ODE Workshop, LIP, 07-08/04/05 SRP: Software Irakli MANDJAVIDZE DAPNIA, CEA Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France.


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Presentation transcript:

ODE Workshop, LIP, 07-08/04/05 SRP: Software Irakli MANDJAVIDZE DAPNIA, CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

Workshop, LIP, 07-08/04/052 Overview Software requirements Current software activity Software project

Workshop, LIP, 07-08/04/053 Software Requirements Configuration → Communication channels → TTC section → Active partitions and modules TCCs, DCCs, ABs Masks → Time-out values → Low-high water-marks → SR algorithm parameters → Test mode parameters e.g. forced TT flags Monitoring and controls → Operation states RC, sTTS, internal FSM → Operation statistics e.g. error counters → Contents of spy memory Debug and test → Low level software to validate functionality → Standalone operation → Operation with minimal number of ODE components Development within the CMS software frameworks (when possible) Question on support for FPGA firmware download via VME (or BS): → will it be provided and by whom?

Workshop, LIP, 07-08/04/054 Current Software Activity AB is based on Xilinx Virtex2Pro FPGA with embedded PowerPCs → The use of PowerPC allows for parallel hardware/software development Low level control and test software → “C” libraries and standalone applications to configure and control AB developing in parallel with firmware firmware and libraries being debugged / tested on Xilinx development kits → Currently run on embedded PowerPC → In principle, reusable in AB driver for control via VME

Workshop, LIP, 07-08/04/055 Low Level Software Access to hardware resources via a Local Bus → Hardware is composed of modules Module type: e.g. TTC Module id for several instances: e.g. ComChan → Each module has its own Control and Status Register space Registry file: command, configuration, status, statistics... Optional Memory spaces: spy, pre-loaded data,... → Only 32-bit words are supported Local bus address 00 ModuleIdModule internal address space

Workshop, LIP, 07-08/04/056 Low Level Software (Cont.) Test/Debug applications developed so far → TCS_Emu Controls TCS emulator hardware → AbTester Controls AB Tester hardware Low level libraries developed for modules → Communication channels → TTC → TCS_Emu → TstSender for AbTester TCC_Emu AbTx_Emu → TstReceiver for AbTester DCC_Emu AbRx_Emu

Workshop, LIP, 07-08/04/057 Software Project Getting experience with CMS framework → Installing DAQKit on a Linux PC → Standalone HAL exercises → Connecting the PC to a 6U VME64x crate via SBS620 adapter → Familiarize with VME64x Plug&Play using CES RIO3 VME processors → Understand ODE CrateController and CMS RunCotrol applications... for seamless integration within common ODE software framework → be inspired from DCC and TCC developments