Buenos Aires This city is a must see if your going to Argentina It is the tango capital of the world It has many wonderfully made buildings with beautiful Architecture. It has many clubs and parties to visit at night The food is excellent.
Iguazu Waterfall Iguazu Waterfall is one of the largest water falls in the world It is larger then Niagara falls It has viewing platforms so you can see the falls
Patagonia This is a site on the great Southern Whale’s Journey to warmer water You can see many whales It is also a site of ancient cave paintings These paintings were the work of cave men
Puerto Madryn Puerto Madryn is home to Argentina’s best beaches. It is near the equator. Puerto Madryn is also home to the best hotels in Argentina They sell some of the best seafood in the whole country here
Cordoba Cordoba is an ancient city in Argentina One of the first cities the Spanish settled It has many old world buildings to see It also has many festival
Visit Argentina! Or Die!