Welcome to First Grade! Ms. Meyers Room 197 Ms. Weaver Room 196 Ms. Bartosh Room 198
Student Expectations Students must arrive at school by 7:55 am. Our learning begins every morning as soon as the bell rings. Students must arrive at school in uniform with their shirt tucked in and their shoes tied. Homework binder and back packs are required every day. If you have questions regarding uniform, please refer to handout. Your child needs breakfast and lots of sleep! We are busy learning all day and these are important for success. Students are required to understand and follow all school and classroom rules. Color Chart 7 Step Plan Homework and Reading Logs must be completed by the student everyday and turned in Friday morning.
Homework and Reading Log Homework binders are required to be brought to school every day. One side of your binder is for homework and reading log. Homework should take no longer than 45 minutes to complete, including reading log. If your child is struggling to complete the homework please contact your child’s teacher before Friday. Don’t nag your child to do their homework. Set a timer and walk away. If their homework in getting complete, contact your child’s teacher and they can finish it during their recess. Homework should be completed by the student. If you child needs help, please assist them, but do not do their homework for them. This includes siblings. Homework help is available through the YMCA after school. Contact the YMCA for more information. Spelling Word help is available online at SpellingCity.com Reading Logs should be completed as a part of your child’s daily homework.
Parent Expectations Please make sure your child is ready (well rested, with breakfast, uniform, and Homework Binder) and at school by 7:55 am. Monthly 1 st Grade Parent Meetings are MANDATORY and will be held on the 1 st Monday of every month. The next parent meeting will be held on Monday, October 1 st at 3:15 in Ms. Meyer’s room. Parents who attend all monthly meetings receive priority in attendance at Field Trips and other school activities. Parents are expected to check their child’s Homework Binder daily and remove papers in the “Leave at HOME” section. Snack Bucket MUST contain a healthy snack! The more you are involved at Pioneer Preparatory School the higher success your child will achieve!
My child is in 1 st grade…Now what? Responsibility at school and at HOME Following directions quickly after being told once. Reading regularly and practicing flashcards. Parents: Ask questions about what they learned in the day. Students: Answering questions in complete sentences. Students: Take out home and start completing on their own. Students: Should have chores at home or something they are responsible for.
What is Core Knowledge? Core Knowledge 4 S's Core Knowledge Is: Solid Sequenced Specific Shared For more information on Core Knowledge please refer to your handout and visit
What your First Grader needs to know This book has EVERYTHING that we will be learning in 1 st grade and is an AWESOME resource to purchase! -English version can be purchased at coreknowledge.org or on amazon.com -Spanish translation of the book can be found at coreknowledge.org under “parents” tab, then “resources”, and then “Spanish translation” The table of Contents is in today’s handouts!
CKLA: Skills Phonics (sounds) Individual Blended Words Sight Words Fluency Reading Comprehension CKLA: Listening and Learning Content Literature Stories, poems, fables, etc. Geography History Science Listening Comprehension
Math: EnVision Math Envision a math program that engages your students as it strengthens their understanding of math. enVisionMATH uses problem based interactive learning and visual learning to deepen conceptual understanding. It incorporates bar diagram visual tools to help students be better problem solvers, and it provides data-driven differentiated instruction to ensure success for every student. The best part, however, is that this success is proven by independent, scientific research. 1 st Grade Focus: Numbers from Addition Subtraction Measurement Geometry
Specials: Art Music PE Media (computers) & Library 45 minutes daily of one of the Specials areas!
Questions? Please talk with your child’s teacher regularly! You can , call, or schedule an appointment to meet in the classroom.