Raising the Bar: New Standards, New Challenges
State Superintendent June Atkinson North Carolina students didnt lose ground in their learning last year, but they are being measured against a higher standard with more rigorous expectations for applying knowledge and skills to real-world problems.
Changing Standards The Old: Standards were about students ability to move to the next grade level. The New: Testing now designed to reflect new, deeper content knowledge.
Proficiency standards now address how ready students are for college and careers, and whether students will be ready to graduate.
New Standards: Students are taught the process of problem solving… …not simply taught answers to questions.
New Standards: Students are asked to communicate and collaborate more… …to think critically, and to create more.
Changing Tests…Changing Scores End of Grade (EOG) and End of Course (EOC) scores will be released November 7th. It is NORMAL for test scores to drop when new standards are introducedthey usually do ( has happened twice in NC since 1990s).
Comparison New York and Kentucky both implemented new standards in , and they experienced similar drops last fall. 45 states have adopted the new standards, and they are also expected to have drops in scores.
Raising the Bar Just like the high jump, once the athlete clears the bar, it must be raised. The athlete may miss the bar at the new height, but will eventually clear it.
Student Growth It is important to remember that students continued to grow academically in Lower scores do not reflect poorly on them, OR on their teachers.
New Assessments Are a Baseline. Over time, scores will provide a clearer picture of how well prepared students are to enter college and the workforce.
Focus Having new test scores helps to support student learning and to support teachers. Teachers are involved in intense professional development to better understand new standards.
Outcomes We CANNOT compare this years scores to last years scores. Scores will NOT affect students grades or current placement.
Next Steps Encourage your students. Communicate with teachers and administrators. When available (SOON!) learn to access and use the HOME BASE Parent Portal. Check the districts & your schools website for updated information.