UNIVERSITY OF PÉCS MEDICAL SCHOOL Exam period 2014 Administrational Guide for Students at the UPMS
Exam period 08 December 2014 – 23 January weeks
Before exam period Check your ETR for your financials Any dept shown can block your ETR → no exam registration If there are problems, turn to your administrative officer for help BEFORE the exam registration starts!
Signing up -Starts on 30 November 2014 at 8:00 am -one day earlier than others if questionnaires on Coospace are filled in (Feedback Committee can help you with more info on this) -On ETR/Registrations/exam registration
DEADLINES Signing up: 1 WORKday before exam till 9:00 am Cancelling: 2 WORKdays before exam till 9:00 am
Example Your exam is on Monday, you can -sign up no later than 9 a.m. on Friday -cancel your exam registration no later than 9 a.m. on Thursday If you miss these deadlines, noone is able to help you
Planning Please plan your exam dates carefully! Always have enough time for bettering exams and retakes. Exams can ONLY be taken within the exam period (Dean’s Chance as well) Make sure you do not register exam spots for the same time…you can not be at two places at the same time De-register exams in time if you know you do not sit that exam. (in fairness to others and avoid fee-paying)
Proof of identity Have your passport or any kind of identity card with your photo on it with you when going to exams. If you may forget it → run to the RO
In case of illness go to the doctor and get a certificate take the certificate to the course director get a signature and stamp on it bring it back to the Registrar’s Office within 8 days after the exam this way you can get back a chance for examination (certified absence)
Bettering exam Request written to RO with title of the course and the date of the bettering exam Bring the request to RO in person The first grade must be registered first, otherwise not even we can sign you up.
Retake exams Only if fail mark or absence is registered Signing up in ETR (deadlines!) According to 23 (8) of the Code of Studies and Examinations 6 chances altogether for a given course (Dean’s chance included in this 6).
Dean’s Chance On request to RO (form under Downloads and Forms) To be submitted to RO in person (we need to check the indicated exam date’s availability) Once during your studies Fee to pay!
Exam fees A, B chances are free C, D chances 4900HUF/chance (except students in Brazilian programme) Please note: if you sign up for a course for a second time, every chance is considered as C chance Uncertified exam absence (registered exam, but did not go): 4900HUF
What to do if the grade registered in ETR is wrong? You have 14 workdays (after exam period) to make a complaint, after that noone can help you Go to the course director and ask for correction of your grade. Check ETR on a regular basis…such cases can have irreversible consequences!!!
On a side note The last 2 weeks of the exam period is the registration period for the spring semester!!! (12-23 January 2015) You need to have major exams completed which are pre-requisites for 2nd semester subjects to be able to sign up for them!
QUESTIONS? Wishes? Worries? Problems? Feedback?
And finally…. Contact us if you have questions or worries always in time so that we can help you. Have a successful and smooth exam period! Thanks for your attention.