How to be a Great Key Club Member
Help with Membership Recruitment and Retention Service Projects Publicity
Membership Retention & Recruitment Food at meetings Pizza and snacks is a great way to entice people to come to meetings. Member of the month Have baked goods for winner each month; have a certificate for them (include photos and descriptions of what they did to earn the award from throughout Key Club year) Icebreakers great for people to get to know one another and feel included in the club.
Membership Retention & Recruitment Share fun Key Club facts Famous people that were in Key Club (Bill Clinton, Tom Cruise, Elvis Presley, Brad Pitt) Put this information on posters, announcements, Facebook posts, word of mouth. Contests between grades Which grade can raise the most money or perform the most service hours?
Membership Retention & Recruitment Bowling Talk to a bowling alley to see if they can give your club a deal (e.g., discounted rate for lane, then charge Key Club members normal rate to make a profit) Dinner/lunch at restaurants Ask if they can give your club a percentage of the money (choose popular restaurants for teens, or snack places, such as frozen yogurt shops)
Membership Retention & Recruitment Movie Nights Open to your entire club or school, charge admission or charge for food Meeting dates posted around school Post flyers and posters with the date Bring friends to meetings If everyone in your club brought a friend your club size would double
Membership Retention & Recruitment Leadership development activities Frequent service projects Making the members feel important Member only ice-cream socials Tournaments Icebreakers
Service Projects Projects during meetings Making cards for the military PB&J for the homeless shelter Reading with younger students Making get well soon bags for children in hospitals
Service Projects Beach/Park clean up Concerts Carnivals Directing parking at city events Fundraisers for organizations
Publicity Be sure to get your friends to your club’s meetings. Key club week is a great time to invite friends to service projects. Partner up with other clubs that participate in service to spread the impact of your club throughout your campus. Host events on your school’s campus to get the attention of other people at your school.
Resources Your Lieutenant Governor and Assistant Administrator can answer any question you may have.