Welcome to 1 st Grade! Mrs. McGhee & Mrs. Boyd
Welcome to First Grade… We are so glad to be working with you and your child this year! First grade is a year of exceptional growth! In first grade we work hard to foster a sense of independence. Your child is responsible for entering the classroom, unpacking and preparing their materials for the day. We hope to instill good work habits that your child will carry throughout their educational career and beyond! Please encourage your child to do their best each day! We promote a positive, safe and risk free learning environment in which all children are respected learners! It is important that students treat each other in a manner in which they would like to be treated. Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions, comments or concerns. It is truly the partnership between parents and teachers that make children successful student Sincerely, Mrs. McGhee
Academic Success Get plenty of rest! Eat a nutritional breakfast! Complete homework on time! READ every night! Do your BEST everyday!
Breakfast Breakfast time for car riders is 7:25 – 7:45. Breakfast is cut off at 7:45 promptly. Breakfast from outside is not allowed. No visitors during breakfast. No talking during breakfast.
Dress Code Absolutely NO Flip Flops. No Tank Tops, shirts MUST cover the shoulder.
Absences Please have your child at school every day. Tardies and Early dismissals prevent your child from meeting his/her potential. We will begin instruction promptly after morning announcements. If your child needs to be absent due to sickness, please send in a doctor’s note or parent note. Please make all appointments after school or during breaks.
Homework Binders Please sign each night Return to school daily Place any notes in the pocket labeled notes and money Label all money
VOLUNTEER!!! We would love for you to volunteer in our classroom. Please sign up in the hallway and I will contact you to set up dates and times.
QUESTIONS!? Please feel free to contact me… Call the school: Call my cell: After 6:30 am and before 9:00 pm anytime: (checked daily, however I cannot ensure a quick response during the school day) Note: Place a written note inside your child’s Homework Binder!
Positive Reinforcement Monkey Money Prizes Treasure Box Homework Pass
Class Dojo Earn points for positive behavior, homework, good character education, and participation. Each time your child reaches 100 points he/she will be rewarded.
Classroom Rules 1.We will keep our hands, elbows, and feet to ourselves. 2.We will use our 0, 1, 2, 3 voices. 3.We will use our manners. 4.We will raise our hands and wait to be called on. 5.We will walk in the building with our quiet sign up.
Birthday Celebrations We welcome you to celebrate your child’s birthday with our class. You are welcomed to send a treat (must be store bought) by 11:30 to share with the class during lunch. You may also join your child for lunch on his/her special day!
Transportation Changes Please make sure changes are noted in your child’s Homework Binder. We will not make transportation changes unless we receive written notice. When possible please let us know the morning of the transportation change. We are aware that some changes are last minute, in this case the office staff must be notified, and they will let us know. We appreciate your attention to this matter.
Lunch Parents, grandparents and other family members are welcomed to join us for lunch anytime on or after September 14 th ! Our lunch time is 11:45 – 12:15 We sit at table # 7
Our Daily Schedule is located in your child’s Homework Binder.
Class Website Please take advantage of our classroom website. It is updated often and has a lot of valuable resources and information!
How to Help Your Child at Home???
Wish List If you are able to donate to our classroom, please take a post-it from the wall in the hall.
What’s going on? Weekly Newsletters Web Site Phone Call from Dr. Bethea Friday nights at 6:30
Before you go… Please fill information on top of the folder before you leave. Anything inside of the folder can be filled out and sent with your child on Monday. Sign your initials by your child’s transportation on the board.