Your Piggy Bank Project 1.00: Analyze ways to manage personal and material resources to achieve goals 1.01: Outline elements of effective management 1.02: Apply the Management Process 1.03: Utilize Decision Making Strategies
Purpose: Why are you making a piggy bank? As a class, we will be reflecting on our needs, wants, goals, values, and resources (from 1.01), using the Management Process (1.02) as well as making a piggy bank to create a unique place to store your financial savings until you have met your goal for your money by using the Decision Making Strategies (1.03)!
What you will need: 2 Liter Soda Bottle 2 toilet tissue tubes Paintbrush and Paint Scissors Tissue paper Mod Podge Mixture 1 two-holed button Glue Gun and sticks 2 eyes and 1 pipe cleaner Fun & Creative Decorations!
Step 1: What is your Motivation?? Decide what you will be saving your money for. Keep in mind you have all semester. Some examples might include: I Pod or other electronics Vacation or outing Christmas/Gift savings Shopping Spree Hobby or business start up Pets Or simply to see how much you can save Next, decide how you will meet your goal. Record this on your Whats my Motivation sheet.
Step 2: Legs and Ears! Using the two toilet tissue tubes, paint both the inside and outside. Use colors you want the ears and legs to be Let Dry on the counter! Make sure your initials are somewhere!
Step 3: Body! Layer Mod Podge Mixture and pieces of tissue paper over the entire outside of the soda bottle until it is totally covered. Let Dry!
Step 4: Legs, Ears, Tail, Eyes, and Nose! Cut four 11/2 inch sections from the toilet paper tubes for the legs. To make the ears, cut deep U shapes from the parts of the tube thats left. Wind the pipe cleaner around your finger for the tail. Attach these parts with glue, along with the eyes and nose. *Your teacher will kindly make the slot for your money so you do not have to use a sharp dangerous object
Step 5: Decorate! Using stickers, paint, magazines, etc…be creative and decorate your pig! Its best to use pictures that relate to your goal. Remember, when we visualize, we are more likely to achieve our goals! Let Dry!
Step 6: Feed that lil Piggy! Fill your piggy with money you: Get as a gift! Find on the ground! Earn from a part time job! But Remember, dont break your bank…this is your savings until the end of the semester! Focus on your goal!!!
Did you meet your Goal (At the end of the semester)? If you didnt: What kept you from meeting your goal? What would you have changed? What can you take away from this project to help you be successful in the future? If you did: What made meeting your goal successful? What would you change to make you more successful? How can you use the success from this project to help you meet your goals in the future?
Bibliography: StayatHome-Moms- Examiner~y2010m5d2-Craft-of-the-Week- A-Recycled-Soda-Bottle-Piggy- Bank?cid=edition-rss-Plano_TX StayatHome-Moms- Examiner~y2010m5d2-Craft-of-the-Week- A-Recycled-Soda-Bottle-Piggy- Bank?cid=edition-rss-Plano_TX