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There is a lot of sugar there. It’s not good for your teeth. Fizzy drinks contain a lot of harmful things.
Chewing gums. Chewing gums are harmful for stomachs
Crisps and snack are not useful.
You shouldn’t eat a lot of sweets and chocolate
One of the main reasons of obesity is fast food There is a lot of fat in this kind of food.
What should we eat?
7.00 – Coffee – Sandwiches – Snacks(pasta) – Crisps, Cola – Crisps – Great Dinner.
8.00 – Breakfast – Lunch – Tea Break – Dinner – Tea Break
Breakfast in the morning, Dinner in the day, Tea comes after dinner, Then comes time to play! Supper in the evening When the sky is red. Then the day is over And we go to bed.