Using Technology to Uncover the Mathematics August 3-6, 2015 Dave Brownslides available at Professor, Ithaca College
Build Your Own Process for the Week (for deepening content knowledge) – Overarching Goals 1.Teach a variety of math software/technology to model and explore mathematics 2.Draw connections among a variety of content areas to highlight integrated nature of math 3.Central focus on various representations and aspects of functions
Build Your Own Content Strands 1.Modeling with Data Understand shape of data via context in modeling Data collection Use consecutive differences to identify polynomial functions Use matrices to solve systems of equations arising in fitting polynomials Learn regressions and justify their use
Build Your Own Content Strands 2.Recursion Modeling Exponential Growth Number theory identities
Build Your Own Content Strands 3.Parametric Equations Linear motion Rates of change in modeling Circular motion Connection Cartesian (implicit) equations
Build Your Own Content Strands 4.Geometry Constructions and modeling Connections with algebra
Build Your Own What CCSSM Content Standards did we address this week?
Standards for Mathematical Practice 1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4.Model with mathematics. 5.Use appropriate tools strategically. 6.Attend to precision. 7.Look for and make use of structure. 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. 8
Build Your Own 1.Decide on your big goal(s) – Content Standard – Practice Standard 2.What are the concepts you want students to learn? 3.How do want to use technology to facilitate learning? 4.What will the students take away from the lesson?