Welcome to 1st grade!
Our Team: Pat Auld Maureen Holmquist Meagan Lesinski Carol McGinnis Jennifer Hollywood-Proctor, Team Leader Addie Rhinevault, Paraeducator Change names
Other friendly faces in 1st grade : Stacey Darchicourt Allison Dowdy Miss Batoul Mrs. Merkey Ms. Jenny Yi, student intern Change names
Our Schedule 9:30-12:00 Reading/Language Arts 12:00-12:30 Recess 12:30-1:00 Lunch 1:05–2:15 Math 2:15-2:35 Content 2:35-2:40 Stack and Pack 2:40-3:40 Specials 3:55 Dismissal change
Look at what we are studying in 1st grade!
Reading -Progress Monitoring by Instructional Text Reading Level- Beginning of Year (Aug – Sept) 1st Quarter (Sept – Nov) 2nd Quarter (Nov – Jan) 3rd Quarter (Feb – April) 4th Quarter (April – June) Kindergarten Emergent A A B B C C 1st grade Early 1 C/D D E Early 2 E F G H I 2nd grade Early 3 I/J J K Fluent K L L M M
Reading Reading block ~Direct instruction with classroom teacher ~Support from paraeducator /reading specialist ~Daily 5 Add daily 5 stuff
Examples of questions used in reading groups for literary text Questions for Knowledge/Recall ~Where did the story take place? ~How is the problem solved at the end of the story? ~How would you describe the character in the book? Questions for Comprehension/Explain ~Predict what will happen next. ~How is the title related to the book? ~How does the setting make the story more interesting? Questions for Application/Use of Knowledge ~If you were in a similar situation to that of the main character, would you have responded the same way? ~Did this book remind you of anything that has happened to you? How? Under Q for comp #2 how is
Language Arts Quarter 1 - Personal Narrative, and Literary Non-Fiction: All About Books Quarter 2 – Writing about Reading and Friendly Letters Quarter 3 – Realistic Fiction: Short Fiction and Author Study: Book Review Quarter 4 – Procedural Writing : How to Books and Poetry: Free Verse, Rhyme
Math Problem Solving Place Value Addition/Subtraction Fact Fluency Measurement Time Shapes and Attributes Number charts to 120 Add hundred twenty charts are important OR numbers to 120
Content Social Studies – Working Together, Our Community of Cultures, Our Changing World, and Communities at Work Science – Plant and Animal – Structure & Function, Pattern in Space Systems, Light and Sound Health – Social and Emotional Health, Disease Prevention, Safety/Child Abuse, and Nutrition and Fitness
STEAM Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics Add Art ?????
Homework Vocabulary and Reading - Notebooks go home Monday with vocabulary activities to be completed during the week. Notebooks are due on Friday. Math – Assignments will be given out on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. It is a review of skills previously taught in class. Add Thursday to math hw, students will return a folder each night with an adults initials and books read for the night. This will give them a stamp. With a completed calendar of stamps the students will receive a prize from the prize box
Vocabulary/Reading Homework ~Students are to read 15-20 minutes each night. ~The week’s word study pattern is listed along with suggested words for practice. ~Monday and Wednesday nights, students are to chose an activity from the word study menu. ~Tuesday and Thursday nights, students are to to chose an activity from the quick write menu.
Effort/Learning Behaviors Grading Star – Happy face – Check - Effort/Learning Behaviors 1 Consistently Outstanding 2 Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Snacks NO PEANUT BUTTER OR NUT PRODUCTS due to allergies. Snacks should be quick (5-8 minutes) and easy to eat with little mess. The following are examples of acceptable snacks in 1s grade: small bag of dry cereal pretzels raisins piece(s) of fruit granola bar grapes Carrots There should only be 1 food item, they only have 10 minutes.
Miscellaneous Please make sure to label all of your child’s clothing. If your child must take medication while at school, please contact Mrs. Taneyhill, the health assistant. Medication may not be sent in with your child. If you wish to send birthday invitations in with your child, please make sure there are enough for the whole class otherwise, please make other arrangements for distributing invitations. Please check your child’s school supplies each month to make sure they have everything they need to be prepared for class. Chaperones for trip necessary or students cannot go on trips.
What is SOAR? S – Safe O – Organized A – Always Respectful R - Responsible
5 Point System & Clubs Students will begin the day with 5 points and every student should strive to stay on 5 or above. Students will record their daily total in their take-home folder (primary) and agenda books (intermediate). SOAR Celebration Clubs will occur every 2 weeks. Teams will brainstorm ideas for Clubs with students and will offer 3-4 twenty-thirty minute rotations: active activity, quiet activity, arts and crafts, movie, etc. Possible ideas include: read with a flashlight, dance party, bring in a board game, arts & crafts, drawing, etc. To attend the Clubs, students will need 80% of the total possible points for the first quarter. This percentage will go up throughout the year and parents will be informed. If you’re interested in donating supplies or assisting with Clubs, please contact your child’s teacher.
SOAR Tickets Students will continue to earn SOAR tickets. Two students’ names from every grade level will be randomly pulled on Monday mornings for the SOAR School-wide Lottery. Names will be announced on the a.m. announcements. Students who are picked will have their picture taken with Ms. Bowen to be displayed on the SOAR bulletin board. Students will also pick a SOAR reward from a menu of choices.
Classroom SOAR Ticket Rewards When students have earned 10 SOAR tickets, they will be able to trade-in their tickets to their classroom teacher for something from the Coupon Bin or the Prize Bin.