Me and MY FOOD! BY: April J White, Niamh M Slaney – Ambridge and Helena K Quainton.
Contents What do think is healthy? What do think is healthy? Diets. Diets. Anorexia. Anorexia. Bulimia. Bulimia. Comfort food. Comfort food. Fear food. Fear food. Get the best out of food. Get the best out of food. Trying the more exotic. Trying the more exotic. The conclusion. The conclusion.
What do you think Is healthy? Ok, so do you know what is healthy for you? Really? Do you think that chocolate is healthy? Strawberries?Crisps?…
What do you think Is healthy? Well, here are the facts… Chocolate is actually proven to be ok for you. That doesn’t mean that you should take up eating it like you would with your fruit. The best chocolate to eat is dark chocolate, as it is more natural and contains more cocoa beans. Chocolate is actually proven to be ok for you. That doesn’t mean that you should take up eating it like you would with your fruit. The best chocolate to eat is dark chocolate, as it is more natural and contains more cocoa beans. Strawberries are good for you, but don’t eat too much of them! They have there own natural sugars – like many fruits do – and will be a bad choice to eat loads. But, still eat your fruit. Strawberries are good for you, but don’t eat too much of them! They have there own natural sugars – like many fruits do – and will be a bad choice to eat loads. But, still eat your fruit. Crisps can be good for you. They lock in some of the water in your body, but are still bad for you and your weight will increase if you eat too many. You may not think that some food like chocolate and crisps are good for you, but in moderation (meaning not eating too much of something) they can be ok, as you need a mixed diet.
Diets In the latest celeb magazines, you’ll probably read about the newest and best diet. But are they all good for you? …
Diets Diets aren’t good for you if you don’t need them. It may sound sexist - as we’re singling out the girls – but, more and more younger girls are thinking of taking a diet. This can cause havoc with your body and mind and most importantly, the majority don’t need them! Only children who have been told by a doctor should have a diet. And NEVER go on a crash diet. (Unless you are told by a doctor).
Anorexia People who have anorexia see themselves as fat, when they are actually very skinny. It becomes a habit that they don’t eat much and some cases are more serious than others. They are reluctant to take medication because they really do see themselves as fat. People who have this illness don’t really treat themselves or their body, because they don’t think they should be treated. Anorexia is a physical and mental illness.
Bulimia Bulimia is a illness that is hard to spot. It is where you eat normally, but secretly you binge on chocolates, crisps and to be honest most things. Then they feel guilty and make themselves sick. This then becomes a habit. Bulimia is a mental and physical illness.
Comfort food Comfort food makes some people feel better after sad or distressing events, such as: Death Fall outs Break ups People who are finding it hard, think they need it and feel it’s the only thing that can make them feel better. It’s a mental illness. It also happens with other things like hording or buying things excessively.
Fear food Fear food sounds a little strange, but it can happen. It is where you stay clear of some foods for some reason. One reason is that you have a fear of choking on some foods. This can be a problem if you have a fear of choking as you can choke on basically anything! Fear food is all in the mind (so it’s a mental illness).
Get the best out of food Getting the best out of food is very important. If you buy something, you want to use all of it, not just eat some of it and throw the rest away. For example, you could eat an orange and you can use the orange zest on the skin to add into a lovely cake. Then when you're done with the skin you can throw it on the compost. You also want to get the best out of food, by it giving you energy.
Trying the more exotic Trying the more exotic food is important because you will learn more about other countries and will give you more of a balanced diet. It is also good, because you could find food you really enjoy eating, instead of eating the same food all the time.
The conclusion All these illnesses, like: anorexia and bulimia can all be over come. Many people have an eating disorder and some find it hard to admit, but most people can get better. (Even some top celebrities have an eating disorder). The truth is that, all these eating disorders can be over come and they need to be known (but not feared).
The conclusion Thank – you for watching our presentation! This was made BY: APRIL J WHITE NIAMH M SLANEY – AMBRIDGE HELENA K QUAINTON. If you want to know more about eating healthily and disorders go on: