Bellwork Start a list of things you know about astronomy and astrology 1
Create an astronomy/astrology y- chart on a separate sheet of paper Leave room for a summary at the bottom 2
Is astrology science? (inquiry question) 3
Notes (on a different page than your y-chart) Essential question: How does astronomy compare to astrology? 4
Astronomy The scientific study of the universe beyond the Earth Tells us about the origin, history and structure of our universe and solar system Uses telescopes and satellites
Astrology The study that interprets how the positions of the stars, planets and moon effect your personality, fate, relationships etc
HOROSCOPE A prediction made based on the position of the sun, moon and planets A chart or diagram showing the positions of celestial bodies and interpreted for their influence over human events
CONSTELLATION A group of stars in the same region of the sky to which a name has been given Ex: Orion, Capricorn, Pegasus Any of the 88 star patterns seen from Earth named by ancient Greeks after animals, objects or mythological figures 13 Zodiac Constellations 5 Circumpolar Constellations
Ecliptic The imaginary line that traces the path of the sun across the sky Moon and planets commonly fall on this path Eclipses occur on this path The zodiac constellations fall in this pathzodiac constellations Due to the constellation boundaries being redefined in 1930 by the International Astronomical Union, the path of the ecliptic now officially passes through thirteen constellations: the twelve traditional 'zodiac constellations' plus Ophiuchus (the serpent bearer)
Zodiac A band of constellations found along the ecliptic Originally contained 12 signs or “houses” The sun resides in each constellation for approximately one month
PRECESSION The slow cone shaped motion of the Earth’s axis of rotation The Earth wobbles as it rotates over a 25,800 year period This causes the zodiac constellations to line up differently with the sun over long periods of time
Bellwork Go back and add to your y-chart Summarize the similarities and differences between astronomy and astrology in 3 sentences. Turn this in for a grade 19
Signs of the Zodiac Common Constellations
Aquarius: The Water Bearer In Greek mythology, Aquarius is sometimes associated with Troy. The myth has is that a young boy named Ganymede was out tending to his fathers sheep when Zeus took interest in this young beautiful boy. Zeus then turned himself into an eagle and carried Ganymede to Mount Ide where Ganymede would have to serve drinks to Zeus. But one day, Ganymede didn't want to serve drinks anymore, so he poured out Zeus' wine and water which caused a great flood. It was then said instead of Zeus getting angry, he gave Ganymede immortality and gave him the constellation Aquarius. Incidentally, if the "Age of Aquarius" was celebrated in the 1960s, the real event is still some 600 years off: at that time Aquarius will contain the vernal equinox, marking the return of the Sun into the northern celestial hemisphere.
Aquarius: The Water Bearer
Aries: the Ram Aries, "The Ram", is an ancient constellation which was of considerable importance since the sun passed through it at the vernal equinox. This point has now moved into Pisces, but the vernal equinox is still known as the First Point of Aries. In another six hundred years the point will have moved into Aquarius. The Ram in question may have been the one whose golden fleece was the object of Jason's quest. There is some reason to believe that the Greeks just took over a much older horned animal at this time of the year; the horn being a symbol for fecundity, renewal, and so on. As the Sun came into this constellation, at the vernal equinox, the year itself was being renewed.
Aries: the Ram
Cancer The Crab The name comes from the Latin; cancer means crab. The crab in question is the one sent by Hydra to attack Heracles. It was only a bit part, but one which secured its immortality.
Gemini The Twins Gemini, the Twins, are really only half-brothers. They share the same mother (Leda) but have different fathers. Castor's father was a king of Sparta, Tyndareus - who would be chased from his throne but later rescued by Heracles (who nevertheless wound up killing him). The father of Pollux was none other than Zeus, or Jupiter. Zeus visited Leda on her wedding night in the guise of a swan. Thus the twins, Castor and Pollux, would be born. When Castor died, because he was mortal, Pollux begged his father Zeus to give Castor immortality, and he did, by uniting them together in the heavens.
Leo: The Lion The first on the list of Heracles' labors was the task of killing the Nemean Lion, a giant beast that roamed the hills and the streets of the Peloponnesian villages, devouring whomever it met. The animal's skin was impervious to iron, bronze, and stone. Heracles' arrows harmlessly bounced off the lion; his sword bent in two; his wooden club smashed to pieces. So Heracles wrestled with the beast, finally choking it to death. He then wrapped the lion's pelt about him; it would protect him from the next labor: killing the poisonous Hydra.
Libra: The Scales Libra means "The Scales" or "Balance", so named because when the zodiac was still in its infancy, some four thousand years ago, the sun passed through this constellation at the autumnal equinox (21 September). At the two equinoxes (Spring and Autumn) the hours of daylight and darkness are equal. As a symbol for equality, the constellation came to represent Justice in several middle Eastern cultures. However, the Greeks had a different perspective; at one time Scorpius, which lies just to the east, was much larger, and the stars that make up Libra were then known as the Claws of the Scorpion.
Pisces: The Fish According to one Greek myth, Pisces represents the fish into which Aphrodite and her son Eros transformed in order to escape the monster Typhon, the "father of all monsters" had been sent by Gaia to attack the gods, which led Pan to warn the others before himself changing into a goat-fish and jumping into the Euphrates.
Sagittarius It was the Romans who named the constellation Sagittarius ("sagitta" is Latin for `arrow'), although several stars carry Arabic names which identify just which portion of the constellation they represent. Sagittarius has a muddled history. In ancient times the asterism of three bright stars in a curved line was seen as a bow to some, leading both Greek and Roman writers to confuse the constellation with Centaurus.
Scorpius: The Scorpion Gaia may have sent the scorpion to kill the mighty hunter, as he had vowed to rid the earth of all wild animals. Or Apollo might have told Gaia of Orion's boast, fearful that Orion had designs on Apollo's sister Artemis. In any case it was Gaia who sent the scorpion to kill Orion. Later the animal would chase Orion across the heavens, but it could never catch him, for the scorpion was so placed that it would rise in the east only after Orion had safely disappeared over the western horizon.
Taurus: The Bull Is Taurus attacking Orion, the Hunter, or are the Horns of the Bull the real story? The horn was a symbol of fertility and bountiful riches in many cultures for thousands of years, and it is probably the case here, for the constellation would have announced the Vernal Equinox at around 4000 BC. In Egypt, Taurus was seen as the cow goddess Hathor. Hathor was the goddess of beauty, love, and happiness, and she represented all of the riches seen in cattle as the providers of nourishment.
Virgo: The Virgin Virgo is the second largest constellation (after Hydra). As a member of the Zodiac, Virgo has a number of ancient myths and tales. The Sun passes through Virgo in mid-September, and is therefore the constellation that announces the harvest. Virgo is often represented as a "maiden" (as its name indicates). In antiquity, she may have been Isis, the Egyptian protectress of the living and the dead and the principal mother goddess.
Capricornus: the goat In Greek mythology, the constellation is sometimes identified as Amalthea, the goat that suckled the infant Zeus after his mother, Rhea, saved him from being devoured by his father, Cronos. The goat's broken horn was transformed into the cornucopia or horn of plenty. Capricornus is also sometimes identified as Pan, the god with a goat's head, who saved himself from the monster Typhon by giving himself a fish's tail and diving into a river. 43
Capricornus 44
Time to share articles While someone else is presenting, you need to write down one interesting or important thing that you learn. 46
By the end of class Turn in your y-chart Turn in your Lab Safety one page 47