University Of Palestine
Department of Information Technology
Balmiera Restaurant 1 st Quadmaster 2006
Contents Introduction 1 Overall Description 2 Specific Requirements 3 Appendix 3
1. Introduction Explain what are the exactly purposes and tasks in details of the new software project. Achieve the main required goal which is, computerizing this system. 1.1 Purpose of project:
1. Introduction 1.2 Scope: The software programs in general are used to help designers and software Engineers in their work. Microsoft Office FrontPage is an applied program, we use it to finish the system interfaces and login pages. Microsoft Office Access as a database program to store all information and data related to the restaurant In Design Chapter we will use Visual Basic program to join both interfaces and database.
1.3 Definitions 1. Introduction Clients: People who just use the computerized system Testers: People who tests the whole system Maintainers: Engineers who maintain the sys. continuously Developers: Workgroup that develop systems periodically
1. Introduction 1.4 References: Balmiera Management Department Balmiera Private accountant Questioners sheet
1. Introduction 1.5 Overview : Section 1: Our main project's function is to develop and computerize system performance of BALIMERA restaurant. We started to gather information about the present system which they use.
1. Introduction 1.5 Overview : Cont. 1.Classical system, may found in any other restaurants. 2.Few processes done by computer. 3.Bills are stored as hardcopies, and they wait their own accountant to insert them into the PC 4.Their database (present system) isn't suitable for their large processes and their accounting department. We will mention in this part more detailed problems about the past system used in the restaurant:
1. Introduction 1.5 Overview : Cont. 1.Management (Manager only) 2.Customer Reception & orders. 3.Cookers. 4.Update Goods sold file & Inventory. What also information we could gather in this small period of time, is that the restaurant consists of one manager and about eleven employees divided into three departments which are:
1. Introduction 1.5 Overview : Section 2: 1.Customer orders there orders from reception workers. 2.Kitchen orders are done by cookers. 3.Daily Goods sold data and Daily inventory depletion amounts are formatted by the accountant. 4.All formatted data are submitted to the manager. The system has traditional processes which followed by the employees, manager and customers in order to make the system life cycle for example:
1. Introduction 1.5 Overview : Section 3: In this section we will discuss the Use Domain and User Classification. Use Domain: The system will be used in the specified place which the group has assigned, the system may be ready to use in about two to three months starting from this report date. User Classification: system users include the Manager, accountant, restaurant workers and may include a secretary as additional part to be familiar with the new system and finish the live treatment and action that should be done without waiting the accountant.
2. Overall Description 2.1 Product Perspective: The project product intent all the restaurant management's main aims. The system of the project is independent as a single system. Software items which are represented by database, data flow and programming codes, makes the relations between the different part of the system.
2. Overall Description 2.1 Product Perspective: Produce Management report Update Goods sold file Update Inventory file Process Customer Food order Kitchen Customer Goods sold file Restaurant manger Daily goods sold amount Formatted goods sold data Inventory file Goods Sold Inventory data Daily inventory Depletion amounts Kitchen order Customer order Receipt 4.0 Software items which are represented by database, data flow and programming codes; makes the relations between the different part of the system. This Diagram shows Data flow for fast food of the system:
2. Overall Description System Interface: System interfaces are different, depends on the way of getting the order, the webpage on the web represents the system interface when getting the order by the web, in the other hand, reception employee is the system interface when getting the order by personally coming or by phone.
2. Overall Description Cont. System Constrains specified by what the system can do and what can't, for example if we are talking about searching for a kind of food, clients are constraints of what the kinds are available. So any system has a constraints which limit its usage and benefit. Systems properties represented by availability and ability of the system to be improved and maintained, and our project has a high level of availability to make system users satisfies, also we are looking forward to improve this system and we are still at the beginning of the road.
2. Overall Description 2.2 Product Functions: Below is a list of all functions that found in the system with a description of every function and its priority.
2. Overall Description 2.3 User Characteristics:
2. Overall Description 2.4 Constrains: As known, any system has constraints which limits its usage and benefit. Restaurant status constraints: 1.Orders available 2.Crowded order kind 3.Delivering time 4.Available recourses in restaurant store System constraints: 1.Type of used OS 2.Internet connection speed
2. Overall Description 2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies: The new system is will be developed by a programming language which support Microsoft Office Windows XP, so the OS that should be used to give the highest performance is Windows XP. Also other Windows OS could be used like Win98 and Win Millennium, and by this we give system owner a wide range of operating systems to be installed on their computers, and to give availability for old computers to run the system.
2. Overall Description 2.6 Apportioning of Requirements: The system software requirements that is needed for the system to be developed are parted to three main parts: Interface designing is the first part, where used Microsoft Office FrontPage as main designing program. Database designing is the second part, where used Microsoft Office Access as main database designing program. Finishing system is the third and last part, where it will be used Visual Basic program to connect between the previous two parts, Interface and Database. And that will be done in the Design Course.
3. Specific Requirements 3.1 External Interfaces: In this section we will describe in details all department, system inputs and Dataflow related to run the system. The following is the system interface picture which clients will use in ordering their orders. The Interface is divided to four main parts: 1.Navigation list. 2.Links an Think list. 3.Login table. 4.Explanation column.
3. Specific Requirements 3.1 External Interfaces: Explanation column Login Table Links and Think list Navigation list
3.1.1 Navigation list: Include the main parts and pages links of the website, it allows you to move between different pages. 3. Specific Requirements Cont Links an Think list: Display some collection of restaurant news links and other entertainment links.
3.1.3 Login table: From this table registered clients and users could login to the system. 3. Specific Requirements Cont Explanation column: This column displays a detailed information related to the part where you are.
3. Specific Requirements 3.2 External Interface Requirements: There is no needed for any external software or hardware, the system is independent that can be run with no external support 3.3 Performance Requirements: Using the system in its top performance requires a best internet connection, Microsoft Windows XP and the Latest version of internet explorer program. 3.4 Design Constraints: Our system designing work didn’t have any constraints that limits its ranges and environment. 3.5 Logical Database Requirements: The main logical database program used in developing this system is Microsoft Office Access, where we store all related date required to run the system and storing dataflow
4. Appendix 4. Appendix: Questionnaire Form
Done by: Ahmed Al Toul Hassan Abu Daqen Supervisors: Miss. Eman Al Ajrami Miss. Yassmen El Bobo