HOW TO GET TO STARDOM! (Making the grade) I use the following grading scale: Tests/Projects50% Quizzes 25% Daily Work/Homework 25% Total100% All tests are cumulative. You must make at least 80% on each test. If you make less than 80%, you will need to go to and take the test until you make a grade of 90% or better. It is YOUR RESPONSIBLITIY to get all notes and assignments, as well as make up all test. You will have a maximum of five days to receive and complete any missed assignments due to absences. ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCE II I am a registered nurse and have been teaching the AHII curriculum for 12 years. I have a Bachelor’s degree in nursing and bring thirty five years of hands on experience to the classroom. I am really excited about having the opportunity to serve as your guide as you explore the health care delivery system and acquire skills needed to participate in the health field. Excuses Not Accepted In the workforce if a medical professional is late with his/her work, a person could die! Late work is not accepted in college. These habits need to be developed in high school. Organizational skills are a must to be successful in the workforce! If you see that you are having trouble completing an assignment, you need to come by and see me or me. With proper notice, I may be able to “reschedule a deadline.” AHSII No Cell Phones or electronic devices allowed in Class! Upon entering class, turn your cell phone off. If you refuse to turn your phone off and it is seen or heard it will be confiscated and you will be required to have your parents pick it up after school. NO EXCEPTIONS
Allied Health Science II Supply List The following supplies will be needed for a successful in Allied Health Science II: A 5 subject spiral notebook with plastic cover Perforated pages (college ruled) Lots of glue sticks Markers Plastic subject tabs Black pen and #2 pencil (if you do not have a wooden #2 pencil and a black ink pen when required (testing) you will receive a five point reduction on your grade. Clear contact paper or wide clear packing tape Watch with second hand Signed class newsletter Permission forms signed You are required to have the above supplies by _____________. We will begin organizing our notebook on this date. ANNOUNCEMENTS OVER THE PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM (PA) No matter what is going on in class, you must be quiet for these announcements, even if the announcements do not pertain directly to you. Please be quiet!! Requirements for Allied Health Science II 1.A perfect fit uniform shop will come to the classroom for students to try on uniforms to purchase. 2.CPR with AED training is required for this course the cost is $ A respirator is required for CPR and will cost $ A name badge is required and will cost $ You must give me your drivers license or a form of picture ID and your social security card so I can make a copy. 6.I need a copy of your immunization card. 7.I will need the above money by __________________. How to be successful in HOE 1.Write your notes in a different color for each day of the week. Read through notes each evening like you were reading a book. Use your notes to study and quiz yourself. Get a family member to quiz you. 2.When you are absent you must make up the work you missed. 3.You will have a maximum of five days to receive and complete any missed assignments due to absences.
“WHAT IF I MISBEHAVE?” I am sure that I will not have to focus on this topic often, since I know I have the best students at Purnell Swett High School. If the need should arise, I do have procedures ready and waiting. I follow the following protocol for disciplinary problems: 1st offense: Verbal warning to student (deduction from work study grade) 2nd offense: Teacher/student discussion and possibly parental contact and/or administration referral. *Procedure may vary dependent upon circumstances. REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR NOTEBOOK TO EACH CLASS! I will Check for this daily. I will be happy to tutor you if you need any extra help mastering Allied Health Science II. Please let me know when you need help and I will arrange time to work with you. Please take responsibility for your own learning. Be prepared for surprise quizzes. A 100 – 94 A B B B C C C D D D F Grading Scale I have read and am familiar with the information in this newsletter Student: ___________________________ Parent/Guardian:___________________________ Contacting Sue Patterson School Phone: Cell # I f you are absent more than three days you will not be able to go off campus for your clinical rotation; You will not be able to complete nurse aide training.