Problem Solving & Conflict Resolution June 6, 2014 Sylvan Lake Marg Faryna, DTM 1313I
The Problem-Solving Process Define and identify the problem accurately Identify the major causes – list and analyze Identify potential solutions – with a facilitator, a group can generate ideas and identify solutions quickly 5
The Problem-Solving Process Select the Best Solution – a large group could use multi-voting or nominal group voting Develop an Action Plan Implement the Solution 5
Stimulating Discussion Open-ended questions cannot be answered with a single word Redirected questions facilitator can ask another participant to respond to the question 5
Stimulating Discussion Paraphrased questions restate the question and then ask another participant to comment on it or add to it Clarifying questions asking for more information 5
Resources 15
Unresolved conflict leads to: poor productivity, low morale, distrust and failure Conflict – Good & Bad
Conflict is not always bad! Resolved conflict Can lead to positive change, increased productivity, better decisions, innovation and bonding Is there good conflict?
Personalities Issues Reasons for Conflict
1.Ignoring it 2.Smoothing it over 3.Forcing 4.Compromising 5.Collaboration Five Methods
Allow all parties to speak Identify areas of agreement Identify areas of disagreements Search for solutions Reach a consensus Collaboration
1.Talk in private 2.Share responsibility and agree to resolve issues 3.Present viewpoint in unemotional way 4.Determine points of agreement and disagreement 5.Decide how to proceed on disagreements 6.Summarize discussion in writing and move forward Team Conflict Resolution
Role-Play Scenario 12 As division governor you chair division council meetings attended by the area governors in your division. At today’s council meeting, one of them contradicts almost everything you say. The rest of the council members seem uncomfortable due to the negative atmosphere this disagreement creates.
Role-Play Scenario 12 After the meeting you try to speak with the area governor but he says he is running late and leaves before you ask him what is wrong. You know that if it’s not resolved, this conflict could impact all the area governors’ morale and productivity.
Summary 12 What challenges did you face in resolving the conflict? View conflict as an opportunity to solve team problems and keep everyone focused on team goals. Resolving conflict allows teams to be more productive.
CAUTION 12 Do not become involved in matters of CLUB business Member problem Financial problem Refer the club executive or member to TI for guidance