Discrete Maths: Prelim/0 1 Discrete Maths (OLD) Objective – –to give some background on the course , Semester 1, Who I am: Andrew Davison WiG Lab 0. Preliminaries Please ask questions
Discrete Maths: Prelim/0 2 Overview 1. Outline of the Course 2. Meeting Times / Locations 3. Workload 4.Exercises 5. Course Materials 6. Books 7.Interesting Maths URLs
Discrete Maths: Prelim/ Outline of the Course To teach discrete maths useful for a deeper understanding of computer engineering: – –for understanding algorithms e.g. recursion – –proving that programs work continued
Discrete Maths: Prelim/0 4 – –for choosing data structures e.g. for use by a Web search agent – –for understanding advanced computing tools/techniques e.g. regular expressions, grammars continued
Discrete Maths: Prelim/0 5 Mathematical ideas are the building blocks of all of computer engineering/science. Understanding the maths behind computing allows you to answer “why”. – –e.g. Why does recursion work? All the maths in this course is of direct use in different areas of computing.
Discrete Maths: Prelim/0 6 Prerequisites You must have passed “Computer Programming Techniques” (or similar) – –knowledge of C is assumed
Discrete Maths: Prelim/0 7 Three-part Course Structure 1. Mathematical induction, loop invariants, recursion, running time of programs. 2. Graph algorithms and theory, trees. 3. Automata, regular expressions, context free grammars.
Discrete Maths: Prelim/ Meeting Times / Location Monday 14:00 – 14:50R201 Thursday10:00 – 11:50R201 Please come to see me if you have any questions; do not send me .
Discrete Maths: Prelim/ Workload Mid-term exam:35%(2 hours) Final exam:45%(3 hours) Two exercises:20% (2*10) weeks 7-8 and weeks 15-16
Discrete Maths: Prelim/0 10 Non-Attendence Penalty I may take registration at the start of a class. If someone is not there, they lose 1% (unless they have a good excuse). A maximum of 10% can be lost – –deducted from your final mark
Discrete Maths: Prelim/ Exercises The two exercises are worth a total of 20% (each worth 10%). They will be maths problems, perhaps with some simple algorithms to design/write. continued
Discrete Maths: Prelim/0 12 Planned exercise times (which may change): – –ex. 1 handout: weeks 7-8 – –ex. 2 handout: weeks Cheating will result in 0 marks. – –YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
Discrete Maths: Prelim/ Course Materials I will hand out only the exercises. All the handouts (and other materials) will be placed on-line at Software.coe/DiscreteMaths/ oldSyllabus/ Print out and BRING TO CLASS
Discrete Maths: Prelim/ Books Discrete Mathematics and its Applications Kenneth H. Rosen McGraw Hill, 2012, 7th edition Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists John K. Truss Addison-Wesley, 1999, 2nd edition In the CoE Library very good continued
Discrete Maths: Prelim/0 15 Discrete Mathematics (DM) Richard Johnsonbaugh Macmillian Pub. Co., 1997, 4th ed. – –less mathematical, more examples – –there is a copy in the main PSU library – –I have a copy
Discrete Maths: Prelim/ Interesting Maths URLs Maths Archives: Discrete Maths: – – discreteMath.html – –links to maths courses, lecture notes MA: Images and Mathematics – – images.html continued
Discrete Maths: Prelim/0 17 Maths Puzzles (some not yet solved): – – msdos/discrete.math/.html – – (The brain games, puzzles and pastime Web site) – – (the rec.puzzles newsgroup archive) continued
Discrete Maths: Prelim/0 18 Math Comics/Cartoons: – – Comics.html Maths Software: – – activities/ (Java) – –