Parkside M.S. Announcements October 01, 2013
Announcements Cheering at Parkside this year? There is a mandatory parent meeting on Wednesday, October 2, at 6:30. Parents must attend this meeting. Tryout packets will be in the office this week. You must have a physical on file and have attended the concussion training to try out. See Ms. Mattson in room 618 for more information.
Announcements If you cheered for Parkside last year, are currently in 8th grade and you are planning to try out this year, Ms. Mattson and Ms. Baker would like to meet with you Wednesday, October 2 right after school. Please sign up outside of Ms. Bakers class, room 419 in the encore hallway. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Mattson or Ms. Baker
Announcements 6th grade students, Do you have a passion for writing? Do you think Patriotism is important? Please join Ms. Mattia TODAY in room #623 for an informational and brainstorming meeting to enter a writing contest called the Patriot's Pen. This years' theme is "What Patriotism Means to Me."
Announcements Robotics Club If you are interested please see Miss. Brotsch in room 902 for an application and information or visit the robotics fusion page. Meetings will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays starting on the 9 th of October. Space is limited, and all applications are due by 3 pm on October 4 th see you then !"
Announcements Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology is offering an informational meeting at Benton Middle School on October 8 th, Come and learn all about TJHSST, it’s program, classes offered and student life!
Announcements Chinn Aquatics and Fitness Center Middle School Night – Sat. 10/5 7:30-10:00 PM The cost is $5 at the door Activities include dancing, basketball and wally ball. Concessions are available.
Announcements Ecology Club There is a special meeting on Wednesday, October 2, from 3-5:30 PM. You must attend this meeting if you are planning to go to the Oct. 28 th -30 th field trip!
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