CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring 2005 1 CSE 8389 Theorem Proving Peter-Michael Seidel.


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Presentation transcript:

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring CSE 8389 Theorem Proving Peter-Michael Seidel

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Syntax vs Semantics Syntax –a.k.a. “formation rules”; “grammar”; … –prescribes what a well-formed formula is (syntactically) Semantics –the “meaning” of well-formed formulas –defined via a mapping called interpretation

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Propositional Logic: Syntax Logical symbols: –conjunction: , disjunction: , negation: , –implication: , equivalence: , parentheses:   Non-logical symbols: –propositional variables p, q, r,... –signature: set of propositional variables  = {p, q, r,...} Formation rules for well-formed formulas (wff) –an atomic formula (propositional variable) is a formula –if F, G are formulas, so are: F  G, F  G,  F, F  G, F  G,  F  propositional logic (or "propositional calculus") A system of symbolic logic using symbols to stand for whole propositions and logical connectives. Propositional logic only considers whether a proposition is true or false. In contrast to predicate logic, it does not consider the internal structure of propositions. logicsymbolic logicpropositionslogical connectivespredicate logic

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Propositional Logic: Semantics Propositions can be assigned a truth-value: –either true or false (classical 2-valued logic: tertium non datur) –other propositional logics exist: 3-valued, 4-valued, temporal, … (modal logics), …, fuzzy logic An interpretation I over a signature  is a mapping –I:   {true, false}, associating a truth value to every propositional variable Truth tables describe how to extend I from atomic to composite formulas (Boolean Algebra): –F  G, F  G,  F, F  G, F  G

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Boolean Algebra, Truth Tables

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Different Logical Bases Often: – , ,  Alternatively: – ,  – ,  –NAND –NOR –XOR –ite(A,B,C) if A then B else C ?

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Reasoning in Propositional Logic A formula F is … –valid if it is true for all interpretations I –satisfiable if it is true for some interpretation I –unsatisfiable if it is true for no interpretation I Try these: 1.p  q 2.p   p 3.p   p 4.p  p 5.p   p 6.  p  p

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Reasoning in Propositional Logic Def. “models” relationship “|=”: –If a formula F evaluates to true for an interpretation I then I is called a model of F; written I |= F –I is a model of {F 1,…, F k }, written I |= {F 1,…, F k },if I is a model of each F j Automated deduction setting: –Show that A 1,,…, A n (axioms) imply T (theorem), that is, every model of the axioms is also a model of the theorem: –That is: if I |= {A 1,,…, A n } then I |= T –Short: {A 1,,…, A n } |= T –Often: Show that A 1  …  A n   T is unsatisfiable For Automation a procedure / reasoning algorithm is needed: –Predicate Calculus (in fact calculi: resolution, tableaux, …)

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Example {p, p  q } |= q –Truth table –Resolution –Tableaux –Reasoning with BDDs

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Example: Reasoning with Binary Decision Trees (see also: Binary Decision Diagrams, or BDDs) 0 A 10 A 1 0 B 1 0 A 0 B 1 if-falseif-true false true A …  B A  B 0 A 1 0 B 1 A …  B A  B 0 B A 0 if-falseif-true  A A A A true false

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Syntax of First-Order Logic (FO) Logical symbols: – , , , , ,  ,  (“for all”),  (“exists”),... Non-logical symbols: A FO signature  consists of –constant symbols: a,b,c,... –function symbols: f, g,... –predicate (relation) symbols: p,q,r,.... function and predicate symbols have an associated arity; –we can write, e.g., p/3, f/2 to denote the ternary predicate p and the function f with two arguments First-order variables: x, y,... Formation rules for terms: –constants and variables are terms –if t 1,…,t k are terms and f is a k-ary function symbols then f(t 1,...,t k ) is a term

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Syntax of First-Order Logic (FO) Formation rules for formulas: –if t 1,…, t k are terms and p/k is a predicate symbol (of arity k) then p(t 1, …, t k ) is an atomic formula (short: atom) all variable occurrences in p(t 1, …, t k ) are free – if F,G are formulas and x is a variable, then the following are formulas: – F  G, F  G,  F, F  G, F  G,  F , –  x: F (“for all x: F(x,...) is true”) –  x: F (“there exists x such that F(x,...) is true”) –the occurrences of a variable x within the scope of a quantifier are called bound occurrences.

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Examples  x man(x)  person(x). man(bill). child(marriage(bill,hillary),chelsea). Variable: x Constants (0-ary function symbols): bill/0, hillary/0, chelsea/0 Function symbols: marriage/2 Predicate symbols: man/1, person/1, child/2

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Semantics of Predicate Logic Let D be a non-empty domain (a.k.a. universe of discourse). A structure is a pair I = (D,I), with an interpretation I that maps... –each constant symbols c to an element I(c)  D –each predicate symbol p/k to a k-ary relation I(p)  D k, –each function symbol f/k to a k-ary function I(f): D k  D Let I be a structure,  : Vars  D a variable assignment. A valuation val I,  maps Term  to D and Fml  to {true, false} –val I,  (x) =  (x) ; for x  Vars –val I,  (f(t 1,...,t k )) = I(f)( val I,  (t 1 ),..., val I,  (t k ) ) ; for f(t 1,...,t k )  Term  –val I,  (p(t 1,...,t k )) = I(p)( val I,  (t 1 ),..., val I,  (t k ) ) ; for p(t 1,...,t k )  At  –val I,  (F  G) = val I,  (F) and val I,  (G) are true ; for F,G  Fml  –val I,  (F  G) = val I,  (F) or val I,  (G) is true ; for F,G  Fml  –val I,  (  F) = true (false) if val I,  (F) is false (true) ; for F  Fml  –val I,  (  x F) = val I,  [x/t] (F) is true for some t  D ; for F  Fml  –val I,  (  x F) = val I,  [x/t] (F) is true for all t  D ; for F  Fml 

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Example Formula F =  x man(x)  person(x). Domain D = {b, h, c, d, e} Let’s pick an interpretation I: I(bill) = b, I(hillary) = h, I(chelsea) = c I(person) = {b, h, c} I(man) = {b} Under this I, the formula F evaluates to true. If we choose I’ like I but I’(man) = {b,d}, then F evaluates to false Thus, I is a model of F, while I’ is not: –I |= F I’ |=/= F

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring FO Semantics (cont’d) F entails G (G is a logical consequence of F) if every model of F is also a model of G: F |= G F is consistent or satisfiable if it has at least one model F is valid or a tautology if every interpretation of F is a model Proof Theory: Let F,G,... be FO sentences (no free variables). Then the following are equivalent: F_1,..., F_k |= G F_1 ...  F_k  G is valid F_1 ...  F_k   G is unsatisfiable (inconsistent)

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Querying vs. Reasoning Querying: –given a DB instance I (= logic interpretation), evaluate a query expression (e.g. SQL, FO formula, Prolog program,...) –boolean query: check if I |=  (i.e., if I is a model of  ) –(ternary) query: { (X, Y, Z) | I |=  (X,Y,Z) } => check happyFathers in a given database Reasoning: –check if I |=  implies I |=  for all databases I, –i.e., if  =>  –undecidable for FO, F-logic, etc. –Descriptions Logics are decidable fragments  concept subsumption, concept hierarchy, classification  semantic tableaux, resolution, specialized algorithms

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Reasoning Example (1) p(0) (2)  x p(x)  p(s(x)) (3) p(s(s(0))). We want to show that (1) &... & (2) implies (3) Approach: assume negation of (3) and show that it leads to a contradiction with {(1), (2)} –Question: Why is this sound?

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Limitations Drawbacks of methods based on FOL/Predicate Logic: only small and medium size circuits can be verified most abstract representation view is gate level Complex circuits are hierarchically designed, but verification methods are not able to benefit from this to reduce the verification complexity Caused by limited expressiveness of underlying logic – one can not even argue about simple natural numbers Natural numbers useful to argue about discrete time parameterized circuits: FORALL n>0, FORALL a,b,c in B n : + = More expressive logic also needed to allow abstract descriptions (types) ADD(n) a b c

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Sentences in First­Order Logic An atomic sentence is simply a predicate applied to a set of terms. –Owns(John,Car1) –Sold(John,Car1,Fred) Semantics is True or False depending on the interpretation, i.e. is the predicate true of these arguments. The standard propositional connectives (  ) can be used to construct complex sentences: –Owns(John,Car1)  Owns(Fred, Car1) –Sold(John,Car1,Fred)  ¬Owns(John, Car1) Semantics same as in propositional logic.

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Review: Quantifiers Allow statements about entire collections of objects Universal quantifier:  x –Asserts that a sentence is true for all values of variable x  x Loves(x, FOPC)  x Whale(x)  Mammal(x)  x  y Dog(y)  Loves(x,y))   z Cat(z)  Hates(x,z)) Existential quantifier:  –Asserts that a sentence is true for at least one value of a variable x  x Loves(x, FOPC)  x(Cat(x)  Color(x,Black)  Owns(Mary,x))  x(  y Dog(y)  Loves(x,y))  (  z Cat(z)  Hates(x,z))

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Review: Use of Quantifiers Universal quantification naturally uses implication: –  x Whale(x)  Mammal(x) Says that everything in the universe is both a whale and a mammal. Existential quantification naturally uses conjunction: –  x Owns(Mary,x)  Cat(x) Says either there is something in the universe that Mary does not own or there exists a cat in the universe. –  x Owns(Mary,x)  Cat(x) Says all Mary owns is cats (i.e. everthing Mary owns is a cat). Also true if Mary owns nothing. –  x Cat(x)  Owns(Mary,x) Says that Mary owns all the cats in the universe. Also true if there are no cats in the universe.

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Nesting Quantifiers The order of quantifiers of the same type doesn't matter: –  x  y(Parent(x,y)  Male(y)  Son(y,x)) –  x  y(Loves(x,y)  Loves(y,x)) The order of mixed quantifiers does matter: –  x  y(Loves(x,y)) Says everybody loves somebody, i.e. everyone has someone whom they love. –  y  x(Loves(x,y)) Says there is someone who is loved by everyone in the universe. –  y  x(Loves(x,y)) Says everyone has someone who loves them. –  x  y(Loves(x,y)) Says there is someone who loves everyone in the universe.

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Variable Scope The scope of a variable is the sentence to which the quantifier syntactically applies. As in a block structured programming language, a variable in a logical expression refers to the closest quantifier within whose scope it appears. –  x (Cat(x)   x(Black (x))) The x in Black(x) is universally quantified Says cats exist and everything is black In a well­formed formula (wff) all variables should be properly introduced: –  xP(y) not well­formed A ground expression contains no variables.

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Relations Between Quantifiers Universal and existential quantification are logically related to each other: –  x ¬Love(x,Saddam)  ¬  x Loves(x,Saddam) –  x Love(x,Princess­Di)  ¬  x ¬Loves(x,Princess­Di) General Identities –  x ¬P  ¬  x P – ¬  x P   x ¬P –  x P  ¬  x ¬P –  x P  ¬  x ¬P –  x P(x)  Q(x)   x P(x)   x Q(x) –  x P(x)  Q(x)   x P(x)   x Q(x)

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Equality Can include equality as a primitive predicate in the logic, or require it to be introduced and axiomatized as the identity relation. Useful in representing certain types of knowledge: –  x  y(Owns(Mary, x)  Cat(x)  Owns(Mary,y)  Cat(y) –  ¬(x=y)) –Mary owns two cats. Inequality needed to ensure x and y are distinct. –  x  y married(x, y)  z(married(x,z)  y=z) –Everyone is married to exactly one person. Second conjunct is needed to guarantee there is only one unique spouse.

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Higher­Order Logic FOPC is called first­order because it allows quantifiers to range over objects (terms) but not properties, relations, or functions applied to those objects. Second­order logic allows quantifiers to range over predicates and functions as well: –  x  y [ (x=y)  (  p p(x)  p(y)) ] Says that two objects are equal if and only if they have exactly the same properties. –  f  g [ (f=g)  (  x f(x) = g(x)) ] Says that two functions are equal if and only if they have the same value for all possible arguments. Third­order would allow quantifying over predicates of predicates, etc. We will consider Higher-Order Logic = FOL & Second-order Logic & … allows to argue about infinite sets, use induction

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Problems with Higher order Logic Higher-Order Logic is Undecidible Theorem Provers based on HOL have to be interactive. (Informal Version’s of) Russel’s Paradox In a certain town in Spain, there lives an excellent barber who shaves all the men who do not shave themselves. Who shaves the barber? Divide all adjectives into two groups: the group of adjectives which describe themselves and the group of adjectives which do not. Into which group does the adjective indescribable go? I am a liar. Russel’s Paradox can be resolved by introducing typed Higher-order logic

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring What is PVS? PVS = Prototype Verification System Formal specification language Model checker Theorem prover Documentation tools, etc.

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Applications Academic and industrial applications –Hardware verification (e.g. VAMP – Verified Architecture Microprocessor) –Protocol verification –Verification of Javacard applets –Formal Mathematics –Safety-critical systems –… (see

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring The PVS Language There are two languages 1.The language to write definitions and theorems (“definition language“) 2.The language to prove theorems (“proof language”) They have nothing to do with each other The definition language looks like “normal math” (translator to Latex built in) The proof language looks like LISP

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring The PVS Definition Language Main language elements –Declarations Types Constants –Expressions over these types –Expressions of Boolean types may be a formula –Formulae are theorems or axioms –Declarations and formulae are grouped into theories

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring The PVS Definition Language class_theory: THEORY BEGIN my_type: NONEMPTY_TYPE constant1, constant2: my_type f1: THEOREM FORALL (a, b: integer): a+b=b+a f2: AXIOM constant1=constant2 END class_theory Type Declarations Expressions A

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring The PVS Definition Language class_theory: THEORY BEGIN my_type: NONEMPTY_TYPE constant1, constant2: my_type f1: THEOREM FORALL (a, b: integer): a+b=b+a f2: AXIOM constant1=constant2 END class_theory Formulae A

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring The PVS Definition Language class_theory: THEORY BEGIN my_type: NONEMPTY_TYPE constant1, constant2: my_type f1: THEOREM FORALL (a, b: integer): a+b=b+a f2: AXIOM constant1=constant2 END class_theory Declarations

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Axioms vs. Theorems Axioms are assumed to be true Dangerous! Avoid axioms, use constant declarations instead: class_theory: THEORY BEGIN c: integer c: AXIOM c=3 END class_theory class_theory: THEORY BEGIN c: integer = 3 END class_theory Left hand side is conservative

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Types PVS has a very rich type concept –Uninterpreted type declaration: numbers: TYPE numbers: NONEMPTY_TYPE –Interpreted type declaration Introduce names for type expressions posint: TYPE={ i: integer | i > 0}

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Types PVS comes with boolean –FALSE, TRUE Number types –real, rational, integer, natural string Ordinals

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Type Expressions Function Types [ t 1,…,t n -> t ] Alternative Syntax: FUNCTION[ t 1,…,t n -> t ] ARRAY[ t 1,…,t n -> t ] Note that t i and t may be function types as well!

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Expressions Constants –Given by their name, as used in the declaration –Numbers (1, 2, 3, …) are actually identifiers and can even be overloaded –If name is ambiguous, use identifier::type

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Expressions Function Applications f(x) –Tons of Syntactic variants exist to support intuition, don’t be confused –Binary operator symbols y * z is the same as *(y, z)

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Expressions Functions PVS comes with –Boolean AND &, OR, IMPLIES =>, WHEN, IFF –IF c THEN a ELSE b IF: [boolean, T, T -> T] –Numeric operators +, -, *, /, ^,, >=

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Expressions Binding Expressions –Quantifiers EXISTS (x: T): p(x) FORALL (y: T): q(y)

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Expressions Binding Expressions –Lambda: unnamed functions LAMBDA (x: int): x+1 Type of that: [ int -> int ] class_theory: THEORY BEGIN f: [int->int] = LAMBDA (x: int): x+1 END class_theory class_theory: THEORY BEGIN f(x: int): int = x+1 END class_theory A

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Recursion Lambda cannot be used for recursion Only named functions allow recursion No mutual recursion factorial(x: nat): RECURSIVE nat = IF x=0 THEN 1 ELSE factorial(x-1)*x ENDIF MEASURE (LAMBDA (x: nat): x) A Used to prove that the function is total

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Expressions LET Expressions LET i:T=e 1 IN e 2 –Useful for avoiding redundancy if e 1 is used many times in e 2 –Example LET x=2 IN x*y is (LAMBDA x: x*y)(2)

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CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Expressions LET and WITH useful for some sequential program constructs! f(i: int):int= LET a1=LAMBDA (x: below(10)): 0 IN... LET a2=a1 WITH [(i):=5] IN... aj(0) int f(int i) { int a[10]={ 0, … };... a[i]=5;... return a[0]; }

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Expressions Set Expressions –In PVS, sets are represented using their characteristic function [ T -> boolean ] same as setof[T] –Set expressions: { x:T | p(x) } For sets a, b over T: Union: a OR b Intersection: a AND b

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Some Additional Syntax Tuple types [ t 1,…,t n ] Tuple expressions ( e 1,…,e n ) Comes with projections PROJ_1, PROJ_2,..., PROJ_n

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Example stacks1: THEORY BEGIN stack: TYPE = [int, ARRAY[int->int]] empty: stack = (0, (LAMBDA (j: int): 0)) size(s: stack):int = PROJ_1(s) elements(s: stack):ARRAY[int->int] = PROJ_2(s) push(x: int, s:stack): stack = (size(s)+1, elements(s) WITH [(size(s)):=x]) pop(s:stack): stack = (size(s)-1, elements(s)) END stacks1 How about a “struct”? A

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Some Additional Syntax Record types [# a 1 :t 1,…,a n :t n #] Record expressions (# a 1 :=e 1,…,a n :=e n #) Comes with projections a 1, a 2,..., a n Or: e`a i

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Example stacks2: THEORY BEGIN stack: TYPE = [# size: int, elements: ARRAY[int->int] #] empty: stack = (# size:=0, elements:=(LAMBDA (j: int): 0) #) push(x: int, s:stack): stack = (# size:=s`size+1, elements:=s`elements WITH [(s`size):=x] #) pop(s:stack): stack = (# size:=s`size-1, elements:=s`elements #) END stacks2 What about the empty stack? A

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Subtypes { x: T | p(x)} p must be of type [ T -> boolean ] Alternative syntax: (p) This type contains all elements x of T for which p(x) is true E.g., define domain of integer division: { x: integer | x/=0 } Makes type equivalence undecidable

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Subtypes Subtypes in binding expressions –Forall, exists: forall (i: int | i>10): … –Lambda: class_theory: THEORY BEGIN f: [ {x: int | x/=0 }->real] = LAMBDA (x: int | x/=0): 1/x END class_theory class_theory: THEORY BEGIN f(x: int | x/=0): real = 1/x END class_theory

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Example stacks3: THEORY BEGIN stack: TYPE = [# size: nat, elements: ARRAY[nat->int] #] empty: stack = (# size:=0, elements:=(LAMBDA (j: nat): 0) #) push(x: int, s:stack): { s: stack | s`size>=1 } = (# size:=s`size+1, elements:=s`elements WITH [(s`size):=x] #) pop(s:stack | s`size>=1): stack = (# size:=s`size-1, elements:=s`elements #) END stacks3 Properties? A

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Example stacks3: THEORY BEGIN stack: TYPE = [# size: nat, elements: ARRAY[nat->int] #] empty: stack = (# size:=0, elements:=(LAMBDA (j: nat): 0) #) push(x: int, s:stack): { s: stack | s`size>=1 } = (# size:=s`size+1, elements:=s`elements WITH [(s`size):=x] #) pop(s:stack | s`size>=1): stack = (# size:=s`size-1, elements:=s`elements #) push_pop: THEOREM FORALL (s: stack, x: int): pop(push(x, s))=s END stacks3 Does this work? A

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Example stacks4: THEORY BEGIN stack: TYPE = [# size: nat, elements: ARRAY[{i:nat|i int] #] empty: stack = (# size:=0, elements:=(LAMBDA (j:nat| FALSE): 0) #) push(x: int, s:stack): { s: stack | s`size>=1 } = (# size:=s`size+1, elements:=LAMBDA (j: below(s`size+1)): IF j<s`size THEN s`elements(j) ELSE x ENDIF #) pop(s:stack | s`size>=1): stack = (# size:=s`size-1, elements:=LAMBDA (j:nat|j<s`size-1): s`elements(j) #) push_pop: THEOREM FORALL (s: stack, x: int): pop(push(x, s))=s END stacks4

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Example stacks4: THEORY BEGIN stack: TYPE = [# size: nat, elements: ARRAY[{i:nat|i int] #] empty: stack = (# size:=0, elements:=(LAMBDA (j:nat| FALSE): 0) #) push(x: int, s:stack): { s: stack | s`size>=1 } = (# size:=s`size+1, elements:=LAMBDA (j: below(s`size+1)): IF j<s`size THEN s`elements(j) ELSE x ENDIF #) pop(s:stack | s`size>=1): stack = (# size:=s`size-1, elements:=LAMBDA (j:nat|j<s`size-1): s`elements(j) #) END stacks4 What about the stacks of other types? A

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Example stacks4: THEORY BEGIN stack: TYPE = [# size: nat, elements: ARRAY[{i:nat|i int] #] empty: stack = (# size:=0, elements:=(LAMBDA (j:nat| FALSE): 0) #) push(x: int, s:stack): { s: stack | s`size>=1 } = (# size:=s`size+1, elements:=LAMBDA (j: below(s`size+1)): IF j<s`size THEN s`elements(j) ELSE x ENDIF #) pop(s:stack | s`size>=1): stack = (# size:=s`size-1, elements:=LAMBDA (j:nat|j<s`size-1): s`elements(j) #) END stacks4

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring theory[T1: TYPE, T2: TYPE,...]: THEORY BEGIN... END theory Theory Parameters Idea: do something like a C++ template template <class T1, class T2,...> class stack {... }; A

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring theory[T1: TYPE, T2: TYPE,...]: THEORY BEGIN... f(e: T1):bool;... END theory Theory Parameters Idea: do something like a C++ template template <class T1, class T2,...> class stack {... f(e: T1):bool;... };

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Example stacks4[T: NONEMPTY_TYPE]: THEORY BEGIN stack: TYPE = [# size: nat, elements: ARRAY[{i:nat|i T] #] e: T empty: stack = (# size:=0, elements:=(LAMBDA (j:nat| FALSE): e) #) push(x: T, s:stack): { s: stack | s`size>=1 } = (# size:=s`size+1, elements:=LAMBDA (j: below(s`size+1)): IF j<s`size THEN s`elements(j) ELSE x ENDIF #) pop(s:stack | s`size>=1): stack = (# size:=s`size-1, elements:=LAMBDA (j:nat|j<s`size-1): s`elements(j) #) END stacks4

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Example use_stack: THEORY BEGIN my_type: TYPE = [ posint, posint ] IMPORTING stacks5; s: stack[my_type]; x: my_type = (1, 2); d: stack[my_type] = push(x, s); END use_stack

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Useful Parameterized Theories PVS comes with several useful parameterized theories –Sets over elements of type T subsets, union, complement, power set, finite sets, … –Infinite Sequences –Finite Sequences –Lists –Bit vectors A

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Bit Vectors Bit Vectors are defined using an ARRAY type bv[N: nat]: THEORY BEGIN bvec : TYPE = [below(N) -> bit] A same as boolean 0, …, N-1

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Bit Vectors Extract a bit: bv^(i) i  { 0, …, N-1 } Vector extraction: bv^(m,n) n≤m<N b N : fill(b) Concatenation: bv1 o bv2 Bitwise: bv1 OR bv2 Conversion to natural numbers: bv2nat(bv) Conversion from natural numbers: nat2bv(nat)

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Bit Vector Arithmetic Requires IMPORTING *, +, -, =, Many other useful theories Look in pvs/lib/bitvectors

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Bit Vectors Example: bv_ex: THEORY BEGIN x: VAR bvec[32] zero_lemma: LEMMA bv2nat(x)=0 IFF x=fill(false) END bv_ex A How many bits?

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Bit Vectors Example: bv_ex: THEORY BEGIN x: VAR bvec[32] zero_lemma: LEMMA bv2nat[32](x)=0 IFF x=fill[32](false) END bv_ex

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Modeling Combinational Hardware with PVS Idea: Model combinational circuits using functions on bit vectors f(A, B, reset: bit):bit= IF reset THEN FALSE ELSE (NOT A) OR B ENDIF A Translation from/to Verilog, VHDL, etc. easy

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Parameterized Circuits A Binary tree for 8 inputs Parameterized for 2 k inputs

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Modeling Hardware with PVS A btree[T: TYPE, K: posnat, o: [T,T->T]]: THEORY BEGIN btree(k: nat, l:[below(exp2(k))->T]): RECURSIVE T = IF k=0 THEN l(0) ELSE btree(k-1, LAMBDA (i: below(exp2(k-1))): l(i)) o btree(k-1, LAMBDA (i: below(exp2(k-1))): l(i+exp2(k-1))) ENDIF MEASURE k btree(l:[below(exp2(K))->T]):T=btree(K, l) END btree Property?

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Modeling Hardware with PVS A btree[T: TYPE, K: posnat, o: [T,T->T]]: THEORY BEGIN... btree_correct: THEOREM btree(l) = l(0) o l(1) o... o l(exp(K)-1) END btree Dot dot dot?

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Modeling Hardware with PVS A btree[T: TYPE, K: posnat, o: [T,T->T]]: THEORY BEGIN... btree_correct: THEOREM btree(l) = l(0) o l(1) o... o l(exp(K)-1) seq(i: nat, l:[upto(i)->T]): RECURSIVE T = IF i=0 THEN l(0) ELSE seq (i-1, LAMBDA (j: below(i)): l(j)) o l(i) ENDIF MEASURE i Btree_correct: THEOREM btree(l) = seq(exp(K)-1, l) END btree Can you prove this? What is missing?

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Modeling Hardware with PVS A btree[T: TYPE, K: posnat, o: [T,T->T]]: THEORY BEGIN ASSUMING fassoc: ASSUMPTION associative?(o) ENDASSUMING... END btree This is NOT like an axiom! zerotester_imp(op): bit = NOT btree[bit, K, OR](op) PVS will make you prove here that OR is associative

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Arithmetic Circuits A One Bit Adder (oba) a,b,cin : VAR bit oba_sum(a,b,cin): bit = (a XOR b XOR cin) oba_cout(a,b,cin): bit = ((a AND b) OR (a AND cin) OR (b AND cin)) oba_correct: LEMMA a + b + cin = 2 * oba_cout(a,b,cin) + oba_sum(a,b,cin) Wait a second! You are adding bits here! Property?

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Conversions A oba_correct: LEMMA a + b + cin = 2 * oba_cout(a,b,cin) + oba_sum(a,b,cin) There is no addition on bits (or boolean )! bit : TYPE = bool nbit : TYPE = below(2) b2n(b:bool): nbit = IF b THEN 1 ELSE 0 ENDIF CONVERSION b2n below(2) is a subtype of the integer type, and we have addition for that.

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Arithmetic Circuits Carry Chain Adder

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Arithmetic Circuits A cout(n,a,b,a_cin): RECURSIVE bit = IF n=0 THEN oba_cout(a(0),b(0),a_cin) ELSE oba_cout(a(n),b(n), cout(n-1,a,b,a_cin)) ENDIF MEASURE n bv_adder(a,b,a_cin): bvec[N] = LAMBDA (i:below(N)): IF i=0 THEN oba_sum(a(0),b(0),a_cin) ELSE oba_sum(x(i),y(i), cout(i-1,x,y,a_cin)) ENDIF

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Arithmetic Circuits A bv_adder(a,b,a_cin): bvec[N] = LAMBDA (i:below(N)): IF i=0 THEN oba_sum(a(0),b(0),a_cin) ELSE oba_sum(x(i),y(i), cout(i-1,x,y,a_cin)) ENDIF adder_correct: THEOREM exp2(N)*cout(N-1,a,b,a_cin)+bv2nat(bv_adder(a,b,a_cin))= bv2nat(a) + bv2nat(b) + a_cin adder_is_add: THEOREM bv_adder(a,b,FALSE) = a + b

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring PVS Workflow PVS File System Properties PROOFS Conversion of system (Program, circuit, protocol…) and property. Can be automated or done manually  Proof construction Interaction with the theorem prover  A

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring PVS Workflow PVS File System Properties PROOFS Conversion of system (Program, circuit, protocol…) and property. Can be automated or done manually  Proof construction Interaction with the theorem prover  A

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring The PVS Language There are two languages 1.The language to write definitions and theorems (“definition language“) 2.The language to prove theorems (“proof language”) They have nothing to do with each other The definition language looks like “normal math” (translator to Latex built in) The proof language looks like LISP

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Theorem Proving The goal is to establish F 1,…, F k |= T Show that theorem T follows from the Assumptions & Axioms F 1,…, F k PVS operates on sequents of the form F 1,…, F k |– G 1,…, G l AntecedentsConsequents Meaning: The disjunction of the Consequents is a logical consequence of the conjunction of the Antecedents F 1  F 2  …  F k implies G 1  G 2  …  G l TheoremAxioms, Assumptions Antecedents and Consequents are HOL Formulas

CSE 8389 Theorem Proving - Seidel Spring Proof Trees Sequents can be modified by PVS proof commands F 1,…, F k |– G 1,…, G l AntecedentsConsequents The result of a proof command is a (possibly empty) set of subsequents Initial sequent (show Theorem): |- T The repeated application of proof commands on sequents defines a tree A proof branch is closed if a proof command generates an empty list of subsequents, i.e. PVS was able to validate this branch of the proof. A theorem T is proven if all proof branches are closed.