First Grade Third Grade Fifth Grade Kindergarten Second Grade Fourth Grade
Mission Statement To promote educational performance, providing all students with the opportunities to acquire the academic, career, personal, and social competencies necessary to achieve quality learning and life-long success.
Goals To address the standards adopted by Forsyth County Professional School Counselors to guide our program in working with all children. Support initiatives with academics, attendance and behavior. To provide every student access to a developmental and comprehensive school counseling program.
Kindergarten Guidance Listening and cooperation skills (Academic) Self-Knowledge and Exploration (Career) Identify Feelings (Personal/Social) Relationships Good Touch/Bad Touch (Personal Safety) Personal Responsibility
First Grade Guidance Work Habits (Academic) Responsibility Traditional Occupations (Career) Identify personal strengths (Personal/Social) Good Touch/Bad Touch (Personal Safety) Respect for others and their differences
Second Grade Guidance Personal Responsibility (Academic) Listening Skills Non-Traditional Occupations (Career) Appropriate and Inappropriate Behavior (Personal/Social) Good Touch/Bad Touch (Personal Safety )
Third Grade Guidance Learning From Mistakes (Academic) Using Effective Communication Skills (Personal/Social) Learning How to Make and Keep Friends (Personal/Social) Test Taking Skills (Academic) Good Touch/Bad Touch (Personal Safety Program) Learning techniques for managing stress and conflict (Academic) Learning how to interact and work cooperatively in teams (Career)
Fourth Grade Guidance Study Skills (Academic) Taking Responsibility for Your Actions (Academic) Good Touch/Bad Touch (Personal Safety Program) Recognizing, Accepting, Respecting, and Appreciating Individual Differences (Personal/Social) Applying Effective Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills Test Taking Skills (Academic)
Fifth Grade Guidance Lessons Learning Styles and Study Skills (Academic) Dealing with peer pressure (Personal/Social) Good Touch/Bad Touch (Personal Safety Program) Working independently and cooperatively with other students (Academic) Recognize that everyone has rights and responsibilities (Personal/Social) Test Taking Skills (Academic) Career Exploration (Career) How to succeed in Middle School ( Academic )
How We Serve Our Students Classroom guidance lessons Small groups (Grief and Loss, Conflict Resolution, Divorce, Study Skills, Social Skills, and Organizational Skills) Individual guidance Consultation (teachers, parents, students and community resources) Referrals to community agencies
Special Projects Facilitate Red Ribbon Week Facilitate the Mentoring Program Facilitate the Second Step Violence Prevention Program Facilitate Career Day Monitor Attendance Facilitate the Parent Library Project Wise Man Facilitate our United Way Collections
Counseling Department Diane Orado x Vicki Rawlins x
ACCOUNTABILITY Forsyth County School Counselors meet regularly to grow professionally and study and utilize data in developing the guidance programs. Attendance use Grades Office referrals (behavior) Counselor referrals Agency referrals
Please feel free to talk to us any time with any questions or concerns. We are here for you and your child!