Digital Portfolios Dr. David Meoli Sousa Elementary School Port Washington UFSD
Digital Portfolios We can use technology to create a richer picture of a student’s abilities that go beyond numbers (quantitative data) A portfolio can contain a set of qualitative data that demonstrates: student growth over time AND student individuality
Exhibitions of student learning What did you accomplish in school?
The Catalyst… Sousa Elementary School Empire State Partnership (grant from NYSCA: New York State Council of the Arts) Interdisciplinary grant combining art and science Use digital portfolios to document our students’ individuality and growth over time
The Big Picture What are the goals? What does it look like when the children have learned those goals? How well have they done in accomplishing those goals?
Our Digital Portfolios after 1 ½ years
What comes first…?
Initiatives in Schools Portfolios Curriculum Maps Tech Initiatives Status Quo
Cheryl’s Digital Portfolio
Reading Tab
Reading: Spring ‘09 First Grade
Reading: Fall ‘09 Second Grade
Reading: Spring ’10 Second Grade
The Art Portion of the Digital Portfolio Followed A sample portfolio page from a first grade student, Alexis.
The Art Portion of the Digital Portfolio Followed Here is another student after the first round (and after the second – shown on the next page)
Our Digital Portfolios After One Year of Pilot Work
Drawn to Science Working on rubrics in both art and science to assess student work
Drawn to Science Also creating student self assessments in art:
Drawn to Science …and in science:
The English Language Arts Portion of the Digital Portfolio Followed Here is a page from a first grade book that students made after their science unit that includes short examples of reflective student writing
21 st Century Curriculum
Drawn to Science: Teaching Drawing to Illuminate Scientific Observation Reflection, Collaboration, Alignment Student Work: Digital Portfolios (multiple measures) Teacher Work: Curriculum Maps (multiple delivery) Integration of Instruction (multiple lenses) Science and Art ELA
Next Steps: Port Washington Add ELA and Science artifacts Add Rubrics for teachers & students Add other disciplines (SS & Math) Work on school structures to support more time for tech and focus on student work Develop a parent Tech Committee
Digital Portfolios QUESTIONS