1.To know the main areas of this module and the key terms 2.To understand why people choose to believe in God 3.To reflect on whether the evidence given for belief in God is sufficient Creed: A statement of beliefs Holy Spirit: One person of the threefold nature of God Monotheism: belief in one God Trinity: The Christian belief that God is three separate persons within one
There are three main types of people when talking about belief: 1 AtheistAtheist God is not real and never will be. People who believe in God are mistaken and should learn not to rely on an imaginary being to get them throughGod is not real and never will be. People who believe in God are mistaken and should learn not to rely on an imaginary being to get them through 2 AgnosticAgnostic God might exist but it is impossible to find out within our lifetime. All proof is beyond human understandingGod might exist but it is impossible to find out within our lifetime. All proof is beyond human understanding 3 TheistTheist God does exist, people have experience of God in their lives and that is evidence enoughGod does exist, people have experience of God in their lives and that is evidence enough
No idea!! People have said that they have had experience of God but no one knows for definite what He is like. People believe that He has certain abilities and characteristics that define Him. Forgiving Eternal Perfect Omnipotent Omniscient Omnibenevolent Omnipresent Judge Merciful Creator Father Invisible Not physical / spiritual Immanent Transcendent
There are many reasons that people give for their belief in God. Here are just 4 of them: 1 Intelligent DesignIntelligent Design 2 Moral ArgumentMoral Argument 3 ExperienceExperience 4 UpbringingUpbringing
The world that we live in cannot exist without an all- powerful (omnipotent) God who created it. The world that we live in cannot exist without an all- powerful (omnipotent) God who created it. William Paley and the Design (Teleological) Argument. Imagine that you come across a watch lying in the sand, you open it and find a finely balanced arrangement of wheels and cogs. Imagine that you come across a watch lying in the sand, you open it and find a finely balanced arrangement of wheels and cogs. Can anyone honestly think that this just appeared by accident? Or does it imply a watchmaker? Can anyone honestly think that this just appeared by accident? Or does it imply a watchmaker? How does this apply to the universe? How does this apply to the universe?
We know right and wrong because we have a conscience. Christians believe the conscience comes from God – he lets them know what he expects from them. Some people’s conscience might be stronger than others, but it is still there in everyone.
Many people believe they have met God, and they can’t all be wrong! The may have witnessed a miracle, or felt close to God through reading the Bible. They may have had a revelation while worshipping that brought about a divine inner feeling of Love and Peace. If people experience God, then He must exist!
Some peoples belief in God stems from their upbringing. The family has read the Bible and prayed together. They cannot remember a time when they didn’t believe in God or go to Church. They do not need to be convinced of God’s existence – they just ‘know’.
The Trinity is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Each part of the Trinity is separate – Jesus Christ is not the father, nor is the Holy Ghost Jesus Christ. God is known through each different part – Father, Son and Ghost.
God the Father Calling God ‘Father’ humanised him. Calling God ‘Father’ humanised him. It was a way of teaching people that God loved and cared for them – just as a good human father cares for his children. It was a way of teaching people that God loved and cared for them – just as a good human father cares for his children. God the Son Christians believe the most complete revelation of God has come to them through Jesus. Christians believe the most complete revelation of God has come to them through Jesus. He was born as ‘God in flesh’ – the son of God and of the Virgin Mary. He was born as ‘God in flesh’ – the son of God and of the Virgin Mary. Here he was able to show something of the true nature of God. Here he was able to show something of the true nature of God. He died on the cross so that sins could be forgiven. He was resurrected from the dead and ascended into Heaven. He died on the cross so that sins could be forgiven. He was resurrected from the dead and ascended into Heaven. God the Holy Ghost After Jesus returned to Heaven, he sent his Holy Spirit to guide his followers into all truth.After Jesus returned to Heaven, he sent his Holy Spirit to guide his followers into all truth.
Complete the two exam questions: You have 15 minutes (b) Explain why Christians believe in God (7 ) (c) “God does not exist, people are wrong to believe in God” (5) Do you agree? Refer to Christianity. Give a range of different answers Refer to a specific example to back up the point you are making Use key terms and concepts to show understanding Give your own opinion on the question with detailed reasoning. Give the Christian point of view with reasoning. Give a conclusion to sum up what has been said and what your conclusion is
Using pages in Philosophy and Applied Ethics (the white textbook): 1)Explain what a miracle is 2)Explain how a miracle breaks scientific laws/ laws of nature 3)How are miracles evidence of God’s intervention in the world? 4)Explain the miracle in Mark 4: )Explain the miracle that took place at Lourdes in 1858
a)Why do people believe in God? b)Do you think the evidence provided for their beliefs is sufficient? c)Why? d)What do Christians believe God is like?