LINUX Tuesday, 5 July :00 pm
Remote Login l Use Secure Shell (ssh) l Machine name/IP address E.g. ssh Or ssh Or ssh
File System / root /bin /include /local /home /include/X11R5 /local/bin /home/SMA /home/SMA/smp1092
File System Manipulation l pwd, cd, cd., cd.., ls, etc l mkdir, rmdir, chmod, chgrp, chown l ln
Utilities l who, ps, top, cat, date l cut, paste, find, grep, file, etc l tar, gzip, gunzip l awk, perl l pine
Editors l vi l emacs l pico
Vi Text Editor l Two modes: command mode and input mode l Esc to command mode l o, i, a, etc to input mode l Other commands: :q, :x, :wq, dd, y, ma, G, etc
Compilers l C compiler: cc file.c Or gcc (GNU C Compiler) cc –O3 file.c –lm (optimize/link math lib) l C++: c++ l Fortran compiler: f77, f90 l C Preprocessor: cc –E
Online Manual l man command-name l man –k keyword l (How to use man) l man man
Exercise 1, First C Program l Write a simple C program, compile it, and run it l E.g.: #include int main() { printf(“Hello world!\n”); }
Exercise 2, Compile a Public Domain Software l Use Google to locate a source code for grep. Grep is a standard Unix utility, see “man grep”. l Save it into your working directory, untar it. Read the information there (such as README.txt) l Compile it with “make” utility l Test whether it works