum 240 minutes
To experience literature To gain information To perform tasks The variety of selections allows for assessment of reading for various purposes : To experience literature To gain information To perform tasks To apply critical analysis and evaluation
About the Reading EOG… 8 Total selections 50 Items (expected) • Selections include both literary (60%) and informational (40%) texts. LITERARY SELECTIONS (60%): 2 Fiction selections (e.g., short stories, fairy tales, myths, pourquois) 1 Non fiction selection (e.g., biography, essays, letters, journals) 1 Drama selection (e.g., plays, skits, monologues) 1 Poetry selection INFORMATIONAL SELECTIONS (40%): 2 Content selections (science, social studies, art, music, etc.) 1 Consumer / directions selection (recipes, how-to’s, applications, schedules, etc.)
EOG asks students to do the following: • Apply reading strategies • Define key vocabulary by examining context • Organize details • Paraphrase the main idea • Read and interpret different genres (text types) • Determine purposes of selections and portions of selections • Determine meaning of figurative language • Draw conclusions/Make inferences • Determine mood, tone, style • Interpret information in reference materials • Critically analyze and evaluate text • Examine authors’ craft • Make text-to-text and text-to-world connections
Reading 4 Types of questions: Cognition - context clues, summarize, purpose Interpretation - inferences Critical stance – compare / contrast Connections – connect knowledge with information & experiences beyond the selection
Reading Vocabulary Vocabulary is assessed through the application and understanding of terms within the context of the selections and questions. Vocabulary used in everyday instruction. Introduced in small chunks. Vocabulary matched to curriculum map. Create an EOG Word Wall. Use the vocabulary in word sorts. Play vocabulary review games.
Math 5 strands Geometry Numbers and Operations Algebra Data analysis and probability Measurement
Math Calculator Inactive Calculator Active Number of items: 28 Test Time: 135 minutes Maximum of 240 minutes Average time: 80 minutes Calculator Inactive Number of items: 28 Test Time: 60 minutes Maximum of 150 minutes * Average time 40 minutes Note: * Students are given blank paper and graph paper. * Rulers & protractors are not distributed to students.
Math - Problem Solving Strategy First – Understand the problem. Read and reread the problem. Highlight the key words. What does the problem ask you to find? What data does the problem give you? Draw a figure or picture. Make a table or model.
Math - Problem Solving Strategy Second – Make a plan. Have you solved other problems like this one before? What steps will you take to get from the data to the unknown? Does your plan use all of the important data? Stuck? Tactic: Is there a similar problem which is simpler? Stuck? Tactic: Could you solve part of the problem? Stuck? Tactic: Could you restate the problem? Stuck? Tactic: Would other data help you find the unknown? Stuck? Tactics: Work backwards. Look for a pattern. Guess & check.
Math - Problem Solving Strategy Third : Carry out your plan. Check each step Can you see clearly that the step is correct? Fourth: Look back Did you answer the question that was asked? Was more than one question asked? Is your answer reasonable? Can you check the result? Can you think of an easier way to solve the problem?
Science – 5th grade only 4 strands: Environments Forces and Motion Weather Landforms 80 questions
Helpful Home Hints Parent’s: Be positive, upbeat, and positive. “Do Your Best” Review homework Set aside a time each night for your child to read. Discuss text with your child. Make sure that your child gets plenty of rest. Help your child memorize their addition, subtraction, & multiplication facts.
Helpful Hints Student’s Job: Get plenty of rest. Eat a good breakfast. Slow down and READ everything. Use comprehension strategies Mark up the text – underline, circle, make notes Eliminate answers - “Slash the Trash” Mark possible answers with a dot. Mark answers in the book just incase you get off line. Learn your Math facts.
How the web can help Sample NC Test Items by grade level http://www.ncpublicschools.org/accountability/testing/eog/sampleitems/reading Interactive Web sample items: http://cuacs8.mck.ncsu.edu/mathsampleitems/main.html EOG Vocabulary http://pages.cms.k12.nc.us/karenspake/eoglinks.html NC Best of the web from NC DPI http://www.learnnc.org/bestweb/ Math Multiplication Practice http://www.berghuis.co.nz/abiator/tables/frame1.html
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