Category 1Category 2Category 3Category 4Category
Category 1 He suggested that the fact that he had an idea of a perfect God existing, made it necessary that God exist, since as an imperfect being, he was incapable of creating that perfection. René Descartes
Category 1 He rejected the notion of the ontological proof since “one cannot define God into existence.” Immanuel Kant
Category 1 Since he disputed the concept of causation in the first place, it makes sense that he also disputes the cosmological proof for God, i.e., that God is the first uncaused cause. Who is he? David Hume
Category 1 He claimed that just because human experience needs a cause, that does not mean that the universe does too. That was his argument against the cosmological proof for God. Who is he? Immanuel Kant
Category 2 What does Aquinas claim about the truths we have about God from reason and the truths we have about God from faith and revelation? They will never be opposed to each other.
Category 2 Who first put forth the ontological proof of God’s existence? St. Anselm
Category 2 When discussing Aquinas’ first proof of God’s existence, what is the key focus? Motion God is the First Unmoved Mover, God is the Prime Mover
Category 2 What type of proof is Aquinas’ First proof? Why? Cosmological It looks at the world, i.e., the cosmos to explain something about God
Category 3 What kind of proof is it if it suggests that God is a Master Designer? Teleological argument
Category 3 Which proof(s) of God’s existence did Hume dispute? Teleological and cosmological
Category 3 Which proofs for God did Immanuel Kant dispute? Cosmological and ontological
Category 3 Who is it that believed that the political elite use religion to control the masses? Karl Marx
Category 4 Who would have said, “Believing in God fulfills a human need, but does not prove that there is a God.” Sigmund Freud
Category 4 Which of Aquinas proofs is considered to be cosmological? The first three 1.God the Unmoved Mover 2.God the Uncaused Cause 3.God the source of existence for all things contingent
Category 4 What is the focus of the fourth proof for God’s existence according to Aquinas? Gradations found in things God is the most perfect i.e., the cause of the perfection found in things
Category 4 What is Aquinas’ fifth proof focused on? The purpose of universe, it seems to be directed to a goal or end. This would require an intelligent planner
Category 5 What is the name of an argument that tries to suggest the possibility that God exists in a world that has evil as well? Theodicy
Category 5 What is the term that suggests that God created the universe but is no longer active in guiding it? Deism
Category 5 This approach to God’s existence suggests that we can have a personal connection with an active God. What is it called? Theism
Category 5 What is the belief that states it is impossible to know whether or not there is a God? Agnosticism