SETTING UP AN AMBASSADOR PROGRAMME AND START WINNING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Joaquin Miranda Carolina García Gijón Convention Bureau 11th ICCRM Seville, Spain 7-9 July
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 SETTING UP AN AMBASSADOR PROGRAMME AND START WINNING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Our reasons for having an ambassador programme 1To increase the number of meetings 2To predetermine medium and long term activities 3To be in the best position to face our most direct competition 4To smash preconceptions about our town 5To increase the self esteem of our professionals
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 SETTING UP AN AMBASSADOR PROGRAMME AND START WINNING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Reasons for having an ambassador programme 6So you know exactly where Gijon is on the map …….. SOME DATA Asturias, the region: sq. Km inhabitans
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 SETTING UP AN AMBASSADOR PROGRAMME AND START WINNING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE TOWNS Gijón: inhabitants Oviedo: inhabitants 25 mn. From Gijón Avilés: inhabitants 25 mn. away
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 SETTING UP AN AMBASSADOR PROGRAMME AND START WINNING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES What makes things tricky? Gijón is not the regional capital It has neither the historical fame nor the architectural prestige of its neighbouring town It has not been the cradle of Asturian University The shadow of our recent industrial past The eternal comparison with the regional capital
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 SETTING UP AN AMBASSADOR PROGRAMME AND START WINNING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES What do we have up our sleeve? Gijón is a 2000 year Roman Town That has gone through a breathtaking urban transformation With outstanding natural outskirts A large number of professionals with a sound national or international reputation It is an established host for many international cultural events
Even if different approaches towards the ambassadors had been taken before, The Gijón Ambassador Programme was properly established in The are 3 main strategic areas of work: Identifying ambassadors Establishing and extending permanent relationships Showcasing of the new city venues and specialized services 11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 SETTING UP AN AMBASSADOR PROGRAMME
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 IDENTIFYING AMBASSADORS Previous approaches ( ) First approach ( ) Presentations in town Second approach ( ) Regional Presentations
Presentations: a way of saving time How to select the right guests? Using pre-established local networks How to succeed in encouraging the guests to attend the presentation? Why extra regional presentations? 11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 IDENTIFYING AMBASSADORS
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 CASE 1.- Presentation to the medical professionals working in Gijón The previous idea IDENTIFYING AMBASSADORS To get the main town hospital manager involved in the project To use the right arguments to convince him Contribute to local development Increase the profile of his institution Show the professional standing of the staff Offer them the free services of the CB Design an in-house presentation during working hours
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 CASE 1.- Presentation to the medical professionals working in Gijón The final presentation IDENTIFYING AMBASSADORS An invitation letter addressed to the medical professionals of the three hospitals in town A selection done by the hospitals managers The choice of coming alone or with the person they choose
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 The final presentation IDENTIFYING AMBASSADORS An evening event organized in the most recent tourist attraction in town: The Botanical Gardens A formal welcoming by the tourist councillor A nocturnal guided tour of the gardens and…. A special party for them in one of the most exclusive venues in the Gardens core CASE 1.- Presentation to the medical professionals working in Gijón
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 Results Sent invitations: 116 Event diffusion: Free coverage by the local press and media The event was well talked over during the next days in the hospitals CASE 1.- Presentation to the medical professionals working in Gijón Guest welcomed: 56 (48%)
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 Results BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: For Gijón X For CB Members For Gijón Convention Bureau CASE 1.- Presentation to the medical professionals working in Gijón Booking of the venue Botanical Garden included in Conference social programmes Booking of the Jazz Band…… New relationships Data base improved More services offered
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 IDENTIFYING AMBASSADORS CASE 2.- Presentation to the University local colleges Different public, different draw backs… THE ASTURIAS UNIVERSITY In the capital: * The Principal Office * 21 colleges * the oldest ones In Gijón: * 8 colleges *The Engineering and technological studies
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 IDENTIFYING AMBASSADORS CASE 2.- Presentation to the University local colleges Different public, different drawbacks… THE NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY CENTER IN ASTURIAS In Gijón: * The Principal Office * The tutorial centre Sorting out the tricky aspects… Analysing the technical professors profile Finding more about the open university tutors
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 IDENTIFYING AMBASSADORS Involving the colleges chairmen/women Professors selected by the chairmen/women Organising an evening event CASE 2.- Presentation to the University local colleges Taking advantage of the past experience…
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 IDENTIFYING AMBASSADORS CASE 2.- Presentation to the University local colleges A first invitation A more formal invitation addressed by the local authority A follow up trough the phone A more personalized welcome at the presentation Improving our strategies …
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 Results For Gijón For Gijón Convention Bureau For CB Members Three conference proposals to be presented in medium term CASE 2.- Presentation to the University local colleges Sent invitations: 63 Guests welcomed: 40 (63%) Professors: 34 (54%) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: Key contacts made to approach regional presentations New enquiries made to the event suppliers
What ideas did we reinforce? To be where our potential ambassadors are To use pre-established networking The effect of helping them to discover their own town The helpfulness of being backed by local authorities The time that a successful presentation can save 11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 IDENTIFYING AMBASSADORS
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 IDENTIFYING AMBASSADORS What have we learned? That ambassadors can help to extend the networking The need of taking in account the specific conditions of each destination
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 Previous approaches ( ) Giving them a full “menu of services” First step (2004) Giving full publicity to the assistance they can get Establishing the annual awards Second period ( ) Implementing the annual party ESTABLISHING AND EXTENDING RELATIONSHIPS
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 ESTABLISHING AND EXTENDING RELATIONSHIPS “Menu of services” Free expert advice selecting venues and accommodation Guidance in the choice of social and cultural programmes Support in preparing a detailed proposal document for the selection committee Free audiovisual and graphical material for a bid presentation on Gijón
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 ESTABLISHING AND EXTENDING RELATIONSHIPS “Menu of services” Availability of staff members to support the presentation Co-ordinate and finance a site inspection on behalf of the decision-making committee Provide promotional support to encourage maximum attendance Free delegate literature for welcome packs Sponsorship of the conference if needed
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 ESTABLISHING AND EXTENDING RELATIONSHIPS Giving the old ambassadors full support when introduce new ones to us Keeping in contact in specific celebrations Using their testimonials as a marketing tool Following up their professional and social careers And more….
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 ESTABLISHING AND EXTENDING RELATIONSHIPS Promoting public acknowledgment of the important role they play: The annual award party Established in 2004 Hosted by the local authorities Sponsored by our private partners
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 ESTABLISHING AND EXTENDING RELATIONSHIPS The annual award party Awards given: 3 Values considered in 2004: The pioneer spirit The contribution to international projection of the town The altruist and foreseeing proposal of the biggest conference held in the region
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 ESTABLISHING AND EXTENDING RELATIONSHIPS The annual award party: the recent past The Venue: the Congress hall The Guests: the awards winners and their families some of the local ambassadors the convention bureau members The Hosts: the lady mayor the private representatives of the Convention bureau members
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 ESTABLISHING AND EXTENDING RELATIONSHIPS The annual award party: the recent past The event: A formal ceremony A more informal cocktail The communication of the event: Paid special articles in the local paper Special advertisements in the regional papers Free coverage of the event
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 ESTABLISHING AND EXTENDING RELATIONSHIPS The annual award party: the future The Venues: Showcasing the different options in Town The event: A formal ceremony An occasion for the winners to explain their experience An special event offered exclusively for them An opportunity for socializing and exchange impressions
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 ESTABLISHING AND EXTENDING RELATIONSHIPS The annual award party: the future Values to be considered: The quality importance of the conference, not only the number of delegates. The permanent contribution to the town being able to bring different conferences through the years. Their international reputation
What ideas did we reinforce? The usefulness of increasing our professionals self-esteem How they can contribute to extend the networking and arise more business opportunities The important effect of helping them to discover their own town 11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 ESTABLISHING AND EXTENDING RELATIONSHIPS
What have we learned? The convenience of getting a bigger contribution by the private companies The usefulness of an ambassador programme even for increasing the number of members in the convention bureau 11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 ESTABLISHING AND EXTENDING RELATIONSHIPS
11th ICCRM, Seville, 2005 Gijón Convention Bureau