Corporate Finance Theory and Strategy - the case study approach 張 紹 基 Fall, 2010
The Design of this Course The design of this course takes off in three directions –The 2nd part of Financial Management with focus on corporate financial policies. –Applications / implication of theory Business practice The evidence –The most recent issues in the real business
Theory Textbook –Principles of Corporate Finance by Brealey and Myers (BW), 6th edition. McGraw Hill –Corporate Finance by Ross, Westerfield and Jaffe (RWJ), 6th edition, McGraw Hill –Financial Management: Theory and Practice by Brigham and Ehrhardt, 11ed. Thomson
Applications Cases –Team-works –“There is no “truth” in much of Business Management. What matters is to understand and exert impact on others’ mind” –Please do understand the underlying reasons of others’ comments Selected articles, from –Harvard Business Review –Journal of Applied Corporate Finance –Corporate Finance: where theory meets practice
What is Happening around us? News from major publications –Asian Wall Street Journal –The Economists – 工商時報,經濟日報 –Business Weeks –Fortune, Forbes
The Required Work One news presentation in each class Cases Take three tests Most importantly, do participate in the discussions.
Presentations In English – 人總有第一次嘛 ! –Practice makes it perfect! 15 minutes is good, definitely no more than 20 minutes It should represent a group-work
The Grading Policy Cases Report:20% Presentation:15% Participation: 35% Three tests: 30% Adjustment to reflect group work contribution: -20% to +20%
Things that could seriously hurt your grade Absence / Lateness Silence in the class Poor peer evaluation Presentation without 100% preparation
After This Course, I Hope You…. Have more ideas on the issues of Corporate Finance Understand how finance integrates with other functions within a firm Realize what we know, and, more importantly, what we DO NOT know so far in Finance! Understand financial news, and have your own insight Appreciate the intelligence of your team-members Start to read international journals Be less afraid of English presentation
Questions and Suggestions?
Frequently Asked Questions Am I able to handle this course without finance background? How are we tested in the exams? –Open-book tests Is the load of this course heavy? –It depends.