© 2011, National Association of Health Underwriters By the Numbers In January, NAHU received more than 328 press hits. In December, NAHU received more than 140 press hits. In 2014, NAHU received more than 7,600 press hits. *NAHU has a Media Hit Report that tracks nationwide press hits by each state and displays in detail what media coverage we’ve received by month. Review our archive to see what monthly articles mentions NAHU and its chapters.Media Hit Report
© 2011, National Association of Health Underwriters January in Print Media Small employers are better off shopping for a plan early in 2015, rather than waiting until the last minute to comply with the health law, says James Schutzer, president of the New York State Association of Health Underwriters. For some health insurance shoppers, the specific recommendations agents can offer make it easier to pick a plan, said Slayton, president of Naperville-based brokerage Robert Slayton & Associates and a former president of the Illinois State Association of Health Underwriters. Access to agents is linked to lower health costs. A recent study from the University of Minnesota found that premiums were 13 percent lower in counties with higher populations of brokers. "What they're really doing is comparing to last year," said [Heidi] Michaels, who is president-elect of the Minnesota Association of Health Underwriters, a trade group for insurance agents. "Most people purchased platinum or gold plans last year, and they just weren't able to replicate that coverage without significant increases in premiums."
© 2011, National Association of Health Underwriters January Sound Bytes
© 2011, National Association of Health Underwriters Social Media Campaign NAHU launched a social media campaign to increase our social presence on our Facebook and Twitter pages. In just one month, our numbers and viewership have amplified tremendously. January's analytics indicates the campaign's success and growth. Twitter: –Since January 1, our tweets have been seen 26,000 times. –Over that same period, our number of Twitter followers has grown from 3,769 to 4,152—an increase of more than 9 percent. Facebook: –Our posts reach, on average, 1,261 unique individuals each week. That's an increase of 121 percent from December. –There were roughly 150 unique users who engaged with our page this month, which represents a 417 percent increase from December.
© 2011, National Association of Health Underwriters Popular Social Media Posts Twitter Facebook Kelly tweets: Lots of great things this yr! Proud to be a region 4 chair and excited for 2015! Hurry up July! #NAHU …
© 2011, National Association of Health Underwriters Importance of Media Coverage We often send these clips to policymakers to alert them of the issues we are facing. The more high-profile media coverage we received, the more attention policymakers will pay to our issues. Media placement means an increased understanding of the issues in the public, both inside and outside the industry. Media attention increases NAHU name recognition and branding. We do not pay for our media placements. All coverage received by our members is free business promotion, which promotes NAHU members as subject-matter experts. Good information and solid sound bytes provided by an NAHU member means other reporters will want to use that member as a resource.