Ljubljana, 17 October th Business and Government Executive Meeting on Cross-border eCommerce Development in the Region Reinhard Büscher, European Commission, Enterprise Directorate General
EL, E IT LU NL A P FI, DKSEUK Geosum D All enterprises (simulation) eEurope 2005 Benchmarking Indicators: The e-Business Index Use of ICT by businesses Adoption of ICT by businesses
The European e-Business Index Enterprise Directorate General European Commission eEurope2005
e-Business Readiness Index European Commission eEurope2005 Enterprise Directorate General The European eBusiness Index (2002 data, simulation)
eEurope 2005 Benchmarking Indicators: The e-Business Index
Online selling and buying Diffusion of e-commerce in EU companies, Computed based on questions on the starting time of online selling / procurement activities. Values for 2003 are 3/2003 and may be higher by the end of the year.
Online selling and buying, amongst SMEs
Correlation between change in labor productivity and use of online procurement Correlation 0.33 Source: e-business sector database Percentage of companies purchasing goods or services online Average annual percentage change in labor productivity,
Survey: > 10 sectors > 28 countries - case studies Secondary sources: - market research - OECD, Eurostat,... - studies, surveys - databases Industry Associations : - sector statistics - reports - interviews Network of experts: experts from different fields, countries and sectors e-Business Market Watch Function Database: e-biz indicators per sector, country, company size Sectoral Impact Reports : - sectoral implications - economic implications - policy implications (paper and electronic) Ad hoc Services (to DG Enterprise): - Forecasts - Short term data retrieval - Background information Synthesis Reports (1000 copies each) Pocketbook (with indicators) Web Site (internal, public) Dissemination (events, conference) e-Business = European ‘e-Business Think-tank’
Improving the understanding: Structural changes at macro- / micro-level by e-business adoption; Takes more than numbers and statistics to assess economic and sectoral impact; New indicators Enhancing policy formulation: to increase competitiveness in the digital economy and to achieve ‘excellent e-business performance’ in light of the Lisbon goal. e-Business = European ‘e-Business Think-tank’
The EU legal framework for e-business has been widely established... … but: some important changes are still to come public e-procurement many enterprises are not aware of the existing e-legislation the statistical evidence EU legislation does not solve all practical problems examples: e-invoices; e-signatures new online business practices create new challenges example: online auctions
How to remove existing "trust" barriers in e-business? The enterprise policy response Raising awareness and improving information the European E-Business Legal Portal Identifying the real problems the online consultation on legal barriers for e-business Promoting self-regulation Communication on "Fair trade in B2B" Reviewing existing legislation and assessing the role of new technologies Conference on "E-business without frontiers: the challenges ahead" in April 2004
For more information