A-Level ICT Presented by: Mr Hunter
Things you probably want to know? How well do people do in ICT? How well do people do in ICT? What will my tutors do for me? What will my tutors do for me? What will I study? What will I study? What might it all lead to? What might it all lead to?
2012 ICT Exam Performance 100% pass rate (from 34 students) 100% pass rate (from 34 students) NB: no student has failed ICT since 1986 NB: no student has failed ICT since (of the 34) students equalled or exceeded their target grade 31 (of the 34) students equalled or exceeded their target grade 50% of students exceeded their target grade 50% of students exceeded their target grade
ICT Course Resources ICT Tutors: ICT Tutors: Mr Hunter + Mrs Best + Mrs Macloud 5 x Hunter lessons (per fortnight) 4 of the Hunter sessions will be allocated to coursework ICT Virtual Learning Environment: ICT Virtual Learning Environment: all teaching materials including PowerPoint presentations used in lessons all examination questions & mark schemes Tutor Tutor get help with your work 24/7 (well almost!)
A-Level ICT AS ICT (studied in Year 12) AS ICT (studied in Year 12) 1 x 2 hour written exam(2 nd June 2014)60% 1 x 2 hour written exam(2 nd June 2014)60% 4 x practical tasks(Sept - March)40% 4 x practical tasks(Sept - March)40% A2 ICT (studied in Year 13) A2 ICT (studied in Year 13) 1 x 2 hour written exam60% 1 x 2 hour written exam60% Coursework project40% Coursework project40% A-Level ICT = AS + A2 A-Level ICT = AS + A2 every mark counts every mark counts overall grade is determined by total marks overall grade is determined by total marks
AS ICT Main Topics Software and Hardware input, output, storage and special purpose devices operating systems, application software, utilities Spreadsheet Software using spreadsheets for modelling real-life scenarios Databases creating database tables, forms, queries & reports Presentation Software creating interactive slideshows
AS ICT Subject Content Word-processing & Desktop Publishing document production mail merge Graphics Software digital image production & editing animation 2D/3D modelling Web page creation software designing & creating web pages
AS ICT Subject Content The Role and Impact of ICT what do we use technology for? what about criminals & technology? what are the social impacts of our use of ICT? ‒ ‒ we use technology for so many things on a daily basis how might technology develop in the future? ‒ ‒ what will we be using in 1 year, 5 years …..
The Future Developmentsof ICT: The Future Developments of ICT: Leisure gaming, music, TV, reading …. Transport self-parking cars, sat. nav., airport security, …. Shopping eBay, online stores, security …. Communication smartphones, social networking, SMS, …. Education iPad, Skype lessons, Internet research …. Medicine implants, prosthetics, robot surgery, online-diagnosis …,
AS Coursework 4 tasks set by the exam board worth 40% of AS the tasks are usually based around : graphics – editing, animation website creation spreadsheet modelling, database creation, slideshow presentation
ICT Student University Courses
Applied Psychology and IT Applied Psychology and IT Business & IT Business & IT Mathematics & IT Mathematics & IT Physics with IT Physics with IT
ICT Student University Courses Applied Psychology and IT Applied Psychology and IT Business & IT Business & IT Mathematics & IT Mathematics & IT Physics with IT Physics with IT Computer Animation & Special Effects Computer Animation & Special Effects Computer Games Software Development Computer Games Software Development Interactive Entertainment Technology Interactive Entertainment Technology
ICT Student University Courses Applied Psychology and IT Applied Psychology and IT Business & IT Business & IT Mathematics & IT Mathematics & IT Physics with IT Physics with IT Computer Animation & Special Effects Computer Animation & Special Effects Computer Games Software Development Computer Games Software Development Interactive Entertainment Technology Interactive Entertainment Technology Cybernetics & Virtual World Cybernetics & Virtual World Digital Modelling & Animation Digital Modelling & Animation
ICT Student University Courses Applied Psychology and IT Applied Psychology and IT Business & IT Business & IT Mathematics & IT Mathematics & IT Physics with IT Physics with IT Computer Animation & Special Effects Computer Animation & Special Effects Computer Games Software Development Computer Games Software Development Interactive Entertainment Technology Interactive Entertainment Technology Cybernetics & Virtual World Cybernetics & Virtual World Digital Modelling & Animation Digital Modelling & Animation Software Engineering Software Engineering