What’s with Jerry? Lucie in Love The Defarges Wedding Bells Revolt!
Who follows Cruncher at nighttime?
His son, Young Jerry
This is the name given to what Jerry does undercover.
Resurrection Man
What does Jerry tell his wife and son he is doing when he goes out at night?
He is going fishing.
What item does Jerry always bring with him on his nightly adventures?
Fishing Tackle
Whose body does Jerry try to uncover in these chapters?
Roger Cly
What is Lucie and Charles’ relationship like?
Supportive, happy, loving
What tragic event did Charles and Lucie go through once married?
The death of a child
What is Lucie’s reaction when she knows she is leaving her father behind?
She is sadden by this and fearful that he will regress back to his old ways.
What does Carton say he would do if Lucie would love him?
He would become a better man.
What promise does Syndey Carton make to Lucie?
He would sacrifice himself for those she loves.
What is revealed about Madame Defarge’s knitting?
She records all of the enemies of the revolution who they hope to execute.
Why does Madame Defarge wear a rose in her hair.
This signals when an enemy of the revolution enters the wine shop.
What is the declaration that Defarge and his followers announce after they hear the fate of the Marquis’ killer?
All family members of the Marquis’ shall be killed.
Who comes to visit the Defarges in their wine shop?
John Basard
What do the Defarges decide to do after their conversation with the visitor?
They put his name and Charles Darnay’s name on the hit list in Madame Defarge’s knitting.
What does Charles tell the Doctor on the morning of his marriage to Lucie?
That he is Charles Evermonde, nephew of the Marquis.
How does the Doctor react to the information Charles tells him and the marriage?
The Doctor reverts back to his old ways of making shoes and becomes distant from everyone.
What does the Doctor tell Lucie on the night before she is married?
That he missed her dearly while in prison and thought about her every day.
Besides Lorry, who else knows about the Doctor’s condition?
Miss Pross
What two things does Lorry do in reaction to the Doctor’s condition?
1. He does not tell Lucie about the Doctor’s condition. 2. He burned his cobbler’s bench.
What does the mob attack?
The Bastille, a prison in Paris
Why does Lorry go to Paris?
He finds out that Charles and Tellson’s Bank need his help.
Who does Charles confide in to tell where he is secretly going?
No one. He goes alone without informing Lucie or anyone else about it.
What is the first thing Defarge wants to do after they take over the Bastille?
He visits the prison of Doctor Manette.
What is the symbolism of the “echoing footsteps?”
It hints to the reader about the upcoming revolution.