World War Looms Chapter 16 Hitler Tojo Stalin World War Looms Chapter 16 Mussolini Section 1: Dictators Threaten World Peace Section 2: War in Europe Section 3: The Holocaust (Covered in Chapter 17) Section 4: America Moves Toward War
Hitler on the March March 1936 Hitler’s Invasion of the Rhineland Demilitarized Zone according to the Treaty of Versailles Clear violation of Treaty
Treaties Rome – Berlin Axis: Political and military alliance with Germany and Italy Anti-Comintern Pact: (anti communist) Germany, Italy, and Japan sign agreement to be against the Soviet Union Response of Soviet Union Ask British and French for alliance against Fascists NO!!!!! They don’t like communist either
Annexation of Austria March 1938 - Anschluss – Union with Austria which is a clear violation of the Treaty of Versailles Goal – reunite all German speaking people
Hitler Demands Sudatenland Sept. 1938 –Hitler demands western edge of Czechoslovakia to unite all German speaking people What do the Czechoslovakians say? NO Hitler appeals to Britain and France Munich Crisis / Munich Conference / Munich Pact Britain: Chamberlain French: Daladier Italy: Mussolini Germany: Hitler Who is not there? Czechs They give in to Hitler’s demand Hitler promises this is his last territorial demand
Key Players @ Munich Conference Key Players @ Munich Conference Neville Chamberlain Edouard Daladier From left to right: Chamberlain, Daladier, Hitler, Mussolini, and Ciano pictured before signing the Munich Agreement. Hitler Mussolini
Churchill on the Munich Pact “Britain and France had to choose between war and dishonor. They chose dishonor. They will have war.” See Churchill site @
Munich Conference Symbol of Appeasement Giving into aggressors demands to get them to stop their tantrums March 1939 – Invades the rest of Czechoslovakia March 1939 – Hitler demands Polish Corridor to reunite all German speaking people British and French make pledge to help Poland against Hitler
British and French ask the Soviets for an Alliance Soviets are very mad about being excluded from the Munich Conference Soviets will only ally themselves under certain conditions British and French don’t accept What, no chair for me? (30th September, 1938)
Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact Hitler and Stalin sign in Aug. 1939 1. Agree not to attack each other 2. Agree to remain neutral if either country goes to war 3. Hitler tells Stalin he will allow him to have Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and the eastern part of Poland This is the secret part of the treaty
Hitler Invades Poland Nothing stands in Hitler’s way Sept. 1, 1939 – Hitler’s forces invade Poland 2 Days Later Britain and France declare war on Germany in support of Poland World War II in Europe begins
Blitzkrieg Blitzkrieg – Lightning Warfare Mechanized assault on land, air and sea Western Poland was conquered by the Germans in a matter of 3 to 4 weeks Eastern Poland was attacked and taken by the Soviet Union
Sitzkrieg Sitzkrieg – Phony War: time in the winter and spring of 1939-40 when the French and Germans stared at each other across their lines of fortification and France waited to be attacked. Maginot Line – French line of fortification Siegfried Line – German line of fortification
Hitler Makes His Move April 1940 – Germany invades Denmark and Norway using Blitzkrieg tactics May 1940 – Germany invades Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Belgium May 1940 – Invasion of France June 1940 – The Fall of France Charles de Gaulle – Set up a government in exile in Britain Charles de Gaulle
Dunkirk British are trapped by the Germans at Dunkirk in Northern France. (see map) Rescue mission launched and all possible sea worthy vessels were sent to Dunkirk to rescue the 300,000 troops Military Craft Private pleasure craft Ferries Fishing Boats Etc. Symbol of Heroism British troops are saved, but their equipment had been left behind British are the only viable force left after the Fall of France
Battle of Britain The Luftwaffe (German Air Force) Bombed British Isles day and night for months to soften it up for the big land invasion (Operation Sea Lion) Tremendous flying by the Royal Air Force held the Germans off and Hitler calls off invasion Why is it always difficult to invade the British Isles? Winston Churchill- Quote referring to the Royal Air Force (RAF) “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.”
Hitler’s Mistakes Hitler underestimated the British and failed to invade the British Isles See 2nd mistake section 4 See 3rd mistake section 4